
# ### ----- About ----
# Master (make) file for documentation

# --- load libraries ----

# libs required by this code (.Rmd will call others needed there)
reqLibs <- c("rmarkdown", "bookdown", "rtweet", "lubridate", "data.table")

print(paste0("Loading the following libraries: ", reqLibs))
# Use Luke's function to require/install/load

# set up access tokens ----
#source(path.expand("˜/twitterAuthHashTagR.R")) # why does source fail to find the file?

# --- set params ----
projLoc <- dkUtils::findParentDirectory("hashTagR")
refresh <- 1 # 0 to skip data refresh
goGit <- 0 # 0 to skip git commit - breaks on UoS RStudio

projLoc <- myUtils::findParentDirectory("hashTagR") # <- project location

# XX things you need to edit ----

hashtags <- c("schoolstrike4climate") # a list of the hashtags to search for - see ?search_tweets
ofile <- "schoolStrike4Climate_Report.html" # <- html output file
explHashTag <- paste0("") # <- explanatory link for the hashtag

# XX end of things you need to edit ----

# do not edit anything below this ----

# > create search string ----
searchString <- hashTagR::createSearchFromTags(hashtags)

# > set input/output files ----
rmdFile <- paste0(projLoc, "/analysis/genericHashTagReport.Rmd") # <- the Rmd code to render
pubUrl <- paste0("", ofile) # <- where the results are published

# > run the data refresh if set ----

  oDfile <- paste0("~/Data/twitter/tw_", searchString,"_", lubridate::now(),".csv") # <- data file
  dt <- hashTagR::saveTweets(searchString, oDfile)
  message("Retreived ", nrow(dt), " tweets and saved them to ", oDfile)

# > render rmd ----
rmarkdown::render(input = rmdFile,
                  output_format = "html_document2",
                  params = list(hashTags = hashtags, 
                                searchString = searchString,
                                explHashTag = explHashTag, 
                                pubUrl = pubUrl),
                  output_file = paste0(projLoc, "/docs/", ofile)

# > commit & push to git if set ----

  # construct git commit
  cmsg <- paste0("'Latest #", searchString ," data refresh & replot: ", lubridate::now(), "'")
  gc <- paste0("git commit -a -m ", cmsg)
  gpl <- "git pull"
  gpu <- "git push origin refs/heads/master"
dataknut/hashTagR documentation built on Sept. 20, 2023, 7:24 a.m.