
#' Generates a contour plot of the given data values.
#' @title Creates a contour plot
#' @param opals character strings that represent the URL of the servers where 
#' the study datasets are stored.
#' @param xvect a numerical vector 
#' @param yvect a numerical vector
#' @param type a character which represents the type of graph to display. 
#' If \code{type} is set to 'combine', a combined contour plot displayed and 
#' if \code{type} is set to 'split', each conntour is plotted separately.
#' @param numints a number of intervals for a density grid object
#' @return a contour plot
#' @author Burton, P., Isaeva, J. and Gaye, A.
#' @export
#' @examples {
#' # load the file that contains the login details
#' data(logindata)
#' # login and assign the required variables to R
#' myvar <- list("LAB_TSC","LAB_HDL")
#' opals <- ag.ds.login(logins=logindata,assign=TRUE,variables=myvar)
#' # Example1: generate a combined contourplot
#' ag.ds.contourplot(opals, quote(D$LAB_TSC), quote(D$LAB_HDL), type="combine")
#' # Example2: generate a contourplot where each study is plotted seaparately
#' ag.ds.contourplot(opals, quote(D$LAB_TSC), quote(D$LAB_HDL), type="split")
#' # Example3: generate a contourplot with a less dense drid
#' ag.ds.contourplot(opals, quote(D$LAB_TSC), quote(D$LAB_HDL), type="split", numints=15)
#' }
ag.ds.contourplot <- function(opals, xvect, yvect, type='combine', numints=20){
  # labels for the x and y-axis 
  x.lab <- strsplit(deparse(xvect), "\\$", perl=TRUE)[[1]][2]
  y.lab <- strsplit(deparse(yvect), "\\$", perl=TRUE)[[1]][2]
  # call the function that checks the variable is available and not empty
  vars2check <- list(xvect,yvect)
  opals <- ag.ds.checkvar(opals, vars2check)
  # name of the studies to be used in the plots' titles
  stdnames <- names(opals)
  # number of studies
  num.sources <- length(opals)
  # define the min and max of the variables among all the datasets
  cally <- call("ag.MinMax.ds", xvect, yvect) 
  MinMax.obj <- datashield.aggregate(opals, cally)
  x.global.min = NULL
  x.global.max = NULL
  y.global.min = NULL
  y.global.max = NULL
  for (i in 1:num.sources) {
    x.global.min = c(x.global.min, MinMax.obj[[i]][1,1])
    x.global.max = c(x.global.max, MinMax.obj[[i]][2,1])
    y.global.min = c(y.global.min, MinMax.obj[[i]][1,2])
    y.global.max = c(y.global.max, MinMax.obj[[i]][2,2])
  x.global.min = min(x.global.min)
  x.global.max = max(x.global.max)
  y.global.min = min(y.global.min)
  y.global.max = max(y.global.max)
  # generate the grid density object to plot
  cally <- call("ag.densitygrid.ds", xvect, yvect, limits=T, x.global.min, x.global.max, y.global.min, y.global.max, numints) 
  grid.density.obj <- datashield.aggregate(opals, cally)
  # print the number of invalid cells in each participating study
  for (i in 1:num.sources) {
    cat('\n',stdnames[i],': ', names(dimnames(grid.density.obj[[i]])[2]), '\n')
    Global.grid.density = matrix(0, dim(grid.density.obj[[1]])[1], numcol-2)
    for (i in 1:num.sources){
      Global.grid.density = Global.grid.density + grid.density.obj[[i]][,1:(numcol-2)]
    # prepare arguments for the plot function    
    # plot a combined heatmap
    contour(x,y,z, xlab=x.lab, ylab=y.lab, main="Contour Plot of the Pooled Data") 
  } else if (type=='split') {
    # define scale for plot legends
    z.min = NULL
    z.max = NULL
    for (i in 1:num.sources) {
      z.min = c(z.min, min(grid.density.obj[[i]][,1:(numcol-2)]))
      z.max = c(z.max, max(grid.density.obj[[i]][,1:(numcol-2)]))
    z.global.min = min(z.min)
    z.global.max = max(z.max)
    if(num.sources > 1){
      if((num.sources %% 2) == 0){ numr <- num.sources/2 }else{ numr <- (num.sources+1)/2}
      numc <- 2
      for(i in 1:num.sources){
        grid <- grid.density.obj[[i]][,1:(numcol-2)]
        title <- paste("Contour Plot of ", stdnames[i], sep="")
        contour(x,y,z, xlab=x.lab, ylab=y.lab, zlim=c(z.global.min,z.global.max), main=title)
      grid <- grid.density.obj[[1]][,1:(numcol-2)]
      x <- grid.density.obj[[1]][,(numcol-1)]
      y <- grid.density.obj[[1]][,(numcol)]
      z <- grid  
      title <- paste("Contour Plot of ", stdnames[1], sep="")
      contour(x,y,z, xlab=x.lab, ylab=y.lab, zlim=c(z.global.min,z.global.max), main=title)   
  } else
    stop('Function argument "type" has to be either "combine" or "split"')
#   numplots <- length(grid.density.obj)
#   nrow<-1
#   ncol<-1
#   if(is.atomic(grid.density.obj)==FALSE){
#     if(numplots==2)
#     {
#       ncol<-2
#     }
#     if(numplots==3|numplots==4)
#     {
#       nrow<-2
#       ncol<-2
#     }
#     if(numplots==5|numplots==6)
#     {
#       nrow<-2
#       ncol<-3
#     }
#     if(numplots>6)
#     {
#       nrow<-4
#       ncol<-4
#     }
#   }
#   par(mfrow=c(nrow,ncol))
#   if(is.atomic(grid.density.obj)==FALSE)
#   {
#     for(j in 1:numplots)
#     {
#       numcols<-dim(grid.density.obj[[j]])[2]
#       x<-grid.density.obj[[j]][,(numcols-1)]
#       y<-grid.density.obj[[j]][,(numcols)]
#       z<-grid.density.obj[[j]][,1:(numcols-2)]
#       contour(x,y,z) 
#     }
#   }
#   if(is.atomic(grid.density.obj))
#   {
#     numcols<-dim(grid.density.obj)[2]
#     x<-grid.density.obj[,(numcols-1)]
#     y<-grid.density.obj[,(numcols)]
#     z<-grid.density.obj[,1:(numcols-2)]
#     contour(x,y,z)
#   }
datashield/ag.dev.cl documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:46 p.m.