
Defines functions ranksSecureDS5

Documented in ranksSecureDS5

#' @title Secure ranking of "V2BR" (vector to be ranked) across all sources
#' @description Summarises the serverside data frame written by ranksSecureDS4
#' which is identified by the name given by the argument (<output.ranks.df>) of
#' the ds.ranksSecure function to produce a new output data frame containing
#' only 5 key variables.
#' @details Serverside assign function called by clientside function
#' ds.ranksSecure. Takes the serverside data frame written by ranksSecureDS4
#' which is identified by the name given by the argument (<output.ranks.df>) of
#' the ds.ranksSecure function. This holds 11 vectors including the final
#' global ranks across all studies and final global quantiles. The data frame
#' is ordered according to the argument <ranks.sort.by> in ds.ranksSecure. The
#' ranksSecureDS5 function then extracts 5 key vectors from the larger data
#' frame to produce a summary data frame that is given a name specified by
#' the argument (<summary.output.ranks.df>) the ds.ranksSecure function.
#' This data frame includes the following components: (1) The values of a
#' sequential ID variable (ID.seq.real.orig) created to lie alongside the
#' original V2BR vector in the same order as that vector was itself ordered.
#' These ID values therefore reflect which row in the original data corresponds
#' to a given row in the output. If the argument <ranks.sort.by> in
#' ds.ranksSecure is set to "ID.orig" the values of the ID.seq.real.orig vector
#' in the output data frame simply run sequentially from 1 to N where N is the
#' number of individuals in the corresponding study. If <ranks.sort.by> is
#' set to "vals.orig" the values of the ID.seq.real.orig vector will be
#' determined by the magnitude of the corresponding V2BR value and will
#' appear to be ordered in a haphazard manner; (2) the original values of V2BR;
#' (3) the global ranks corresponding to the original values in V2BR, with ties
#' reflected appropriately; (4) the global quantiles corresponding to the
#' original values in V2BR, with ties reflected appropriately; (5) a studyid
#' vector in which all elements take the value n in the nth study.
#' @param output.ranks.df a character string which specifies an optional name
#' for the data.frame written to the serverside on each data source that
#' contains 11 of the key output variables from the ranking procedure pertaining
#' to that particular data source. This argument is set by the argument with
#' the same name in ds.ranksSecure.
#' @return extracts 5 key vectors from the larger data frame created by
#' ranksSecureDS4 to produce a summary data frame that is written to the
#' serverside. It is given a name specified by the argument.
#' @author Paul Burton 9th November, 2021
#' @export
ranksSecureDS5 <- function(output.ranks.df){ #START FUNC
final.summary.df <- eval(parse(text=output.ranks.df), envir = parent.frame())



# ranksSecureDS5
datashield/dsBase documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:01 p.m.