#' @title lists all objects on a server-side environment
#' @description creates a list of the names of all of the objects in
#' a specified serverside environment.
#' @details When running analyses one may want to know the objects already generated. This
#' request is not disclosive as it only returns the names of the objects and not their contents.
#' By default, objects in DataSHIELD's Active Serverside Analytic Environment (\code{.GlobalEnv})
#' will be listed. This is the environment that contains all of the objects that server-side DataSHIELD
#' is using for the main analysis or has written out to the server-side during the process
#' of managing or undertaking the analysis (variables, scalars, matrices, data frames, etc).
#' The environment to explore is specified by the argument \code{env.to.search} (i.e. environment
#' to search) to an integer value. The default environment
#' which R names as \code{.GlobalEnv} is set by specifying \code{env.to.search = 1} or \code{1L}
#' (\code{1L} is just an explicit way of writing the integer \code{1}).
#' If the \code{search.GlobalEnv} argument is set to TRUE the \code{env.to.search} parameter
#' is set to \code{1L} regardless of what value it is set in the call
#' or if it is set to NULL.
#' So, if \code{search.GlobalEnv} is set to TRUE, \code{ds.ls} will automatically
#' search the \code{.GlobalEnv} R environment on the server-side which contains all of the
#' variables, data frames and other objects read in at the start of the analysis,
#' as well as any new objects of any sort created using DataSHIELD assign functions.
#' Other server-side environments contain other
#' objects. For example, environment \code{2L} contains the functions loaded via the native R
#' stats package and \code{6L} contains the standard list of datasets built into R. By default
#' \code{ds.ls} will return a list of ALL of the objects in the environment specified by the
#' \code{env.to.search} argument but you can specify search filters including \code{*} wildcards
#' using the \code{search.filter} argument.
#' In \code{search.filter} you can use the symbol \code{*} to find all the object that contains
#' the specified characters. For example, \code{search.filter = "Sd2*"}
#' will list the names of all objects in the specified
#' environment with names beginning capital S, lower case d and number 2.
#' Similarly, \code{search.filter="*.ID"} will return all objects with names ending with \code{.ID},
#' for example \code{Study.ID}.
#' If a value is not specified for the \code{search.filter} argument or it is set as NULL, the names of
#' all objects in the specified environment will be returned.
#' Server function called: \code{lsDS}.
#' @param search.filter character string (potentially including \code{*} symbol) specifying the filter
#' for the object name that you want to find in the enviroment. For more information see \strong{Details}.
#' @param env.to.search an integer (e.g. in \code{2} or \code{2L} format) specifying the position
#' in the search path of the environment to be explored. \code{1L} is the current active analytic
#' environment on the server-side and is the default value of \code{env.to.search}.
#' For more information see \strong{Details}.
#' @param search.GlobalEnv Logical. If TRUE, \code{ds.ls} will list all objects
#' in the \code{.GlobalEnv} R environment on the server-side. If FALSE and if \code{env.to.search} is also
#' set as a valid integer, \code{ds.ls} will list all objects in the server-side R environment
#' identified by \code{env.to.search} in the search path.
#' For more information see \strong{Details}.
#' @param datasources a list of \code{\link{DSConnection-class}}
#' objects obtained after login. If the \code{datasources} argument is not specified
#' the default set of connections will be used: see \code{\link{datashield.connections_default}}.
#' @return \code{ds.ls} returns to the client-side a list containing: \cr
#' (1) the name/details of the server-side R environment which \code{ds.ls} has searched;\cr
#' (2) a vector of character strings giving the names of
#' all objects meeting the naming criteria specified by the argument \code{search.filter} in this
#' specified R server-side environment;\cr
#' (3) the nature of the search filter string as it was applied.
#' @author DataSHIELD Development Team
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Version 6, for version 5 see the Wiki
#' # connecting to the Opal servers
#' require('DSI')
#' require('DSOpal')
#' require('dsBaseClient')
#' builder <- DSI::newDSLoginBuilder()
#' builder$append(server = "study1",
#' url = "",
#' user = "administrator", password = "datashield_test&",
#' table = "CNSIM.CNSIM1", driver = "OpalDriver")
#' builder$append(server = "study2",
#' url = "",
#' user = "administrator", password = "datashield_test&",
#' table = "CNSIM.CNSIM2", driver = "OpalDriver")
#' builder$append(server = "study3",
#' url = "",
#' user = "administrator", password = "datashield_test&",
#' table = "CNSIM.CNSIM3", driver = "OpalDriver")
#' logindata <- builder$build()
#' connections <- DSI::datashield.login(logins = logindata, assign = TRUE, symbol = "D")
#' #Example 1: Obtain the list of all objects on a server-side environment
#' ds.ls(datasources = connections)
#' #Example 2: Obtain the list of all objects that contain "var" character in the name
#' #Create in the server-side variables with "var" character in the name
#' ds.assign(toAssign = "D$LAB_TSC",
#' newobj = "var.LAB_TSC",
#' datasources = connections)
#' ds.assign(toAssign = "D$LAB_TRIG",
#' newobj = "var.LAB_TRIG",
#' datasources = connections)
#' ds.assign(toAssign = "D$LAB_HDL",
#' newobj = "var.LAB_HDL",
#' datasources = connections)
#' ds.ls(search.filter = "var*",
#' env.to.search = 1L,
#' search.GlobalEnv = TRUE,
#' datasources = connections)
#' # clear the Datashield R sessions and logout
#' datashield.logout(connections)
#' }
#' @export
ds.ls <- function(search.filter=NULL, env.to.search=1L, search.GlobalEnv=TRUE, datasources=NULL){
datasources <- datashield.connections_find()
# ensure datasources is a list of DSConnection-class
if(!(is.list(datasources) && all(unlist(lapply(datasources, function(d) {methods::is(d,"DSConnection")}))))){
stop("The 'datasources' were expected to be a list of DSConnection-class objects", call.=FALSE)
# make default to .GlobalEnv unambiguous
# make code compatible with ds.passParser
transmit.object <- search.filter
transmit.object.temp1 <- NULL
# set up character replacement
#Search for *s in code and convert to transmittable code
#first check that replacement character string does not appear in original search.filter code
for(k in 1:(length.to-length.rs+1))
for(m in 1:length.rs)
# return.message<-paste0("Warning: Code replacing wildcard (i.e. '",replacement string,"' appears in your original code -please respecify")
return.message<-paste0("Warning: Code replacing wildcard (i.e. '",input.string,
"') is '",replacement.string,"' but this appears in your original search filter string - please respecify")
for(j in 1:length.to)
# call the server side function
calltext <- call("lsDS", search.filter=transmit.object.final, env.to.search)
output <- datashield.aggregate(datasources, calltext)
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