#' @title Computes the mean and standard deviation across groups defined by one factor
#' @description This function calculates the mean and SD of a continuous variable for each class of
#' a single factor.
#' @details This function calculates the mean, standard deviation (SD), N (number of observations)
#' and the standard error of the mean (SEM) of a continuous variable broken down into subgroups
#' defined by a single factor.
#' There are important differences between \code{ds.meanSdGp} function compared to
#' the function \code{ds.meanByClass}:
#' (A) \code{ds.meanSdGp} does not actually subset the data it simply calculates the required statistics
#' and reports them. This means you cannot use this function if you wish to physically break the
#' data into subsets. On the other hand, it makes the function very much faster than \code{ds.meanByClass}
#' if you do not need to create physical subsets. \cr
#' (B) \code{ds.meanByClass} allows you to specify up to
#' three categorising factors, but \code{ds.meanSdGp} only allows one. However, this is not a serious
#' problem. If you have two factors (e.g. sex with two levels \code{[0,1]} and \code{BMI.categorical} with
#' three levels \code{[1,2,3]}) you simply need to create a new factor that combines the two together in a
#' way that gives each combination of levels a different value in the new factor. So, in the
#' example given, the calculation \code{newfactor = (3*sex) + BMI} gives you six values: \cr
#' (1) \code{sex = 0} and \code{BMI = 1} -> \code{newfactor = 1} \cr
#' (2) \code{sex = 0} and \code{BMI = 2} -> \code{newfactor = 2} \cr
#' (3) \code{sex = 0} and \code{BMI = 3} -> \code{newfactor = 3} \cr
#' (4) \code{sex = 1} and \code{BMI = 1} -> \code{newfactor = 4} \cr
#' (5) \code{sex = 1} and \code{BMI = 2} -> \code{newfactor = 5} \cr
#' (6) \code{sex = 1} and \code{BMI = 3} -> \code{newfactor = 6} \cr
#' (C) At present, \code{ds.meanByClass} calculates the sample size in each group to mean the
#' total sample size (i.e. it
#' includes all observations in each group regardless of whether or not they include missing values
#' for the continuous variable or the factor). The calculation of sample size in each group by
#' \code{ds.meanSdGp} always reports the number of observations that are non-missing both for the
#' continuous variable and the factor. This makes sense - in the case of \code{ds.meanByClass},
#' the total size of the physical subsets was important,
#' but when it comes down only to \code{ds.meanSdGp} which
#' undertakes analysis without physical subsetting, it is only the observations with non-missing
#' values in both variables that contribute to the calculation of means and SDs within each group
#' and so it is logical to consider those counts as primary. The only reference \code{ds.meanSdGp} makes
#' to missing counts is in the reporting of \code{Ntotal} and \code{Nmissing} overall (ie not broken down by
#' group).
#' For the future, we plan to extend \code{ds.meanByClass} to report both total and non-missing
#' counts in subgroups.
#' Depending on the variable \code{type} can be carried out different analysis:\cr
#' (1) \code{"combine"}: a pooled table of results is generated. \cr
#' (2) \code{"split"} a table of results is generated for each study. \cr
#' (3) \code{"both"} both sets of outputs are produced.
#' Server function called: \code{meanSdGpDS}
#' @param x a character string specifying the name of a numeric continuous
#' variable.
#' @param y a character string specifying the name of a categorical
#' variable of class factor.
#' @param type a character string that represents the type of analysis to carry out.
#' This can be set as: \code{"combine"}, \code{"split"} or \code{"both"}.
#' Default \code{"both"}.
#' For more information see \strong{Details}.
#' @param do.checks logical. If TRUE the administrative checks
#' are undertaken to ensure that the input objects are defined in all studies and that the
#' variables are of equivalent class in each study.
#' Default is FALSE to save time.
#' @param datasources a list of \code{\link{DSConnection-class}}
#' objects obtained after login. If the \code{datasources} argument is not specified
#' the default set of connections will be used: see \code{\link{datashield.connections_default}}.
#' @return \code{ds.meanSdGp} returns to the client-side the mean, SD, Nvalid and SEM combined
#' across studies and/or separately for each study, depending on the argument \code{type}.
#' @author DataSHIELD Development Team
#' @seealso \code{\link{ds.subsetByClass}} to subset by the classes of factor vector(s).
#' @seealso \code{\link{ds.subset}} to subset by complete cases (i.e. removing missing values), threshold,
#' columns and rows.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Version 6, for version 5 see the Wiki
#' # connecting to the Opal servers
#' require('DSI')
#' require('DSOpal')
#' require('dsBaseClient')
#' builder <- DSI::newDSLoginBuilder()
#' builder$append(server = "study1",
#' url = "",
#' user = "administrator", password = "datashield_test&",
#' table = "SURVIVAL.EXPAND_NO_MISSING1", driver = "OpalDriver")
#' builder$append(server = "study2",
#' url = "",
#' user = "administrator", password = "datashield_test&",
#' table = "SURVIVAL.EXPAND_NO_MISSING2", driver = "OpalDriver")
#' builder$append(server = "study3",
#' url = "",
#' user = "administrator", password = "datashield_test&",
#' table = "SURVIVAL.EXPAND_NO_MISSING3", driver = "OpalDriver")
#' logindata <- builder$build()
#' connections <- DSI::datashield.login(logins = logindata, assign = TRUE, symbol = "D")
#' #Example 1: Calculate the mean, SD, Nvalid and SEM of the continuous variable age.60 (age in
#' #years centralised at 60), broken down by time.id (a six level factor relating to survival time)
#' #and report the pooled results combined across studies.
#' ds.meanSdGp(x = "D$age.60",
#' y = "D$time.id",
#' type = "combine",
#' do.checks = FALSE,
#' datasources = connections)
#' #Example 2: Calculate the mean, SD, Nvalid and SEM of the continuous variable age.60 (age in
#' #years centralised at 60), broken down by time.id (a six level factor relating to survival time)
#' #and report both study-specific results and the pooled results combined across studies.
#' #Save the returned output to msg.b.
#' ds.meanSdGp(x = "D$age.60",
#' y = "D$time.id",
#' type = "both",
#' do.checks = FALSE,
#' datasources = connections)
#' # clear the Datashield R sessions and logout
#' datashield.logout(connections)
#' }
ds.meanSdGp <- function(x=NULL, y=NULL, type='both', do.checks=FALSE, datasources=NULL){
# look for DS connections
datasources <- datashield.connections_find()
# ensure datasources is a list of DSConnection-class
if(!(is.list(datasources) && all(unlist(lapply(datasources, function(d) {methods::is(d,"DSConnection")}))))){
stop("The 'datasources' were expected to be a list of DSConnection-class objects", call.=FALSE)
stop("Please provide the name of the input vector!", call.=FALSE)
stop("Please provide the name of the input vector!", call.=FALSE)
# check if the input objects are defined in all the studies
isDefined(datasources, x)
isDefined(datasources, y)
# call the internal function that checks the input object is of the same class in all studies.
typ1 <- checkClass(datasources, x)
typ2 <- checkClass(datasources, y)
# names of the studies
stdnames <- names(datasources)
# variable names
xnames <- extract(x)
ynames <- extract(y)
xvarname <- xnames$elements
yvarname <- ynames$elements
# call the server side function that calculates mean and standard deviation
# by group in each study
calltext <- paste0("meanSdGpDS(", x, ",", y, ")")
output <- DSI::datashield.aggregate(datasources, as.symbol(calltext))
numsources <- length(output)
for(i in 1:numsources){
if(unlist(output[[i]]$Table_valid==FALSE)) all.tables.valid <- all.tables.valid-1
warning.message<-"At least 1 cell count is 1-nfilter, please regroup"
numsources <- length(output)
mean.matrix <- NULL
sd.matrix <- NULL
n.matrix <- NULL
Nvalid <- 0
Nmissing <- 0
Ntotal <- 0
for(j in 1:numsources){
mean.matrix <- rbind(mean.matrix,as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][2])))
sd.matrix <- rbind(sd.matrix,as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][3])))
n.matrix <- rbind(n.matrix,as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][4])))
Nvalid <- Nvalid+as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][5]))
Nmissing <- Nmissing+as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][6]))
Ntotal <- Ntotal+as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][7]))
var.matrix <- sd.matrix^2
nsum.vector <- rep(1,numsources)
# Calculate weighted means across studies in each group
mean.gp <- (diag(t(mean.matrix)%*%n.matrix))/(t(n.matrix)%*%nsum.vector)
# Calculate weighted SDs across studies in each group
var.gp <- (diag(t(var.matrix)%*%n.matrix))/(t(n.matrix)%*%nsum.vector)
SD.gp <- sqrt(var.gp)
N.gp <- (t(n.matrix) %*% nsum.vector)
SEM.gp <- SD.gp/sqrt(N.gp)
# create names
names.gp <- rep(NA,length(mean.gp))
for(k in 1:length(mean.gp)){
names.gp[k] <- paste0(yvarname,"_",k)
dimnames(mean.gp) <- c(list(names.gp),list("Mean_gp"))
dimnames(SD.gp) <- c(list(names.gp),list("SD_gp"))
dimnames(N.gp) <- c(list(names.gp),list("Nvalid_gp"))
dimnames(SEM.gp) <- c(list(names.gp),list("SEM_gp"))
numsources <- length(output)
mean.matrix <- NULL
sd.matrix <- NULL
n.matrix <- NULL
Nvalid <- 0
Nmissing <- 0
Ntotal <- 0
for(j in 1:numsources){
mean.matrix <- rbind(mean.matrix,as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][2])))
sd.matrix <- rbind(sd.matrix,as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][3])))
n.matrix <- rbind(n.matrix,as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][4])))
Nvalid <- Nvalid+as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][5]))
Nmissing <- Nmissing+as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][6]))
Ntotal <- Ntotal+as.numeric(unlist(output[[j]][7]))
var.matrix <- sd.matrix^2
mean.gp.study <- t(mean.matrix)
SD.gp.study <- t(sd.matrix)
N.gp.study <- t(n.matrix)
SEM.gp.study <- SD.gp.study/sqrt(N.gp.study)
# create names
names.gp <- rep(NA,dim(mean.gp.study)[1])
for(k in 1:dim(mean.gp.study)[1]){
names.gp[k] <- paste0(yvarname,"_",k)
names.study <- names(datasources)
dimnames(mean.gp.study) <- c(list(names.gp),list(names.study))
dimnames(SD.gp.study) <- c(list(names.gp),list(names.study))
dimnames(N.gp.study) <- c(list(names.gp),list(names.study))
dimnames(SEM.gp.study) <- c(list(names.gp),list(names.study))
result <- list(mean.gp,SD.gp,N.gp,SEM.gp,Nvalid,Nmissing,Ntotal)
names(result) <- list("Mean_gp","StDev_gp","Nvalid_gp","SEM_gp","Total_Nvalid","Total_Nmissing","Total_Ntotal")
result <- list(mean.gp.study,SD.gp.study,N.gp.study,SEM.gp.study,Nvalid,Nmissing,Ntotal)
names(result) <- list("Mean_gp_study","StDev_gp_study","Nvalid_gp_study","SEM_gp_study","Total_Nvalid","Total_Nmissing","Total_Ntotal")
if(type!="combine" & type!="split"){
mean.gp.study <- cbind(mean.gp.study,mean.gp)
SD.gp.study <- cbind(SD.gp.study,SD.gp)
N.gp.study <- cbind(N.gp.study,N.gp)
SEM.gp.study <- cbind(SEM.gp.study,SEM.gp)
dimnames(mean.gp.study) <- c(list(names.gp),list(c(names.study,"COMBINE")))
dimnames(SD.gp.study) <- c(list(names.gp),list(c(names.study,"COMBINE")))
dimnames(N.gp.study) <- c(list(names.gp),list(c(names.study,"COMBINE")))
dimnames(SEM.gp.study) <- c(list(names.gp),list(c(names.study,"COMBINE")))
result <- list(mean.gp.study,SD.gp.study,N.gp.study,SEM.gp.study,Nvalid,Nmissing,Ntotal)
names(result) <- list("Mean_gp_study","StDev_gp_study","Nvalid_gp_study","SEM_gp_study","Total_Nvalid","Total_Nmissing","Total_Ntotal")
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