
Defines functions ds.mice

Documented in ds.mice

#' @title Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations
#' @description This function calls the miceDS that is a wrapper function of the mice 
#' from the mice R package. The function creates multiple imputations (replacement values)
#' for multivariate missing data. The method is based on Fully Conditional Specification, 
#' where each incomplete variable is imputed by a separate model. The MICE algorithm can
#' impute mixes of continuous, binary, unordered categorical and ordered categorical data.
#' In addition, MICE can impute continuous two-level data, and maintain consistency between
#' imputations by means of passive imputation. It is recommended that the imputation is
#' done in each datasource separately. Otherwise the user should make sure that the input 
#' data have the same columns in all datasources and in the same order.
#' @details For additional details see the help header of mice function in native R mice
#' package.
#' @param data a data frame or a matrix containing the incomplete data. 
#' @param m Number of multiple imputations. The default is m=5. 
#' @param maxit A scalar giving the number of iterations. The default is 5.
#' @param method Can be either a single string, or a vector of strings with length 
#' ncol(data), specifying the imputation method to be used for each column in data. If 
#' specified as a single string, the same method will be used for all blocks. The default 
#' imputation method (when no argument is specified) depends on the measurement level of 
#' the target column, as regulated by the defaultMethod argument in native R mice function. 
#' Columns that need not be imputed have the empty method "".
#' @param predictorMatrix A numeric matrix of ncol(data) rows and ncol(data) columns, 
#' containing 0/1 data specifying the set of predictors to be used for each target column.
#' Each row corresponds to a variable to be imputed. A value of 1 means that the column 
#' variable is used as a predictor for the target variables (in the rows). By default, the
#' predictorMatrix is a square matrix of ncol(data) rows and columns with all 1's, except 
#' for the diagonal.
#' @param post A vector of strings with length ncol(data) specifying expressions as strings. 
#' Each string is parsed and executed within the sampler() function to post-process imputed 
#' values during the iterations. The default is a vector of empty strings, indicating no 
#' post-processing. Multivariate (block) imputation methods ignore the post parameter.
#' @param seed either NA (default) or "fixed". If seed is set to "fixed" then a fixed
#' seed random number generator which is study-specific is used. 
#' @param newobj_mids a character string that provides the name for the output mids object
#' that is stored on the data servers. Default \code{mids_object}. 
#' @param newobj_df a character string that provides the name for the output dataframes 
#' that are stored on the data servers. Default \code{imputationSet}. For example, if m=5, and 
#' newobj_df="imputationSet", then five imputed dataframes are saved on the servers with names
#' imputationSet.1, imputationSet.2, imputationSet.3, imputationSet.4, imputationSet.5.
#' @param datasources  a list of \code{\link{DSConnection-class}} 
#' objects obtained after login. If the \code{datasources} argument is not specified
#' the default set of connections will be used: see \code{\link{datashield.connections_default}}.
#' @return a list with three elements: the method, the predictorMatrix and the post.
#' @author Demetris Avraam for DataSHIELD Development Team
#' @export
ds.mice <- function(data=NULL, m=5, maxit=5, method=NULL, predictorMatrix=NULL, post=NULL, 
                    seed=NA, newobj_mids=NULL, newobj_df=NULL, datasources=NULL){
  # look for DS connections
    datasources <- DSI::datashield.connections_find()
  # ensure datasources is a list of DSConnection-class
  if(!(is.list(datasources) && all(unlist(lapply(datasources, function(d) {methods::is(d,"DSConnection")}))))){
    stop("The 'datasources' were expected to be a list of DSConnection-class objects", call.=FALSE)
  # verify that 'data' was set
    stop("Please provide the name of the dataframe or matrix that contains the incomplete data!", call.=FALSE)
  # check if the 'data' are defined in all the studies
  defined.data <- isDefined(datasources, data)
    method <- paste0(as.character(method), collapse=",")
    post <- gsub("[", "left_square_bracket", post, fixed = TRUE)
    post <- gsub("]", "right_square_bracket", post, fixed = TRUE)
    post <- gsub("<-", "equalR_symbol", post, fixed = TRUE)
    post <- gsub("=", "equal_symbol", post, fixed = TRUE)
    post <- gsub("(", "left_parenthesis", post, fixed = TRUE)
    post <- gsub(")", "right_parenthesis", post, fixed = TRUE)
    post <- gsub(",", "comma_symbol", post, fixed = TRUE)
    post <- gsub(" ", "", post, fixed = TRUE)
    post <- paste0(as.character(post), collapse="separ_comma")
    ncol.pred.mat <- ncol(predictorMatrix)
    predictorMatrix <- paste0(as.character(predictorMatrix), collapse=",")
    ncol.pred.mat <- NULL
    newobj_mids <- 'mids_object'
    newobj_df <- 'imputationSet'
  calltext <- call('miceDS', data=data, m=m, maxit=maxit, method=method, post=post, seed=seed,
                   predictorMatrix=predictorMatrix, ncol.pred.mat=ncol.pred.mat, 
                   newobj_mids=newobj_mids, newobj_df=newobj_df)
  study.summary <- DSI::datashield.aggregate(datasources, calltext)
datashield/dsBaseClient documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:19 p.m.