
# Copyright (c) 2019 OBiBa. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#'@title Builds a dataframe to login to datashield
#'@description This function generates a valid data frame, that can be used to login
#'to some data computers (i.e. opal servers). The data frame models a double-entry table. The
#'columns are defined as server, url, user, password and table name. Each row holds the information 
#'in relation to one data computer. The values for each column are passed  to the function as arguments.   
#'@param data.computers.name A vector of characters listing all the names of the data computers
#'@param data.computers.url A vector of characters listing each data computer HTTP address. The format is https://[TCPIP address or host name][:port]
#'@param data.computers.table.name A vector of characters listing the name of the table stored in a data computer 
#'@param users.id A vector of characters listing a valid user name to log on on each server.
#'@param users.password A vector of characters listing the password for each user to log in to a data computer.
#'@return a data frame formatter in this manner: (server,url,user,password,table). If the arguments are not correct. Then a data.frame with no rows is created.
#'The expactactions are as follow:
#'Expectation no 0: the return value is a data.frame 
#'Expectation no 1: the number of columns is equal 5. 
#'Expectation no 2: the number of rows is equal to the number of servers
#'Expectation no 3: the number of rows is equal to 0, if the length of url, user, or table is smaller than the length of server
#'Expectation no 4: the number of row is 0, if any of the urls does not start with http
#'@author Patricia Ryser-Welch
datashield.build.login.data.frame.o <- function (data.computers.name, data.computers.url, data.computers.table.name,  users.id, users.password) 
  #assign the arguments to the data frame format.
  server <- as.character(data.computers.name)
  url <- as.character(data.computers.url)
  user <- as.character(users.id)
  password <- as.character(users.password)
  table <- as.character(data.computers.table.name)
  return.data.frame  =  data.frame(server = character(0), user = character(0),user= character(0), password = character(0),table=character(0))
  colnames(return.data.frame) <- c('server','url','user','password','table')
  #Verify the length of each vector is the same
  expected.elements = length(server) * NO.COLUMNS
  total.elements = length(server) + length(url) + length(user) + length(password) + length(table)
  if (expected.elements != total.elements)
    stop("The length of the vectors passed as arguments are not the same length.")
    if (!all(startsWith(url,"http"))) 
      stop("Make sure each url starts with http")
    if (!all(startsWith(url,"https")))
      warning("Each url should starts with https")
datashield/opal documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:53 p.m.