
## try to find expected output from test files.
#' try to find expected output from test files.
#' try to find expected output from test files. (long)
#' in bash, should use the TEST_OUT_NAME variable.
#' @param testDir the directory containing tests and outputs
#' @return a vector of named test results.
#' @export
findTestOutputs <- function(testDir)  {
    tests <- dir(testDir, pattern="test.sh")
    outputs <- character()
    for(thisTest in tests)  {
        fileLines <- scan(paste(testDir, thisTest, sep="/"), what="character")
        outLine <- grep("TEST_OUT_NAME=", fileLines, value=T)
        outFile <- unlist(strsplit(outLine, '='))[2]
        outFile <- gsub("'", "", outFile) # remove quotes from ends if there
        outputs[thisTest] <- outFile
davetgerrard/kanute documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:27 p.m.