
context("Integration tests")

test_that("one-layer network finds correct parameters",{
  # Random effect doesn't do anything here
  n.importance.samples = 1L
  learning.rate = .1
  n.spp = 50
  x = matrix(rnorm(1E4), ncol = 5)
  true.coefs = matrix(rnorm(ncol(x)* n.spp), ncol = n.spp)
  # No sampling noise: y is probabilities
  y = matrix(
    sigmoid(x %*% true.coefs),
    ncol = n.spp
  net = mistnet(
    x = x,
    y = y,
    layer.definitions = list(
        nonlinearity = sigmoid.nonlinearity(), 
        size = ncol(y), 
        prior = gaussian.prior(mean = 0, sd = sqrt(.1))
    sampler = gaussian.sampler(ncol = 1L, sd = 1),
    loss = bernoulliLoss(),
    updater = sgd.updater(learning.rate = .01, momentum = .9)
  # Give the network a warm start
  net$layers[[1]]$weights[-6, ] = true.coefs + rnorm(length(true.coefs), sd = .25)
  estimated.coefs = net$layers[[1]]$weights[-6, ]
  r.squared = 1 - sum((true.coefs - estimated.coefs)^2) / sum((true.coefs - mean(true.coefs))^2)
  # Model should fail before fitting
  expect_false(r.squared > .99)
  estimated.coefs = net$layers[[1]]$weights[-6, ]
  r.squared = 1 - sum((true.coefs - estimated.coefs)^2) / sum((true.coefs - mean(true.coefs))^2)
  expect_true(r.squared > .99)

  # With a strong prior, the weights should shrink toward zero
  net$layers[[1]]$prior$sd = .01
    mean(abs(estimated.coefs) > abs(net$layers[[1]]$weights[-6, ])) > .99
davharris/mistnet documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:28 p.m.