
#'Fit a mistnet model
#' @param network A \code{network} object, as produced by the
#'    \code{\link{mistnet}} function
#' @param mistnet_optimizer A \code{function} for maximizing the penalized
#'    likelihood of a mistnet model. By default, this is \code{\link{mistnet_fit_optimx}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the \code{mistnet_optimizer}
#' @return A \code{network} object, like the one produced by \code{\link{mistnet}},
#'    but with updated parameters and with an extra list containing the
#'    \code{optimization_results}
#' @export
mistnet_fit = function(network, mistnet_optimizer = mistnet_fit_optimx, ...){

  # Objective function (sum of log_prob, including penalties)
  fn = function(par){
    max(sum(log_prob(network, par = par, include_penalties = TRUE)), -1E9)

  # Gradient of objective function
  gr = function(par){
    unlist(backprop(network, par = par))

  mistnet_optimizer(network, fn = fn, gr = gr, ...)

#' Optimize a mistnet model using the \code{\link[optimx]{optimx}} package
#' @param network A \code{network} object, as produced by the
#'    \code{\link{mistnet}} function
#' @param fn A function of \code{par} that returns a scalar describing the
#'    (penalized) log-likelihood
#' @param gr A function of \code{par} that returns a vector containing the
#'    gradient of the (penalized) log-likelihood with respect to all the
#'    parameters in \code{par}.
#' @param method The name of one \code{method} used by \code{\link[optimx]{optimx}}.
#'    By default, this is "L-BFGS-B", which uses second-order information without
#'    approximating the full (inverse) Hessian matrix, which could be very large
#'    for some networks.  Note that the use of multiple methods is not currently
#'    supported.
#' @param itnmax,control,hessian Additional arguments passed to
#'    \code{\link[optimx]{optimx}}
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to
#'    \code{\link[optimx]{optimx}}
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @export mistnet_fit_optimx
mistnet_fit_optimx = function(
  method = "L-BFGS-B",
  itnmax = 1000,
  control = list(maximize = TRUE, starttests = FALSE),
  hessian = FALSE,


  if (!isTRUE(control$maximize)) {
    warning("setting `maximize = TRUE` in optimx's control list")
    control$maximize = TRUE

  opt = optimx::optimx(
    par = unlist(network$par_list),
    fn = fn,
    gr = gr,
    method = method,
    itnmax = itnmax,
    control = control,
    hessian = hessian,

  network$optimization_results = c(
    opt[c("value", "fevals", "gevals", "niter", "convcode", "xtimes")],
    structure(c(attr(opt, "details")), names = colnames(attr(opt, "details")))

  network$par_list = relist(coef(opt), network$par_list)

davharris/mistnet2 documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:28 p.m.