
## plotting
# add ovenbird session example to examples 

P=  Make image.plot.mask deal with sessions properly.
P=  PlotDgam: 
P=    a. Make plot.secrgam and plotDgam deal with session properly
P=    b. Add option not to plot CI?
P=    d. LATER: Bivariates smooths: plot marginals and 3D plot?
P=    e. Adapt plotDgam to deal sensibly with 1D smooths when there are some multivariate smooth terms
         and/or specify which to plot.
P=  Add option to plot relative SE to plot.secrgam?

# add a predict function

P=  Remove trap.covar.r (Superceded by secr function addCovariates?)
P=  Change AIC.secrgam documentation to say need secrgam object first.
    LATER: Fix AIC.secrgam( ) so that it works even if 1st object is class secr rather than secrgam
P= LATER: Vignettes?
   * mask constuction
   * example analysis with spatial and temporal variables
P= Put on CRAN?
P= LATER?: Set up unit testing or something similar.

  removed D.bspline.r
  added aliases for Boland.mask1, Boland.CH1, Boland.mask2 and Boland.CH2.
  amended readme to give installation instructions (tested on pc classroom computer)
  changed image.plot.mask to image.mask so that it works with generic image function
  incorporated plotDgam into plot.secrgam
  removed standard error estimation from fitted.secrgam
  added session-level smooth example to help file
david-borchers/secrgam documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:30 p.m.