
#' @title S4 class for the parameters for prediction based on a linear model
#' @description Definition of the S4 class named \code{PredlmParam} for the parameters to make
#' predictions in the optimization approach to selective editing.
#' @slot EdData \linkS4class{StQ} object with the edited data.
#' @slot VarNames Character vector with the names of the variables whose probability errors are to
#' be computed.
#' @slot DomainNames Character vector with the names of the variables determining the domains of the
#' population within which predictions are to be calculated separately.
#' @examples
#' # An empty PredlmParam object:
#' new(Class = 'PredlmParam')
#' \dontrun{
#' ImpParam <- new(Class = 'PredlmParam',
#'                 VarNames = 'CifraNeg_13.___',
#'                 DomainNames =  'Tame_05._4.')
#' PredlmParam <- new(Class = 'PredlmParam',
#'                    RawData = FD.StQList,
#'                    EdData = FF.StQList,
#'                    VarNames = 'CifraNeg_13.___')
#' }
#' @import data.table StQ
#' @export
setClass(Class = "PredlmParam",
         slots = c(EdData = 'StQ',
                   VarNames = 'character',
                   DomainNames = 'character'),
         prototype = list(EdData = StQ(),
                          VarNames = character(0),
                          DomainNames = character(0)),
         validity = function(object){

david-salgado/StQPrediction documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:33 p.m.