

#' algo_tt
#' To store and manage truthtables with an input of arbitrary size N and an output of arbitrary size M, we will use a logical matrix with size 2 ^ N rows and M columns.
#' It is not necessary to store the input of the truthtable in the truthtable data structure because we will use the row index position of the output to infer the input. For instance:
#' Row index position = 1 --> Input = binum of value 0.
#' Row index position = 2 --> Input = binum of value 1.
#' Row index position = 3 --> Input = binum of value 2.
#' ...
#' Row index position = 2 ^ N --> Input = binum of value 2 ^ N - 1.
#' @examples # A basic example.
#' t1 <- algo_tt$new(2, 2);
#' t1$set_output("01", "11");
#' t1$exec("01");
#' plot_algo_tt_inside(t1);
#' # Design a constant (ie input dimension = 0) algorithm of output dimension 3.
#' t2 <- algo_tt$new(0, 3);
#' t2$set_output(input = "", output = "101");
#' t2$exec("");
#' plot_algo_tt_inside(t2);
#' # Design a random truth table and plot it.
#' t3 <- algo_tt$new(4,8):
#' t3$do_randomize_outputs();
#' plot_algo_tt_inside(t3);
#' @export
algo_tt <- R6Class(
  inherit = algo_base,
  private = list(
    logical_matrix = NULL),
  public = list(
    initialize = function(
      dim_i = get_opt("DEFAULT_DIM_I", ...),
      dim_o = get_opt("DEFAULT_DIM_O", ...),
      algo_id = NULL,
      label = NULL,
      ...) {
      # Call the super class constructor
        dim_i = dim_i,
        dim_o = dim_o,
        algo_id = algo_id,
        label = label,

      # Initialize the matrix with 0s.
    exec = function(input = NULL, ...) {
      return(exec_algo_tt(self, input, ...));
    plot_inside = function(...) {
      plot_algo_tt_inside(self, ...);
    convert_to_character_dataframe = function(...){
      return(convert_algo_tt_to_character_dataframe(self, ...));
    do_randomize_outputs = function() {
      # Randomizes the outputs of the TruthTable.
      # Build a random vector with enough items to fill in the truthtable
      random_logical_vector <- sample(x = c(FALSE, TRUE), size = 2 ^ self$get_dim_i() * self$get_dim_o(), replace = TRUE);
      # Convert the vector into a matrix
      random_logical_matrix <- matrix(data = random_logical_vector, nrow = 2 ^ self$get_dim_i(), ncol = self$get_dim_o(), byrow = TRUE);
      # Replace the logical matrix with the random one.
      private$logical_matrix <- random_logical_matrix;
      # Chaining
    get_inverse = function() {

      # Find the dimensional input size of the original function.
      # This will become the output size of the inverse function.
      inverse_dim_o <- self$get_dim_i();

      # Find the dimensional output size of the original function.
      # This will become the input size of the inverse function.
      inverse_dim_i <- self$get_dim_o();

      # Name rows in the truthtable.
      # Like this we may reorder them and still match them to their original inputs.
      # Here we use the original position as the row identifier.
      logical_matrix_copy <- self$get_logical_matrix();
      rownames(logical_matrix_copy) <- 1 : nrow(logical_matrix_copy);

      # Get rid of duplicate outputs.
      logical_matrix_unique <- unique(logical_matrix_copy);

      # Initializes an empty truthtable.
      # We use all zeros as the default.
      inverse_truthtable <- algo_tt$new(
        dim_i = inverse_dim_i,
        dim_o = inverse_dim_o);

      for(unique_position in 1:nrow(logical_matrix_unique)){
        input_position <- as.integer(rownames(logical_matrix_unique)[unique_position]);
        output_logical_vector <- logical_matrix_unique[unique_position,];
        # Apply this to the new truthtable
        inverse_output_logical_vector <- convert_position_to_logical_vector(input_position, size = inverse_dim_o);
        inverse_input_logical_vector <- output_logical_vector;
        inverse_truthtable$set_output(inverse_input_logical_vector, inverse_output_logical_vector);

      # Return the inverted truthtable.

    get_logical_matrix = function(...){
      # The explicit matrix conversion below is necessary
      # because when the matrix is for example of size 1-by-1, 1-by-x or x-by-1,
      # it seems that R has a curious tendency to "simplify" the type to vector.
      # And as far as truth tables are concerned,
      # we need a strictly typed matrix.
        nrow=2 ^ self$get_dim_i()));
    get_prettystring = function(...){

      output_integer_vector <- as.numeric(self$get_logical_matrix());
      output_integer_matrix <- matrix(output_integer_vector, nrow = self$get_input_size());
      output_character_vector <- apply(output_integer_matrix, 1, paste, collapse = "");

      domain <- bset$new(self$get_dim_i());

      input_integer_vector <- as.numeric(domain$get_logical_matrix());
      input_integer_matrix <- matrix(input_integer_vector, nrow = self$get_input_size());
      input_character_vector <- apply(input_integer_matrix, 1, paste, collapse = "");

      final_character_vector <- c(input_character_vector, rep(" > ", self$get_input_size()), output_character_vector)
      final_character_matrix <- matrix(final_character_vector, ncol = 3, nrow = self$get_input_size())
      final_character <- paste(
        apply(final_character_matrix, 1, paste, collapse = ""),
        collapse = "\n");

    print = function(){
      cat(self$get_prettystring(), "\n");
    set_logical_matrix = function(logical_matrix){
      if(ncol(logical_matrix) != self$get_dim_o()){
        flog.warn("set_logical_matrix: output resized");
        private$dim_o <- ncol(logical_matrix);
      if(nrow(logical_matrix) != 2 ^ self$get_dim_i()){
        flog.warn("set_logical_matrix: input resized");
        private$dim_i <- log2(nrow(logical_matrix));
      # The explicit matrix conversion below is necessary
      # because when the matrix is for example of size 1-by-1, 1-by-x or x-by-1,
      # it seems that R has a curious tendency to "simplify" the type to vector.
      # And as far as truth tables are concerned,
      # we need a strictly typed matrix.
      private$logical_matrix <- matrix(
        ncol = self$get_dim_o(),
        nrow = 2 ^ self$get_dim_i());

      # Name rows
      # Build a vector of character binary representations
      binary_set <- bset$new(dimension = self$get_dim_i());
      rownames(private$logical_matrix) <- binary_set$convert_to_character_vector();
    set_output = function(input, output){
      input_logical_vector <- convert_any_to_logical_vector(input);
      output_logical_vector <- convert_any_to_logical_vector(output);
      input_position <- convert_logical_vector_to_position(input_logical_vector);
      private$logical_matrix[input_position,] <- output_logical_vector;
    set_to_0 = function(...){
          data = FALSE,
          ncol = self$get_dim_o(),
          nrow = 2 ^ self$get_dim_i()),
    set_to_1 = function(...){
          data = TRUE,
          ncol = self$get_dim_o(),
          nrow = 2 ^ self$get_dim_i()),
daviddoret/haricot documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:42 a.m.