
Defines functions FlexTable length.FlexTable print.FlexTable knit_print.FlexTable

Documented in FlexTable knit_print.FlexTable print.FlexTable

#' @title FlexTable creation
#' @description Create an object of class \code{FlexTable}.
#' FlexTable can be manipulated so that almost any formatting can be specified.
#' An API is available to let you manipulate (format, add text, merge cells, etc.)
#' your FlexTable. A FlexTable is made of 3 parts: header, body and footer. To insert
#' headers and footers rows with eventually merged cells, see
#' \code{\link{addHeaderRow}} and \code{\link{addFooterRow}}.
#' Formating can be done on cells, paragraphs and text (borders, colors, fonts, etc.)
#' , see \code{\link{alterFlexTable}}.
#' @param data (a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix} object) to add
#' @param numrow number of row in the table body. Mandatory if data is missing.
#' @param numcol number of col in the table body. Mandatory if data is missing.
#' @param header.columns logical value - should the colnames be included in the table
#' as table headers. If FALSE, no headers will be printed unless you
#' use \code{\link{addHeaderRow}}.
#' @param add.rownames logical value - should the row.names be included in the table.
#' @param body.cell.props default cells formatting properties for table body
#' @param body.par.props default paragraphs formatting properties for table body
#' @param body.text.props default text formatting properties for table body
#' @param header.cell.props default cells formatting properties for table headers
#' @param header.par.props default paragraphs formatting properties for table headers
#' @param header.text.props default text formatting properties for table headers
#' @details
#' The classical workflow would be to create a FlexTable, to add headers rows
#' (see \code{\link{addHeaderRow}}) and eventually footers
#' rows (see \code{\link{addFooterRow}}).
#' A FlexTable lets you add text in cells and modify cells, paragraphs and text
#' properties. Text can be added with operator \code{[<-}.
#' Text, paragraphs and cells properties can be also modified with operator \code{[<-}.
#' (see \code{\link{alterFlexTable}}).
#' Below list of functions to use with \code{FlexTable} objects:
#' \strong{Text formatting}
#' Apply a \code{\link{textProperties}} object to a subset of the
#' FlexTable. Use the operator \code{[<-}. The \code{textProperties}
#' object will be used to format all text from selected cells. See
#' \code{\link{alterFlexTable}}.
#' \strong{Text adding}
#' Add text with operator \code{[<-}. Text can be added just after
#' the last text in the cell or as a new paragraph. Format can also
#' be specified. Text can also be a \code{\link{pot}} object if the
#' text format is complex.
#' \strong{Paragraph formatting}
#' Apply a \code{\link{parProperties}} object to a subset of the
#' FlexTable. Use the operator \code{[<-}. The \code{parProperties}
#' object will be used to format all paragraphs from selected cells. See
#' \code{\link{alterFlexTable}}.
#' \strong{Cell formatting}
#' Apply a \code{\link{cellProperties}} object to a subset of the
#' FlexTable. Use the operator \code{[<-}. The \code{cellProperties}
#' object will be used to format selected cells. See \code{\link{alterFlexTable}}.
#' \strong{Borders}
#' Apply borders scheme to a FlexTable with function \code{\link{setFlexTableBorders}}.
#' Set a border to a selection in a FlexTable with the operator \code{[<-} and an object
#' of class \code{\link{borderProperties}}. Don't forget to specify argument \code{side}.
#' See \code{\link{alterFlexTable}}.
#' \strong{Cell background colors}
#' Applies background colors to cells. See \code{\link{setFlexTableBackgroundColors}}.
#' Alternate row colors (zebra striping) with function \code{\link{setZebraStyle}}.
#' Applies background colors to rows with function \code{\link{setRowsColors}}.
#' Applies background colors to columns with function \code{\link{setColumnsColors}}.
#' \strong{Cell merge}
#' Span rows within columns with function \code{\link{spanFlexTableRows}}.
#' Span columns within rows with function \code{\link{spanFlexTableColumns}}.
#' \strong{Columns widths}
#' Set columns widths with function \code{\link{setFlexTableWidths}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if( check_valid_java_version() ){
#' # Create a FlexTable with data.frame mtcars, display rownames
#' # use different formatting properties for header and body
#' MyFTable <- FlexTable( data = mtcars, add.rownames = TRUE,
#'   header.cell.props = cellProperties( background.color = "#00557F" ),
#'   header.text.props = textProperties( color = "white",
#'     font.size = 11, font.weight = "bold" ),
#'   body.text.props = textProperties( font.size = 10 )
#' )
#' # zebra stripes - alternate colored backgrounds on table rows
#' MyFTable <- setZebraStyle( MyFTable, odd = "#E1EEf4", even = "white" )
#' # applies a border grid on table
#' MyFTable <- setFlexTableBorders(MyFTable,
#'   inner.vertical = borderProperties( color="#0070A8", style="solid" ),
#'   inner.horizontal = borderNone(),
#'   outer.vertical = borderProperties( color = "#006699",
#' 	style = "solid", width = 2 ),
#'   outer.horizontal = borderProperties( color = "#006699",
#' 	style = "solid", width = 2 )
#' )
#' # set default font size to 10
#' options("ReporteRs-fontsize" = 10)
#' # a summary of mtcars
#' dataset <- aggregate(mtcars[, c("disp", "mpg", "wt")],
#'   by = mtcars[, c("cyl", "gear", "carb")], FUN = mean)
#' dataset <- dataset[order(dataset$cyl, dataset$gear, dataset$carb),]
#' # set cell padding defaut to 2
#' baseCellProp <- cellProperties(padding = 2)
#' # Create a FlexTable with data.frame dataset
#' MyFTable <- FlexTable( data = dataset,
#'   body.cell.props = baseCellProp, header.cell.props = baseCellProp,
#'   header.par.props = parProperties(text.align = "right") )
#' # set columns widths (inch)
#' MyFTable <- setFlexTableWidths(MyFTable,
#'                               widths = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7))
#' # span successive identical cells within column 1, 2 and 3
#' MyFTable <- spanFlexTableRows(MyFTable, j = 1,
#'                              runs = as.character(dataset$cyl))
#' MyFTable <- spanFlexTableRows(MyFTable, j = 2,
#'                              runs = as.character(dataset$gear))
#' MyFTable <- spanFlexTableRows(MyFTable, j = 3,
#'                              runs = as.character(dataset$carb))
#' # overwrites some text formatting properties
#' MyFTable[dataset$wt < 3, 6] <- textProperties(color = "#003366")
#' MyFTable[dataset$mpg < 20, 5] <- textProperties(color = "#993300")
#' # overwrites some paragraph formatting properties
#' MyFTable[, 1:3] <- parProperties(text.align = "center")
#' MyFTable[, 4:6] <- parProperties(text.align = "right")
#' Footnote1 <- Footnote()
#' par1 <- pot("About this reference", textBold())
#' par2 <- pot(
#'   "Omni ab coalitos pro malivolus obsecrans graviter cum perquisitor \
#'   perquisitor pericula saepeque inmunibus coalitos ut.",
#'   textItalic(font.size = 8)
#' )
#' Footnote1 <- addParagraph(Footnote1,
#'                          set_of_paragraphs(par1, par2),
#'                          parProperties(text.align = "justify"))
#' Footnote1 <- addParagraph(
#'   Footnote1,
#'   set_of_paragraphs("list item 1", "list item 2"),
#'   parProperties(text.align = "left", list.style = "ordered")
#' )
#' an_rscript <- RScript(text = "x = rnorm(10)")
#' Footnote1 <- addParagraph(Footnote1, an_rscript)
#' MyFTable[1, 1, newpar = TRUE] <- pot("a note",
#'                                     footnote = Footnote1,
#'                                     format = textBold(color = "gray"))
#' pot_link <- pot(" (link example)", textProperties(color = "cyan"),
#'                hyperlink = "http://www.wikipedia.org/")
#' MyFTable[1, 1, to = "header"] <- pot_link
#' # applies a border grid on table
#' MyFTable <- setFlexTableBorders( MyFTable, footer = TRUE,
#'   inner.vertical = borderProperties(color = "#666666"),
#'   inner.horizontal = borderProperties(color = "#666666"),
#'   outer.vertical = borderProperties(width = 2, color = "#666666"),
#'   outer.horizontal = borderProperties(width = 2, color = "#666666") )
#' ft <- vanilla.table(head(iris))
#' ft <- setFlexTableBackgroundColors( ft,
#'   i = 1:3, j = c("Petal.Length", "Species"), colors = "yellow" )
#' }
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{addHeaderRow}}, \code{\link{addFooterRow}}, \code{\link{setFlexTableWidths}}
#' , \code{\link{alterFlexTable}}, \code{\link{setFlexTableBorders}}
#' , \code{\link{spanFlexTableRows}}, \code{\link{spanFlexTableColumns}}
#' , \code{\link{setRowsColors}}, \code{\link{setColumnsColors}}, \code{\link{setZebraStyle}}
#' , \code{\link{setFlexTableBackgroundColors}}, \code{\link{pot}}
#' , \code{\link{addFlexTable}}
FlexTable = function(data, numrow, numcol
	, header.columns = TRUE, add.rownames = FALSE
	, body.cell.props = cellProperties()
	, body.par.props = parProperties(padding=0)
	, body.text.props = textProperties()
	, header.cell.props = cellProperties()
	, header.par.props = parProperties(padding=0)
	, header.text.props = textProperties( font.weight= "bold" )

  .Deprecated(msg = "FlexTable is deprecated, please use flextable::flextable() or flextable::regulartable() instead.")

	miss_data = missing( data )
	if( !inherits(body.text.props, "textProperties") )
		stop("argument body.text.props must be a textProperties object.")
	if( !inherits(body.par.props, "parProperties") )
		stop("argument body.text.props must be a textProperties object.")
	if( !inherits(body.cell.props, "cellProperties") )
		stop("argument body.cell.props must be a cellProperties object.")

	if( miss_data && ( missing( numrow ) || missing( numcol ) ) ) {
		stop("numrow and numcol must be defined if no data is provided.")
	} else if( !miss_data && (!missing( numrow ) || !missing( numcol ) ) ) {
		warning("numrow and numcol arguments redefined with data dimensions.")

	if( !miss_data ){
		# check data is a data.frame
		if( !is.data.frame( data ) && !is.matrix( data ) && !is.table( data ) )
			stop("data is not a data.frame nor a matrix.")

		if( is.table( data ) ) {
			if( length( dim( data ) ) > 2 )
				stop("data dimensions cannot be > 2.")
			else if( length( dim( data ) ) < 2 ){
				data = matrix( unclass( data )
					, dimnames = list( names( data ), "" )
			  		, nrow = dim( data )
			else {
			  data = matrix( unclass( data )
			    , dimnames = dimnames( data )
				, nrow = dim( data )[1]
		if( !is.data.frame( data ) )
			data = as.data.frame( data )

		numrow = nrow( data )
		numcol = ncol( data )

		if( numrow < 1 )
			stop("data has 0 row.")

		.row_names = row.names(data)

		if( add.rownames ){
			.colnames = c( "", dimnames( data )[[2]] )
			numcol = numcol + 1
			data = cbind(rownames = .row_names, data )
		} else {
			.colnames = dimnames( data )[[2]]

		row.names( data ) = NULL
		data = lapply( data, function(x) {
				if( is.character( x) ) x
				else if( is.factor( x ) ) as.character( x )
				else if( is.logical( x ) ) ifelse( x, "TRUE", "FALSE" )
				else if( is.integer( x ) ) as.character( x )
				else format(x)
			} )
		data = as.matrix( as.data.frame( data ) )
	} else {
		.row_names = rep(NA, numrow )
		.colnames = rep(NA, numcol )
		data = matrix("", nrow = numrow, ncol = numcol )
	data[is.na(data)] = ""

	out = list(
		numcol = numcol
		, numrow = numrow
		, add.rownames = add.rownames
		, row_id = .row_names
		, col_id = .colnames
		, colspan = matrix(1, nrow = numrow, ncol = numcol )
		, rowspan = matrix(1, nrow = numrow, ncol = numcol )

	jFlexTable = .jnew( class.FlexTable
		, as.integer( out$numrow ), as.integer( out$numcol )
		, .jTextProperties(body.text.props)
		, .jParProperties(body.par.props)
		, .jCellProperties(body.cell.props)

	out$jobj = jFlexTable

	out$body.cell.props = body.cell.props
	out$body.par.props = body.par.props
	out$body.text.props = body.text.props
	out$header.cell.props = header.cell.props
	out$header.par.props = header.par.props
	out$header.text.props = header.text.props

	class( out ) = "FlexTable"

	if( !miss_data && header.columns ){
		headerRow = FlexRow(values = .colnames, text.properties = header.text.props, par.properties = header.par.props, cell.properties = header.cell.props )
		out = addHeaderRow( out, headerRow )

	if( !miss_data ){
		addFlexCellContent (out, seq_len(out$numrow), seq_len(out$numcol)
				, value = data
				, textProperties = body.text.props
				, newpar = FALSE
				, byrow = FALSE


#' @export
length.FlexTable = function(x) {

#' @title Print FlexTables
#' @description print a \code{\link{FlexTable}} object.
#' If R session is interactive, the FlexTable is
#' rendered in an HTML page and loaded into a WWW browser.
#' @param x a \code{\link{FlexTable}} object
#' @param ... further arguments, not used.
#' @importFrom htmltools HTML browsable
#' @export
print.FlexTable = function(x, ...){

	if( is.jnull(x$jobj ) ) stop("java object is null, object need to be rebuild", call. = FALSE)

	if (!interactive() ){
		cat("FlexTable object with", x$numrow, "row(s) and", x$numcol, "column(s).\n")
	} else {
	  print( browsable( HTML( as.html(x) ) ) )



#' @importFrom knitr knit_print
#' @importFrom knitr asis_output
#' @title FlexTable custom printing function for knitr
#' @description FlexTable custom printing function for knitr
#' @param x a \code{FlexTable} to be printed
#' @param ... further arguments, not used.
#' @export
knit_print.FlexTable<- function(x, ...){
davidgohel/ReporteRs documentation built on March 23, 2020, 11 p.m.