#' @title Tutorial submission functions
#' @description
#' The following function was modified from Colin Rundel's learnrhash package,
#' available at https://github.com/rundel/learnrhash. Many thanks to Professor
#' Rundel, who has developed a fantastic tool for courses that teach R and use
#' the learnr package.
#' This note is also modified from Professor Rundel's description: Note that
#' when including these functions in a learnr Rmd document it is necessary that
#' the server function, `submission_server()`, be included in an R chunk where
#' `context="server"`. Conversely, any of the ui functions, `*_ui()`, must *not*
#' be included in an R chunk with a `context`.
#' @param input unused
#' @param output unused
#' @rdname submission_functions
#' @export
submission_server <- function(input, output) {
p = parent.frame()
# Evaluate in parent frame to get input, output, and session
encoded_txt = shiny::eventReactive(
objs = learnr:::get_all_state_objects(session)
objs = learnr:::submissions_from_state_objects(objs)
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = "tutorial_responses.rds",
content = function(file) {
responses <- encoded_txt()
write_rds(responses, file)
}, envir = p)
check_server_context <- function(.envir) {
if (!is_server_context(.envir)) {
calling_func = deparse(sys.calls()[[sys.nframe()-1]])
err = paste0(
"Function `", calling_func,"`",
" must be called from an Rmd chunk where `context = \"server\"`"
stop(err, call. = FALSE)
is_server_context <- function(.envir) {
# We are in the server context if there are the follow:
# * input - input reactive values
# * output - shiny output
# * session - shiny session
# Check context by examining the class of each of these.
# If any is missing then it will be a NULL which will fail.
inherits(.envir$input, "reactivevalues") &
inherits(.envir$output, "shinyoutput") &
inherits(.envir$session, "ShinySession")
#' Encode an R object into hashed text; from github::rundel/learnrhash
#' @param obj R object
#' @param compress Compression method.
#' @export
encode_obj = function(obj, compress = c("bzip2", "gzip", "xz", "none")) {
compress = match.arg(compress)
raw = serialize(obj, NULL)
comp_raw = memCompress(raw, type = compress)
#' @rdname submission_functions
#' @export
submission_ui <- shiny::div(
"When you have completed this tutorial, follow these steps:",
shiny::tags$li("Click Generate Hash. Nothing will pop up, but this will create an .rds file of your responses."),
shiny::tags$li("Click the Download button next to the Generate Hash button to download the .rds file. A window will pop up with some options. Choose to save the file onto your computer. Do not open it. If it offers a file without a .rds suffix, you probably forgot to press the Generate Hash button."),
shiny::tags$li("Upload the file which you just downloaded to the appropriate Canvas assignment.")),
shiny::div(id = "form",
shiny::actionButton("hash_generate", "Generate Hash"),
shiny::downloadButton(outputId = "downloadData", label = "Download"))
utils::globalVariables(c("input", "session", "downloadHandler", "write_rds"))
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