
Defines functions plot_baa plot_scatter cor_colors get_indexes make_plot

Documented in plot_baa

make_plot = function(axis_type, comp_df, dat, label,
                     scatter_cols, cor_zlim, white_borders = FALSE) {

  num_vars = length(levels(comp_df$x_var))

  ind_mat = matrix(
    seq(1, (1 + num_vars)^2),
    nrow = 1 + num_vars,
    ncol = 1 + num_vars

  index_df = get_indexes(comp_df, ind_mat, num_vars, dat)
  index_df$x_var = factor(index_df$x_var, levels=unique(index_df$x_var))
  index_df$y_var = factor(index_df$y_var, levels=unique(index_df$y_var))

  data_lims = apply(dat, 2, range, na.rm = TRUE)

  label_ind = diag(ind_mat)
  names(label_ind) = levels(index_df$x_var)
  names(label_ind)[length(label_ind)] = tail(levels(index_df$y_var), 1)

  index_df$cor_cols = cor_colors(vals = index_df$cor, fix = 0, zlim = cor_zlim,
                                 pos_cols = NULL, neg_cols = NULL, na_col = NULL)

  layout_mat = ind_mat
  layout_mat = cbind(rep(0, nrow(layout_mat)), layout_mat)
  layout_mat = rbind(layout_mat, rep(0, ncol(layout_mat)))

  layout_height = c(rep(10, nrow(layout_mat) - 1), 3)
  layout_widths = c(3, rep(10, ncol(layout_mat) - 1))

  par(cex = 1, mar = rep(.35, 4), oma = rep(0, 4),
      xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', lend = 1, ljoin = 1)

  if (white_borders == TRUE) {
    par(fg = 'white', col.axis = 'white')

  layout(layout_mat, height = layout_height, widths = layout_widths)

  for (plt_ind in ind_mat) {

    if (plt_ind %in% index_df$scatter_ind) {
      ind = index_df[which(index_df$scatter_ind %in% plt_ind), ]

      xy_names = c(as.character(ind$x_var), as.character(ind$y_var))
      cur_dat = dat[, xy_names]
      names(cur_dat) = c("x", "y")

      cur_axtype = c(axis_type[xy_names[1]], axis_type[xy_names[2]])
      names(cur_axtype) = c("x", "y")

      xlim = data_lims[, as.character(ind$x_var)]
      ylim = data_lims[, as.character(ind$y_var)]
      plot_scatter(dat = cur_dat, scatter_cols, lm_col = ind$cor_cols, axis_type = cur_axtype,
                   xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, x_axis = ind$x_axis, y_axis = ind$y_axis, plot_lm = TRUE)
    else if (plt_ind %in% index_df$cor_ind) {
      ind = index_df[which(index_df$cor_ind %in% plt_ind), ]
      plot_cor(cor = ind$cor, col = ind$cor_col)

    else if (plt_ind %in% label_ind) {
      cur_lab = names(label_ind[which(label_ind %in% plt_ind)])
      plot_label(lab = label[cur_lab])

get_indexes = function(comp_df, ind_mat, num_vars, dat) {

  ret = data.frame()
  cor_mat = cor(dat)

  for (x_var in levels(comp_df$x_var)) {

    cur_grp = comp_df[which(comp_df$x_var %in% x_var), c("x_var", "y_var")]
    cur_grp$x_var = factor(cur_grp$x_var)
    cur_grp$y_var = factor(cur_grp$y_var)

    x_ind = which(levels(comp_df$x_var) %in% x_var)

    if (x_ind == 1) {
      y_axis = TRUE
    else {
      y_axis = FALSE

    for (y_var in levels(cur_grp$y_var)) {
      y_ind = which(levels(cur_grp$y_var) %in% y_var)

      if (y_ind == nrow(cur_grp)) {
        x_axis = TRUE
      else {
        x_axis = FALSE

      num_skip = 1 + num_vars - nrow(cur_grp)

      scatter_ind = ind_mat[num_skip + y_ind, x_ind]

      num_vars = length(levels(comp_df$x_var))

      cor_ind = ind_mat[x_ind, num_skip + y_ind]

      cor = cor_mat[x_var, y_var]

      ret = rbind(ret, data.frame(
        "x_var" = x_var,
        "y_var" = y_var,
        "x_ind" = x_ind,
        "y_ind" = y_ind,
        "x_axis" = x_axis,
        "y_axis" = y_axis,
        "scatter_ind" = scatter_ind,
        "cor_ind" = cor_ind,
        "cor" = cor

cor_colors = function(vals, fix = 0, zlim = cor_zlim,
                      pos_cols = NULL, neg_cols = NULL, na_col = NULL) {
  if (is.null(pos_cols)) {
    pos_cols = colorRamp(rev(hcl.colors(9, palette = "Reds")))

  if (is.null(neg_cols)) {
    neg_cols = colorRamp(rev(hcl.colors(9, palette = "Blues")))

  if (is.null(na_col)) {
    na_col = "grey50"

  colmap = function(val) {
    if (val < zlim[1] | val > zlim[2]) {
      ret = na_col
    else if (val >= fix) {
      ret = rgb(pos_cols(val / zlim[2]), maxColorValue = 255)
    else {
      ret = rgb(neg_cols(val / zlim[1]), maxColorValue = 255)
  return(sapply(vals, colmap))

plot_scatter = function(dat, scatter_cols, lm_col, axis_type,
                        xlim, ylim, x_axis = TRUE, y_axis = TRUE, plot_lm = TRUE) {
  get_labels = function(x) {
    plot_labels = seq(x[1], x[2], length.out = 100)
    ret = quantile(plot_labels, seq(0, 1, .2))[c(-1, -6)]
    return(round(ret, 1))

  axis_cex = 1.2
  dat$col = densCols(dat, y = NULL, nbin = 256, colramp = colorRampPalette(scatter_cols))
  dat = dat[rev(order(dat$col)), ]

  plot(dat$x, dat$y, col = dat$col, pch = 20, cex = 4, xlab = NA, ylab = NA,
       xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)

  if (x_axis == TRUE) {
    usr = par()$usr
    round_d = ifelse(axis_type['x'] == 'int', 0, 1)
    x_at = round(get_labels(usr[1:2]), round_d)
    axis(1, at = x_at, xaxt = 's', labels = FALSE)
    text(x = x_at, y = usr[3] - 0.1 * (usr[4] - usr[3]),
         labels = format(x_at), srt = 45, adj = 1, font = 1, cex = axis_cex, xpd = NA)

  if (y_axis == TRUE) {
    round_d = ifelse(axis_type['y'] == 'int', 0, 1)
    y_at = round(get_labels(par()$usr[3:4]), round_d)
    axis(side = 2, at = y_at, labels = y_at, yaxt = 's', cex.axis = axis_cex, las=2)

  if (plot_lm == TRUE) {
    abline(lm(y ~ x, dat), col = "#000000", lty = 2, lwd = 2.001)
    abline(lm(y ~ x, dat), col = lm_col, lty = 2, lwd = 2)

plot_cor = function (cor, col) {

  plt_cor = round(cor, 2)

  if (plt_cor == 0) {
    plt_cor = abs(plt_cor)

  plot(0, 0, type = 'n', main = '', xlab = '', ylab = '', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
  rect(-2, -2, 2, 2, col = col, border = NA)
  text(0, 0, sprintf("%.02f", plt_cor), cex = 3, col = "black")

plot_label = function (lab) {
  plot(0, 0, type = 'n', main = '', xlab = '', ylab = '', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
  text(0, 0, lab, cex = 1.5, col = "black")


#' The figure plots associations among the different biological aging measures. Cells below the diagonal show scatter plots of the measures listed above the cell (x-axis) and to the right (y-axis). Cells above the diagonal show the Pearson correlations for the measures listed below the cell and to the left. For this analysis, KDM Biological Age and Levine Phenotypic Age measures are differenced from chronological age (i.e. plotted values = BA-CA).
#' @title plot_baa
#' @description Plot correlations among biological aging measures.
#' @param data A dataset with projected biological aging measures for analysis.
#' @param agevar A character vector indicating the names of the biological aging measures.
#' @param label A character vector indicating the labels of the biological aging measures.
#'              Values should be formatted for displaying along diagonal of the plot.
#'              Names should be used to match variables and order is preserved.
#' @param axis_type A character vector indicating the axis type (int or float).
#'                  Use variable name to define the axis type.
#' @examples
#' #Create corplot of BAA with chronologicl age
#' agevar = c("kdm_advance0",
#'            "phenoage_advance0",
#'            "kdm_advance",
#'            "phenoage_advance",
#'            "hd",
#'            "hd_log")
#' label = c("KDM\nBiological Age",
#'           "Levine\nPhenotypic Age",
#'           "Modified-KDM\nBiological Age",
#'           "Modified-Levine\nPhenotypic Age",
#'           "Homeostatic\nDysregulation",
#'           "Log\nHomeostatic\nDysregulation")
#' axis_type = c("kdm_advance0"="float",
#'               "phenoage_advance0"="float",
#'               "kdm_advance"="float",
#'               "phenoage_advance"="flot",
#'               "hd"="flot",
#'               "hd_log"="float")
#' f2 = plot_baa(data, agevar, labels, axis_type)
#' f2
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2

plot_baa = function(data, agevar, label, axis_type) {

  # Vector of colors for scatter plot DensCols
  scatter_cols = rev(hcl.colors(9, palette = "Blues"))[-(1:3)]

  # Correlation zlims
  cor_zlim = c(-1, 1)

  # Use complete dataset
  dat = data %>%
    select(all_of(agevar)) %>%
    na.omit() %>%

  # Create column-wise comparisons
  comp_df = data.frame(t(combn(names(label), 2)))
  names(comp_df) = c("x_var", "y_var")
  comp_df$x_var = factor(comp_df$x_var, levels=unique(comp_df$x_var))
  comp_df$y_var = factor(comp_df$y_var, levels=unique(comp_df$y_var))

  # Make plots for both filenames
  make_plot(axis_type, comp_df, dat, label,
            scatter_cols, cor_zlim,

dayoonkwon/BioAge documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 1:33 a.m.