entity_detail: Show metadata and current data of one Entity.

View source: R/entity_detail.R

entity_detailR Documentation

Show metadata and current data of one Entity.




  pid = get_default_pid(),
  did = "",
  eid = "",
  url = get_default_url(),
  un = get_default_un(),
  pw = get_default_pw(),
  retries = get_retries(),
  odkc_version = get_default_odkc_version(),
  orders = get_default_orders(),
  tz = get_default_tz()



The numeric ID of the project, e.g.: 2.

Default: get_default_pid.

Set default pid through ru_setup(pid="...").

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


(chr) The name of the Entity List, internally called Dataset. The function will error if this parameter is not given. Default: "".


(chr) The UUID of an Entity, which can be retrieved by entity_list(). The function will error if this parameter is not given. Default: "".


The ODK Central base URL without trailing slash.

Default: get_default_url.

Set default url through ru_setup(url="...").

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The ODK Central username (an email address). Default: get_default_un. Set default un through ru_setup(un="..."). See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The ODK Central password. Default: get_default_pw. Set default pw through ru_setup(pw="..."). See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


The number of attempts to retrieve a web resource.

This parameter is given to RETRY(times = retries).

Default: 3.


The ODK Central version as a semantic version string (year.minor.patch), e.g. "2023.5.1". The version is shown on ODK Central's version page ⁠/version.txt⁠. Discard the "v". ruODK uses this parameter to adjust for breaking changes in ODK Central.

Default: get_default_odkc_version or "2023.5.1" if unset.

Set default get_default_odkc_version through ru_setup(odkc_version="2023.5.1").

See vignette("Setup", package = "ruODK").


(vector of character) Orders of datetime elements for lubridate.

Default: c("YmdHMS", "YmdHMSz", "Ymd HMS", "Ymd HMSz", "Ymd", "ymd").


A timezone to convert dates and times to.

Read vignette("setup", package = "ruODK") to learn how ruODK's timezone can be set globally or per function.


This function returns the metadata and current data of an Entity.

The data and label of an Entity are found in the current_version columns under data and label respectively. The current_version column contains version-specific metadata fields such as version, baseVersion, details about conflicts that version introduced, etc. More details are available from entity_versions(). The Entity also contains top-level system metadata such as uuid, created_at and updated_at timestamps, and creator_id (or full creator if extended metadata is requested).


An Entity's metadata also has a conflict field, which indicates the current conflict status of the Entity. The value of a conflict can either be:

  • null. The Entity does not have conflicting versions.

  • soft. The Entity has a version that was based on a version other than the version immediately prior to it. (The specified base_version was not the latest version on the server.)

  • hard. The Entity has a version that was based on a version other than the version immediately prior to it. Further, that version updated the same property as another update.

If an Entity has a conflict, it can be marked as resolved. After that, the conflict field will be null until a new conflicting version is received.


A nested list identical to the return value of entity_update. See https://docs.getodk.org/central-api-entity-management/#getting-entity-details for the full schema. Top level list elements are renamed from ODK's camelCase to snake_case. Nested list elements have the original camelCase.

See Also


Other entity-management: entity_audits(), entity_changes(), entity_create(), entity_delete(), entity_list(), entity_update(), entity_versions(), entitylist_detail(), entitylist_download(), entitylist_list(), entitylist_update()


## Not run: 
# See vignette("setup") for setup and authentication options
# ruODK::ru_setup(svc = "....svc", un = "me@email.com", pw = "...")

el <- entitylist_list()

# Entity List name (dataset ID, did)
did <- el$name[1]

# All Entities of Entity List
en <- entity_list(did = did)

ed <- entity_detail(did = did, eid = en$uuid[1])

# The current version of the first Entity
ev <- en$current_version_version[1]

## End(Not run)

dbca-wa/ruODK documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 9:04 p.m.