fq_data_strata: Parsed submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.

fq_data_strataR Documentation

Parsed submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form.






The output of odata_submission_get for a set of example data. A tidy tibble referencing the attachments included in the vignettes and documentation at a relative path ⁠attachments/media/<filename>.<ext>⁠.


The parsed OData response for the subgroup of an ODK Central form.

This subgroup represents vegetation strata as per the NVIS classification. A vegetation stratum is a layer of plants with the same height, and dominated by one or few plant taxa. Plant communities can be made of up to five strata, with two to three being most common.

This data is kept up to date with the data used in vignettes and package tests. The data is comprised of test records with nonsensical data. The forms used to capture this data are development versions of real-world forms.


See system.file("extdata", "FloraQuadrat04.xml", package = "ruODK") and odata_submission_get.

See Also

Other included: fq_attachments, fq_data, fq_data_taxa, fq_form_detail, fq_form_list, fq_form_schema, fq_form_xml, fq_meta, fq_project_detail, fq_project_list, fq_raw, fq_raw_strata, fq_raw_taxa, fq_submission_list, fq_submissions, fq_svc, fq_zip_data, fq_zip_strata, fq_zip_taxa, fs_v7, fs_v7_raw, geo_fs, geo_gj, geo_gj88, geo_gj_raw, geo_wkt, geo_wkt88, geo_wkt_raw

dbca-wa/ruODK documentation built on Nov. 8, 2024, 4:09 a.m.