attachment_get | Download attachments and return the local path. |
attachment_link | Prefix attachment columns from CSV export with a local... |
attachment_list | List all attachments for a list of submission instances. |
attachment_url | Build the download URL for one or many submission UUIDs and... |
audit_get | Get server audit log entries. |
drop_null_coords | Drop any NULL coordinates from a GeoJSON geometry. |
encryption_key_list | List all encryption keys for a form. |
entitylist_detail | Show Entity List details. |
entitylist_download | Download an Entity List as CSV. |
entitylist_list | List all Entity Lists of one Project. |
entitylist_update | Update Entity List details. |
form_detail | Show details for one form. |
form_list | List all forms. |
form_schema | Show the schema of one form. |
form_schema_ext | Show the extended schema of one form. |
form_schema_parse | Parse a form_schema into a tibble of fields with name, type,... |
form_xml | Show the XML representation of one form as list. |
fq_attachments | A tibble of submission attachments. |
fq_data | Parsed submission data for an ODK Central form. |
fq_data_strata | Parsed submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form. |
fq_data_taxa | Parsed submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form. |
fq_form_detail | A tibble of form metadata. |
fq_form_list | A tibble of forms. |
fq_form_schema | JSON form schema for an ODK Central form. |
fq_form_xml | A nested list of a form definition. |
fq_meta | OData metadata document for an ODK Central form. |
fq_project_detail | A tibble of project metadata. |
fq_project_list | A tibble of project metadata. |
fq_raw | OData submission data for an ODK Central form. |
fq_raw_strata | OData submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form. |
fq_raw_taxa | OData submission data for a subgroup of an ODK Central form. |
fq_submission_list | A tibble of submission metadata. |
fq_submissions | A nested list of submission data. |
fq_svc | OData service document for an ODK Central form. |
fq_zip_data | A tibble of the main data table of records from a test form. |
fq_zip_strata | A tibble of a repeated sub-group of records from a test form. |
fq_zip_taxa | A tibble of a repeated sub-group of records from a test form. |
fs_v7 | The parsed XML form_schema of a form from ODK Central v0.6. |
fs_v7_raw | The unparsed XML form_schema of a form from ODK Central v0.6... |
geo_fs | The form_schema of a form containing geofields in GeoJSON. |
geo_gj | The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in... |
geo_gj88 | The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in... |
geo_gj_raw | The unparsed submissions of a form containing geofields in... |
geo_wkt | The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT. |
geo_wkt88 | The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT... |
geo_wkt_raw | The unparsed submissions of a form containing geofields in... |
get_one_attachment | Download one media attachment. |
get_one_submission | Download one submission. |
get_one_submission_attachment_list | List all attachments of one submission. |
get_one_submission_audit | Download server audit logs for one submission. |
handle_ru_attachments | Download and link submission attachments according to a form... |
handle_ru_datetimes | Parse datetimes of submission data according to a form... |
handle_ru_geopoints | Split all geopoints of a submission tibble into their... |
handle_ru_geoshapes | Split all geoshapes of a submission tibble into their... |
handle_ru_geotraces | Split all geotraces of a submission tibble into their... |
isodt_to_local | Parse an ISO8601 datetime string to a timezone aware... |
lifecycle_shim | Shim to allow Import of lifecycle, required for building... |
listcol_names | A functional to extract names of list columns from a tibble. |
odata_metadata_get | Retrieve metadata from an OData URL ending in .svc as list of... |
odata_service_get | Retrieve service metadata from an OData URL ending in .svc as... |
odata_submission_get | Retrieve and rectangle form submissions, parse dates,... |
odata_submission_rectangle | Rectangle the output of 'odata_submission_get(parse=FALSE)'... |
odata_svc_parse | Retrieve URL, project ID, and form ID from an ODK Central... |
parse_odkc_version | Parse a given ODK Central version string or number into a... |
pipe | Pipe operator |
predict_ruodk_name | Predict a field name after... |
prepend_uuid | Prepend a leading "uuid:" to any string, e.g. an md5 hash. |
project_create | Create a new project. |
project_detail | List all details of one project. |
project_list | List all projects. |
ru_msg_abort | rlang::abort() with a red error message with a cross symbol. |
ru_msg_info | Print a blue info message with an info symbol. |
ru_msg_noop | Print a green noop message with a filled circle symbol. |
ru_msg_success | Print a green success message with a tick symbol. |
ru_msg_warn | rlang::warn() with a yellow warning message with a warning... |
ruODK-package | ruODK: An R Client for the ODK Central API |
ru_settings | Get or set 'ruODK' settings. |
ru_setup | Configure default 'ruODK' settings. |
semver_gt | Show whether a given semver is greater than a baseline... |
semver_lt | Show whether a given semver is lesser than a baseline... |
split_geopoint | Annotate a dataframe containing a geopoint column with lon,... |
split_geoshape | Annotate a dataframe containing a geoshape column with lon,... |
split_geotrace | Annotate a dataframe containing a geotrace column with lon,... |
strip_uuid | Strip the leading "uuid:" from a UUID hash. |
submission_audit_get | Get submission audits for a list of submission instance IDs. |
submission_detail | Show metadata for one submission. |
submission_export | Export all form submissions including repeats and attachments... |
submission_get | Get submissions for a list of submission instance IDs. |
submission_list | List all submissions of one form. |
tidyeval | Tidy eval helpers |
unnest_all | Recursively unnest_wide all list columns in a tibble. |
user_list | List all users. |
yell_if_error | Warn about failed web requests and give helpful... |
yell_if_missing | Abort on missing ODK Central credentials (url, username,... |
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