geo_wkt88: The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT...

geo_wkt88R Documentation

The parsed submissions of a form containing geofields in WKT with trailing empty coordinates present.






An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 1 rows and 48 columns.


This issue was fixed in #88. ODK Central versions 0.7 - 0.9 export geotraces and geoshapes with trailing empty coordinates. ruODK has a patch to drop trailing empty coordinates. This dataset is used to test the patch in ruODK.


odata_submission_get(wkt=TRUE, parse=TRUE) run on the test form system.file("extdata", "Locations.xml", package = "ruODK").

See Also

Other included: fq_attachments, fq_data, fq_data_strata, fq_data_taxa, fq_form_detail, fq_form_list, fq_form_schema, fq_form_xml, fq_meta, fq_project_detail, fq_project_list, fq_raw, fq_raw_strata, fq_raw_taxa, fq_submission_list, fq_submissions, fq_svc, fq_zip_data, fq_zip_strata, fq_zip_taxa, fs_v7, fs_v7_raw, geo_fs, geo_gj, geo_gj88, geo_gj_raw, geo_wkt, geo_wkt_raw

dbca-wa/ruODK documentation built on Nov. 8, 2024, 4:09 a.m.