
Defines functions rlaptrans

rlaptrans <- function(n, ltpdf, ..., tol=1e-7, x0=1, xinc=2, m=11, L=1, A=19, nburn=38)

    # Function for generating a random sample of size n from a 
    # distribution, given the Laplace transform of its p.d.f.

    maxiter = 500

      # -----------------------------------------------------
      # Derived quantities that need only be calculated once,
      # including the binomial coefficients
      # -----------------------------------------------------
    nterms = nburn + m*L
    seqbtL = seq(nburn,nterms,L)
    y = pi * (1i) * seq(1:nterms) / L
    expy = exp(y)
    A2L = 0.5 * A / L
    expxt = exp(A2L) / L
    coef = choose(m,c(0:m)) / 2^m

      # --------------------------------------------------
      # Generate sorted uniform random numbers. xrand will
      # store the corresponding x values
      # --------------------------------------------------
    u = sort(runif(n), method="qu")
    xrand = u

      # Begin by finding an x-value that can act as an upper bound
      # throughout. This will be stored in upplim. Its value is
      # based on the maximum value in u. We also use the first
      # value calculated (along with its pdf and cdf) as a starting
      # value for finding the solution to F(x) = u_min. (This is
      # used only once, so doesn't need to be a good starting value
    t = x0/xinc
    cdf = 0   
    kount0 = 0
    set1st = FALSE
    while (kount0 < maxiter & cdf < u[n]) {
        t = xinc * t
        kount0 = kount0 + 1
        x = A2L / t
        z = x + y/t
        ltx = ltpdf(x, ...)
        ltzexpy = ltpdf(z, ...) * expy
        par.sum = 0.5*Re(ltx) + cumsum( Re(ltzexpy) )
        par.sum2 = 0.5*Re(ltx/x) + cumsum( Re(ltzexpy/z) )
        pdf = expxt * sum(coef * par.sum[seqbtL]) / t
        cdf = expxt * sum(coef * par.sum2[seqbtL]) / t
        if (!set1st & cdf > u[1]) {
            cdf1 = cdf
            pdf1 = pdf
            t1 = t
            set1st = TRUE
    if (kount0 >= maxiter) {
       stop('Cannot locate upper quantile')
    upplim = t

      # Now use modified Newton-Raphson

    lower = 0
    t = t1
    cdf = cdf1
    pdf = pdf1
    kount = numeric(n)

    maxiter = 1000

    for (j in 1:n) {

          # Initial bracketing of solution
        upper = upplim

        kount[j] = 0
        while (kount[j] < maxiter & abs(u[j]-cdf) > tol) {
            kount[j] = kount[j] + 1

              # Update t. Try Newton-Raphson approach. If this 
              # goes outside the bounds, use midpoint instead
            t = t - (cdf-u[j])/pdf 
            if (t < lower | t > upper) {
               t = 0.5 * (lower + upper)

              # Calculate the cdf and pdf at the updated value of t
            x = A2L / t
            z = x + y/t
            ltx = ltpdf(x, ...)
            ltzexpy = ltpdf(z, ...) * expy
            par.sum = 0.5*Re(ltx) + cumsum( Re(ltzexpy) )
            par.sum2 = 0.5*Re(ltx/x) + cumsum( Re(ltzexpy/z) )
            pdf = expxt * sum(coef * par.sum[seqbtL]) / t
            cdf = expxt * sum(coef * par.sum2[seqbtL]) / t

              # Update the bounds 
            if (cdf <= u[j]) {
                lower = t}
              else {
                upper = t}
        if (kount[j] >= maxiter) {
           warning('Desired accuracy not achieved for F(x)=u')
        xrand[j] = t
        lower = t

    if (n > 1) {
       rsample <- sample(xrand) }
     else {
       rsample <- xrand} 
dbystrova/GJAM_clust documentation built on Sept. 15, 2020, 5:46 p.m.