Man pages for dcarver1/gapAnalysisR
An R package to calculate conservation indicators using species distribution models

clean_recordsCreating a summary file of counts of germplasm, herbarium and...
create_buffersCreating buffer around germplasm accessions extracted from a...
create_folder_structureCreating folder and subfolder structure for a species list...
create_sp_dirsCreating folder and subfolder structure of gap analysis...
eooAooArea of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) in km2...
ers_exsituEnvironmental representativeness score estimation (Ex-situ...
ers_insituGermplasm representativeness score estimation (In-situ...
fcs_combineCombining Ex-situ and In-situ gap analysis results in one...
fcs_exsituFinal ex-situ conservation score estimation (Ex-situ...
fcs_insituFinal in-situ conservation score estimation (In-situ...
gap_map_exsituEstimating priority areas for further collecting (Ex-situ...
get_sp_namesObtaining species names from a CSV file
grs_exsituGermplasm representativeness score estimation (Ex-situ...
grs_insituGermplasm representativeness score estimation (In-situ...
Integrate_gap_analysis_functionRun a combined gap analysis combining all the functions of...
Pre_analysis_functionRun the first steps for the gap analysis
srs_exsituSample representativeness score estimation (Ex-situ...
srs_insituSample representativeness score estimation (In-situ...
dcarver1/gapAnalysisR documentation built on Feb. 29, 2020, 12:13 p.m.