
#' GetPairs
#' Form all pairs of rows in \code{X} and compute Mahalanobis distances based on \code{v}. 
#' To help with computational constraints, you have the option to not form pairs between all rows of \code{X} but instead of specify a certain number (\code{numForTransitionStart}) to randomly be selected as rows from which transitions start, and another number (\code{numForTransitionEnd}) to be randomly selected as where transitions end. We then form all pairs between transition-start rows and transition-end rows. 
#' In order to get a smaller data frame for later manipulations (and maybe just because it's a good idea), you can also specify \code{onlyIncludeNearestN}, in which case we return only the nearest \code{onlyIncludeNearestN} transition ends for each transition start (instead of all pairs).
#' @param X data frame
#' @param u input of interest
#' @param v other inputs
#' @param mahalanobisConstantTerm Weights are (1 / (mahalanobisConstantTerm + Mahalanobis distance))
#' @param numForTransitionStart number of rows to use as the start points of transitions (defaulting to `NULL`, we use all rows)
#' @param numForTransitionEnd number of rows to use as potential end points of transitions (defaulting to `NULL`, we use all rows)
#' @param onlyIncludeNearestN for each transition start, we only include as transition end points the nearest `onlyIncludeNearestN` rows  (defaulting to `NULL`, we use all rows)
#' @return a data frame with the inputs \code{v} from the first of each pair, \code{u} from each half (with ".B" appended to the second), and the Mahalanobis distances between the pairs.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' v <- rnorm(100)
#' u <- v + 0.3*rnorm(100)
#' qplot(v,u)
#' X = data.frame(v=v,u=u)
#' pairsDF <- GetPairs(X, "v", "u")
#' pairsDFRow1 <- subset(pairsDF, OriginalRowNumber==1)
#' # When we subset to one "original row number", all of the v's are the same:
#' print(pairsDFRow1$v)
#' # ... and u's corresponding to closer v.B (the v in the second element of the pair) have higher weight:
#' qplot(u.B, Weight, data=pairsDFRow1)
GetPairs <- function(X, u, v,
                     numForTransitionStart = NULL,
                     numForTransitionEnd = NULL,
                     onlyIncludeNearestN = NULL,
                     mahalanobisConstantTerm=1) {
  assert_that(length(u) == 1) # make sure we have exactly 1 input var of interest
  for (columnName in c(u,v)) {
    assert_that(columnName %in% names(X))
    columnClass <- class(X[[columnName]])
    if (!(columnClass) %in% c("integer", "numeric")) {
      stop(sprintf("Sorry, column %s is of class %s. I can only deal with integer and numeric types for now.", columnName, columnClass))
  if (!is.null(numForTransitionStart)) {
    X1 <- X[sample.int(nrow(X), size=numForTransitionStart), c(v,u)] 
  } else {
    X1 <- X[c(v,u)]
  if (!is.null(numForTransitionEnd)) {
    X2 <- X[sample.int(nrow(X), size=numForTransitionEnd), c(v,u)]
  } else {
    X2 <- X[c(v,u)]
  X1$OriginalRowNumber <- 1:nrow(X1)
  X2$OriginalRowNumber.B <- 1:nrow(X2)
  vMatrix1 <- as.matrix(X1[,v])
  vMatrix2 <- as.matrix(X2[,v])
  distMatrix <- apply(vMatrix1, 1, function(row) mahalanobis(vMatrix2, row, covV))
  colnames(distMatrix) <- 1:ncol(distMatrix)
  rownames(distMatrix) <- 1:nrow(distMatrix)
  distDF <- as.data.frame(as.table(distMatrix))
  names(distDF) <- c("OriginalRowNumber.B", "OriginalRowNumber", "MahalanobisDistance")
  if (!is.null(onlyIncludeNearestN)) {
    distDF <- distDF %>% 
      group_by(OriginalRowNumber) %>% 
      filter(rank(MahalanobisDistance, ties.method="random") < onlyIncludeNearestN)

  pairs <- merge(X1, distDF, by = "OriginalRowNumber")
  pairs <- merge(X2, pairs, by = "OriginalRowNumber.B", suffixes = c(".B", ""))
  pairs$Weight <- 1/(mahalanobisConstantTerm + pairs$MahalanobisDistance)
  # If we haven't sampled, then OriginalRowNumber == OriginalRowNumber.B means that 
  # the transition start and end are the same, so we should remove those rows.
  if (is.null(numForTransitionStart) && is.null(numForTransitionEnd)) {
    pairs <- subset(pairs, OriginalRowNumber != OriginalRowNumber.B)
  # Renormalize weights:
  pairs <- pairs %>% group_by(OriginalRowNumber) %>% mutate(Weight = Weight/sum(Weight))

#' PlotPairCumulativeWeights
#' For a sample of transition start rows, we plot rank of transition end (by increasing weight) vs. cumulative weight. This gives a sense of how much weight is going into the nearest points vs. further ones.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' v <- rnorm(100)
#' u <- v + 0.3*rnorm(100)
#' X = data.frame(v=v,u=u)
#' pairsDF <- GetPairs(X, "v", "u")
#' pairsDFRow1 <- subset(pairsDF, OriginalRowNumber==1)
#' # For most original rows, we get 75% of the weight in 50% of the pairs:
#' PlotPairCumulativeWeights(pairsDF)

PlotPairCumulativeWeights <- function(pairs, numOriginalRowNumbersToPlot = 20) {
  rowNumSample <- sample(unique(pairs$OriginalRowNumber))[1:numOriginalRowNumbersToPlot]
  pairsWithCumWeightSums <- pairs %>% 
    group_by(OriginalRowNumber) %>% 
    arrange(OriginalRowNumber, -Weight) %>% 
    mutate(CumulativeWeight = cumsum(Weight), Rank = dense_rank(-Weight))
  pairsSubset <- subset(pairsWithCumWeightSums, OriginalRowNumber %in% rowNumSample)
  ggplot() + 
    geom_line(aes(x=Rank, y=CumulativeWeight, color=factor(OriginalRowNumber)), data = pairsSubset, alpha = .2) + 
    geom_line(aes(x=Rank, y=CumulativeWeight), stat = "summary", fun.y = "median", data=pairsWithCumWeightSums)
dchudz/predcomps documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:48 a.m.