
#' GetApcDF
#' makes average predictive comparison for all specified inputs
#' @param model Either a function (from a data frame to vector of predictions) or a model we know how to deal with (lm, glm)
#' @param df data frame with data
#' @param inputVars inputs to the model
#' @param ... extra parguments passed to GetPairs used to control Weight function
#' @export
GetPredCompsDF <- function(model, df, inputVars = NULL, ...) {
  # If inputVars is null, we can try to get the list of inputs from the model:
  if (is.null(inputVars)) {
    inputVars <- GetInputVarsFromModel(model)
  apcList <-  Map(function(currentVar) {
    cat(paste("Working on:", currentVar, "\n"))
    data.frame(Input = currentVar,
                            c(setdiff(inputVars, currentVar)),
  apcDF <- do.call(rbind, apcList)

#' PlotApcDF
#' plots the output of GetApcDF -- this is my preferred display for now
#' @param apcDF the output of GetApcDF
#' @export
PlotPredCompsDF <- function(apcDF, variant="Impact") {
  apcDF <- apcDF[c("Input", grep(paste0("^",variant,"\\."), names(apcDF), value=TRUE))]
  names(apcDF) <- gsub(paste0("^",variant,"\\."), "", names(apcDF))
  maxAPC <- max(abs(apcDF$Absolute))  
  apcDF$Input <- reorder(apcDF$Input, apcDF$Absolute)
  longAPCs <- melt(apcDF, id="Input", value.name = "Value", variable.name = "Type")
  longAPCs2 <- rbind(
    transform(subset(longAPCs, Type=="Absolute"), Value=-Value)
  longAPCs2 <- longAPCs2[order(factor(longAPCs2$Type, levels=c("Absolute", "Signed"))), ]  
    ggplot(longAPCs2) +
      geom_point(aes(y = Input, x=Value, color=Type, shape=Type, size=Type)) +
      scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-maxAPC, maxAPC)) +
      scale_size_discrete(range=c(3,4)) +
      ggtitle(variant) +
      geom_vline(aes(xintercept=0), alpha=.5)
dchudz/predcomps documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:48 a.m.