#' Templates to XML
#' Make an XML file with the template points for a set of stimuli. For use with [facetrain] for training dlib models.
#' @param stimuli list of class stimlist
#' @param dir path to save the images and XML file
#' @param imageset name for the image set (in the XML file)
#' @return the path to the xml file (invisibly)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xml <- system.file("demo/_images.xml", package = "webmorphR.dlib")
#' # read the first 10 lines of the xml file
#' readLines(xml, n = 10)
tem_to_xml <- function(stimuli, dir = "images", imageset = "Image Set") {
stimuli <- webmorphR::as_stimlist(stimuli)
verbose <- getOption("webmorph.verbose", TRUE)
# write images to dir ----
if (verbose) message("Writing images to directory")
stim_names <- names(stimuli)
unique_names <- unique(stim_names)
if (length(stim_names) > length(unique_names)) {
stop("Make sure none of your images has a duplicate name.")
paths <- stimuli |>
webmorphR::remove_tem() |>
webmorphR::write_stim(dir = dir, format = "jpg", overwrite = TRUE) |>
unlist() |>
# get bounding boxes ----
if (verbose) {
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
total = length(paths), clear = FALSE,
format = "Detecting face locations [:bar] :current/:total :elapsedfull"
py_get_location <- NULL # stops CMD check from complaining
pyscript <- system.file("python/facedetect.py", package = "webmorphR.dlib")
boxes <- lapply(paths, function(p) {
if (verbose) pb$tick()
}) |>
# create XML ----
if (verbose) {
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
total = length(paths), clear = FALSE,
format = "Creating XML file [:bar] :current/:total :elapsedfull"
imgs <- mapply(function(stim, path, box) {
if (verbose) pb$tick()
i <- -1
pts <- apply(stim$points, 2, function(pt) {
i <<- i + 1
sprintf("<part name='%03.f' x='%.0f' y='%.0f'/>", i,
round(pt["x"]), round(pt["y"]))
}) |>
paste(collapse = "\n ")
if (is.null(box)) {
minpt <- apply(stim$points, 1, min)
maxpt <- apply(stim$points, 1, max)
box <- c(top = max(0, minpt["y"]-10),
right = min(stim$width, maxpt["x"]+10),
bottom = min(stim$height, maxpt["y"]+10),
left = max(0, minpt["x"]-10)
) |> round()
sprintf(" <image file='%s'>
<box top='%d' left='%d' width='%d' height='%d'>
</image>", path,
box[[1]], box[[4]],
abs(box[[3]]-box[[1]]), pts)
}, stimuli, paths, boxes) |>
paste(collapse = "\n")
# write XML ----
filename <- file.path(normalizePath(dir), "_images.xml")
xml <- sprintf("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='image_metadata_stylesheet.xsl'?>
</dataset>", imageset, imgs)
write(xml, filename)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.