
Defines functions coerce_to kv.default kv

# Key value iteration
# Create a list with `k` and `v` elements useful for iteration
# @param x object such as vector or list to separate into key value pairs
# @param ... additional args
# @details 
# No magic here, just something simple to convert `x` into a list of 
# lists. Each element of \code{x} is broken into a list with elements `k` 
# (key) and `v` (value). See examples.
# For many cases, key-value iteration can be done with `*apply` or
# `paste` functions. This is made to be explicit and work on a variery of
# objects.  
# @references 
# * [(SO: for-loop-in-r-with-key-value](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18572921/for-loop-in-r-with-key-value)
# * [SO: iterate-over-key-value-pair-from-a-list](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4500106/iterate-over-key-value-pair-from-a-list)
# @return  
# A named list of list; each element of `x` becomes a one element list 
# with elements `k` and `v` representing the keys and values
# @author
# This function is taken from the *base.tools* package and is used with permission.
# @examples 
#   # Lists
#   li <- list(a=1,b=2,c=3) 
#   kv(li)
#   for( kv in kv(li) )
#     cat( kv$k, ":", kv$v, "\n")
#   # vectors 
#   v <- c(a=1, b=2, c=3 )
#   kv(li)
#   for( kv in kv(li) )
#     cat( kv$k, ":", kv$v, "\n")
# @md

kv <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('kv')

# @export
# @rdname kv

kv.default <- function(x) { 
  kv <- list() 
  for( i in 1:length(x) ) { 
    kv[[i]] = list( k=names(x)[[i]], v=x[[i]] )  

# coerce to the type of the class while trapping errors
# Coerces a value to a class but stopping if NAs are produced or the objects 
# are not eq
# non-export
coerce_to <- function(object, class) {
  if( is(object, class) ) return(object) 
  suppressWarnings( res <- as(object, class) )
  if( any_na(res) ) stop( paste0("NAs produced in coercing .na to ",  class ) )
  if( any(res != object) ) stop( paste0( "Cannot coerce .na to ", class ) )  
# @author decision patterns / christopher brown
# Taken from the base.tools package with permission 
qw <- function (...) 

# @author decision patterns / christopher brown
# Taken from the dimensional package with permission  
most_freq <- function (x, na.action = na.pass) 
  as(names(which.max(table(na.action(x), useNA = "always"))), class(x))
decisionpatterns/na.actions documentation built on Aug. 25, 2020, 8:04 p.m.