
Defines functions xyplot.data.frame tmd.data.frame qqmath.data.frame qq.data.frame levelplot.data.frame contourplot.data.frame histogram.data.frame densityplot.data.frame cloud.data.frame wireframe.data.frame bwplot.data.frame stripplot.data.frame barchart.data.frame dotplot.data.frame .df2formula

Documented in barchart.data.frame bwplot.data.frame cloud.data.frame contourplot.data.frame densityplot.data.frame dotplot.data.frame histogram.data.frame levelplot.data.frame qq.data.frame qqmath.data.frame stripplot.data.frame tmd.data.frame wireframe.data.frame xyplot.data.frame

## We want data frame methods that support calls like xyplot(data,
## formula, ...) by calling them as xyplot(formula, data, ...). This
## is a little tricky (in ways that I don't really understand) because
## of the need to handle NSE arguments like groups and subset.

## Here we _know_ that the first argument (or a named argument 'x') is
## a data.frame. We will try to identify the 'x' and 'formula'
## arguments, which may or may not be named, remove them (along with a
## 'data' argument if any), rename them to 'data' and 'x'
## respectively, and evaluate the call.

.df2formula <- function(ccall)
    ocall <- ccall
    n <- length(ccall)
    if (n == 2) stop("a formula must be specified for the 'data.frame' method")
    cnames <- names(ccall)
    if (is.null(cnames)) {
        ## No named arguments --- this is relatively easy
        if (n == 3) names(ccall) <- c("", "data", "x")
        else if (n > 3) {
            ## third argument is 'formula', and second argument 'data'
            ## is to be ignored
            ccall <- ccall[-3L] # second argument has index 3
            names(ccall) <- rep("", n-1) # second argument is now the formula
            names(ccall)[c(2, 3)] <- c("data", "x")
    else {
        ## OK, we have names (so at least one named argument). Let's
        ## check how many unnamed arguments we have (excluding the
        ## function name), how many of 'x', 'data', and 'formula' are
        ## still missing, and match them accordingly
        w <- which(cnames[-1] == ""); nw <- length(w) 
        have_args <- c("x", "data", "formula") %in% cnames
        need_match <- c("x", "data", "formula")[!have_args]
        nmatch <- min(nw, length(need_match))
        if (nmatch > 0) { # match with missing args
            names(ccall)[ w[1:nmatch] + 1L ] <- need_match[1:nmatch]
        ## We should be ready now to switch argument names and
        ## call. We assume that we have at least 'x' and either or
        ## both of 'data' and 'formula'
        formula <- if (is.null(ccall$formula)) ccall$data
                   else ccall$formula
        ## The next line is highly questionable, but is needed to
        ## handle cases like
        ## xyplot(data, data = y ~ x, , col = 1)
        ## although it's not clear whether they need to be
        if (missing(formula)) formula <- ccall$data
        x <- ccall$x
        ccall$formula <- NULL # in case present
        ccall$x <- formula # switch
        ccall$data <- x
    if (!inherits(eval(ccall$x), "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
    ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
    ans$call <- ocall

dotplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(dotplot)

barchart.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(barchart)

stripplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(stripplot)

bwplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(bwplot)

wireframe.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(wireframe)

cloud.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(cloud)

densityplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(densityplot)

histogram.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(histogram)

contourplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(contourplot)

levelplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(levelplot)

qq.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(qq)

qqmath.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(qqmath)

tmd.data.frame <- function(object, formula, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(tmd)
    if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
    modifyList(tmd(formula, object, ...), list(call = ocall))

xyplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(xyplot)

## barchart.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(barchart)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(barchart(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## stripplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(stripplot)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(stripplot(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## bwplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(bwplot)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(bwplot(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## wireframe.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(wireframe)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(wireframe(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## cloud.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(cloud)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(cloud(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## densityplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(densityplot)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(densityplot(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## histogram.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(histogram)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(histogram(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## contourplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(contourplot)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(contourplot(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## levelplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(levelplot)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(levelplot(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## qq.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(qq)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(qq(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## qqmath.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(qqmath)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(qqmath(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## tmd.data.frame <- function(object, formula, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(tmd)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(tmd(formula, object, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }

## xyplot.data.frame <- function(x, data = NULL, formula = data, ...)
## {
##     ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(xyplot)
##     if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("'formula' must be a formula object")
##     modifyList(xyplot(formula, x, ...), list(call = ocall))
## }
deepayan/lattice documentation built on April 28, 2024, 4:02 p.m.