#' Identify when VALUE begins trending up
#' @details Identifies \code{TIMESTAMP} when \code{VALUE} exceeds a threshold
#' and does not return below the threshold, for each group in \code{DEPTH} and
#' \code{...}.
#' If \code{VALUE} never crosses the threshold because temperature is always >
#' \code{trend_threshold}, the date will be returned as \code{NA}.
#' \code{VALUE = trend_threshold} is considered over the threshold.
#' @param dat Data frame with at least three columns: \code{TIMESTAMP} (must be
#' possible to convert to POSIXct), \code{DEPTH}, and \code{VALUE}. If column
#' \code{VARIABLE} is included, it must have one unique entry. May also
#' include columns with grouping variables passed to \code{...}. Other columns
#' will be ignored.
#' @param ... Additional columns in \code{dat} to use as grouping variables.
#' Results are automatically grouped by \code{DEPTH}.
#' @param trend_threshold The threshold for "trending up". Default is
#' \code{trend_threshold = 4}. The last observation above
#' \code{trend_threshold} that does not return below \code{trend_threshold}
#' triggers the beginning of the growing season for each \code{DEPTH} and
#' group in \code{...}.
#' @return Returns a tibble. \code{START_TREND} is the \code{TIMESTAMP} of the
#' final time \code{VALUE} exceeds \code{trend_threshold} and does not return
#' below \code{trend_threshold} (for each \code{DEPTH} and group in
#' \code{...}).
#' This \code{TIMESTAMP} is passed to \code{identify_growing_seasons()} to
#' denote the start of the growing season.
#' \code{START_TREND} is assigned \code{NA} for groups for which \code{VALUE}
#' did not cross \code{trend_threshold}.
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange mutate filter summarise group_by ungroup left_join
#' @importFrom lubridate year as_datetime
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("string_data")
#' string_data <- string_data[which(string_data$VARIABLE == "Temperature"), ]
#' trend_up <- identify_trending_up(string_data, trend_threshold = 4)
identify_trending_up <- function(dat, ..., trend_threshold = 4){
if("VARIABLE" %in% colnames(dat)){
if(length(unique(dat$VARIABLE)) > 1) {
stop("More than one VARIABLE found in dat. \n
HINT: filter dat for the variable of interest before applying
trend_groups <- dat %>%
distinct(..., DEPTH)
trend_table <- dat %>%
) %>%
group_by(..., DEPTH) %>%
arrange(TIMESTAMP, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
mutate(CROSS_THRESH = if_else(
lag(VALUE) < trend_threshold & VALUE >= trend_threshold, TRUE, FALSE )
) %>%
filter(CROSS_THRESH) %>%
# for stations that never cross the threshold (e.g., Cornwallis)
if(nrow(trend_table) == 0){
trend_table <- trend_groups %>%
mutate(START_TREND = as_datetime(NA_character_))
} else{
trend_table <- trend_groups %>%
left_join(trend_table) %>%
group_by(..., DEPTH) %>%
summarise(START_TREND = max(TIMESTAMP)) %>%
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