
#' PBT gene sets related to kidney transplant
#'9 Pathogenesis Based Transcripts (PBT) gene sets specifically related to kidney transplant
#'@name PBT_gmt
#'@rdname PBT_gmt
#'@aliases PBT_gmt PBT
#'@usage data(PBT_gmt)
#'@references Halloran PF, De Freitas DG, Einecke G, \emph{et al.}, The molecular phenotype of kidney
#'transplants: Personal viewpoint, \emph{Am J Transplant}, 10: 2215-2222, 2010.
#'@references Sellares J, Reeve J, Loupy A, et al., Molecular diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection
#'in human kidney transplants, \emph{Am J Transplant}, 13:971-983, 2013.
#'@references Broin PO, Hayde N, Bao Y, et al.,  A pathogenesis-based transcript signature in
#'donor-specific antibody-positive kidney transplant patients with normal biopsies,
#'\emph{Genomics Data} 2: 357-60, 2014.
#'@format a \code{gmt} object containing 9 gene sets specific to kidney transplant (see \code{\link[GSA:GSA.read.gmt]{GSA.read.gmt}})
#' data("PBT_gmt")
#' PBT_gmt
#' @source \url{https://www.ualberta.ca/medicine/institutes-centres-groups/atagc/research/gene-lists.html}
#' @keywords datasets
#' @docType data
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