
Defines functions check_data

Documented in check_data

# library(lme4)
# d = expand.grid(A=factor(1:3),B=factor(1:4))
# d$C = paste(d$B,1:3,sep=':')
# d = rbind(d,d)
# d$X = 1:nrow(d)
# d$y = rnorm(nrow(d))
# f = y~A+B+A:B+(1|A:C)+X
# str(get_all_vars(f,d))
# d1 = d

#' check_data Checks a data.frame for all the terms in a model
#' Prepares a report list \code{str(data)} that displays the number of levels of each factor
#' including factor combinations
#' @param object Either a formula, e.g. \code{y~A+B+(1|C)}
#' or the output of a call to \code{lm()} or \code{lmer()}
#' @param d If \code{object} is a formula, provide the data.frame.
#' If \code{object} is the output of a model statement, leave NULL.
#' @return nothing. Just prints the complete data structure.
#' @export
#' @examples
check_data = function(object,d = NULL) {
  if(is.null(d)) {
    d = model.frame(object)
  # First, use model.frame to check that the terms exist
  mf = model.frame(lme4::subbars(f),d)
  # now extract each term
  expanded_d = list()
  all_terms = terms(lme4::subbars(f))
  response = colnames(mf)[[1]]
  expanded_d[[response]] = mf[,1]

  for(t in all.vars(all_terms)) {
    if(!is.numeric(d[[t]])) d[[t]] = droplevels(as.factor(d[[t]]))

  for(t in labels(all_terms)) {
    if(grepl(':',t,fixed=T)[[1]]) {
      expanded_d[[t]] = do.call(interaction,list(lapply(strsplit(t,':')[[1]],function(v) d[[v]]),drop=TRUE))
    } else{
      expanded_d[[t]] = d[[t]]
  expanded_d = data.frame(expanded_d,check.names = F)
deruncie/PLS205_package documentation built on March 25, 2022, 2:29 a.m.