replay_buffer <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(buffer_size, dim, device) {
self$max_size <- buffer_size
self$dim <- dim
self$buffer <- list()
self$init_length <- 0
self$device <- device
next_buffer_idx = function() {
if (length(self$buffer) < self$max_size)
length(self$buffer) + 1 # will add to the end of the buffer
else$max_size, size = 1) # will randomly remove an element
add = function(episodes) {
episodes <- episodes$x
# allows passing a batch of tensors
if (torch:::is_torch_tensor(episodes)) {
episodes <- torch::torch_unbind(episodes)
for (e in episodes) {
buffer_idx <- self$next_buffer_idx()
self$buffer[[buffer_idx]] <- e
get_batch = function(n, reinit_freq) {
n_buffer <- rbinom(1, n, prob = 1 - reinit_freq)
if (n_buffer > length(self$buffer))
n_buffer <- length(self$buffer)
n_random <- n - n_buffer
tensors <- list()
# sample from buffer
if (n_buffer > 0) {
idx <-$buffer), size = n_buffer)
tensors <- append(tensors, list(torch::torch_stack(self$buffer[idx])))
# random sample, same size
if (n_random > 0) {
size <- c(n_random, self$dim)
random_batch <- torch::torch_empty(size = size)$uniform_(-1, 1)$to(device = self$device)
tensors <- append(tensors, list(random_batch))
list(x = torch::torch_cat(tensors), y = NULL)
conditional_replay_buffer <- torch::nn_module(
initialize = function(n_class, buffer_size, dim, device) {
self$n_class <- n_class
self$buffer_size <- as.integer(buffer_size/n_class)
self$buffer <- vector(mode = "list", length = buffer_size)
self$sizes <- rep(0, n_class)
self$dim <- dim
self$device <- device
id_from_y = function(id, y) {
(y - 1)*self$buffer_size + id
next_buffer_idx = function(y) {
y <- y$item()
if (self$sizes[y] < self$buffer_size) {
self$sizes[y] <- self$sizes[y] + 1
id <- self$sizes[y]
} else {
id <-$buffer_size, size = 1)
self$id_from_y(id, y)
add = function(episodes) {
y <- episodes$y
episodes <- episodes$x
# allows passing a batch of tensors
if (torch:::is_torch_tensor(episodes)) {
episodes <- torch::torch_unbind(episodes)
if (torch:::is_torch_tensor(y)) {
y <- torch::torch_unbind(y)
for (i in seq_along(episodes)) {
id <- self$next_buffer_idx(y[[i]])
self$buffer[[id]] <- episodes[[i]]
get_batch = function(n, reinit_freq) {
if (length(n) == 1)
y <-$n_class, size = n, replace = TRUE)
y <- as.integer(n)
batch <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(y))
for (i in seq_along(y)) {
r <- runif(1)
if (r < reinit_freq || self$sizes[y[i]] <= 0) {
batch[[i]] <- torch::torch_empty(size = self$dim)$uniform_(-1, 1)$to(device = self$device)
} else {
id <-$sizes[y[i]], size = 1)
id <- self$id_from_y(id, y[i])
batch[[i]] <- self$buffer[[id]]
list(x = torch::torch_stack(batch), y = torch::torch_tensor(y, device = self$device))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.