
Defines functions report_detailed_edges.existing_igraph report_edges.existing_igraph existing_params generate_graph.existing_igraph

Documented in existing_params generate_graph.existing_igraph report_detailed_edges.existing_igraph report_edges.existing_igraph

#' create a social network from an existing igraph object
#' Given an existing igraph object, add attributes for the frame
#' population and for the hidden population.
#' @param params an optional list containing hidden.pop and frame.pop
#' @return the \code{igraph} object with each vertex's hidden and frame pop membership 
#' indicated by in.F and in.H
#' @export
generate_graph.existing_igraph <- function(params, g) {
  ## these are the names of vertex attributes (assumed already to exist)
  ## that will be reported
  groups <- params$groups
  ## the names of the groups that are in the frame population
  gps.in.F <- params$gps.in.F
  ## the names of the groups that are in the hidden population
  gps.in.H <- params$gps.in.H
  # label vertices w/ dummy variables for membership in F
  V(g)$in.F <- 0
  for (gp in gps.in.F) {
     g <- set_vertex_attr(g, 
                          ## NB: we're assuming that the attributes are TRUE/FALSE or 1/0
                          index=as.logical(vertex_attr(g, gp)), 
  # ... and for membership in H
  V(g)$in.H <- 0
  for (gp in gps.in.H) {
    g <- set_vertex_attr(g, 
                         ## NB: we're assuming that the attributes are TRUE/FALSE or 1/0
                         index=as.logical(vertex_attr(g, gp)), 
  ## calculate the degree and add it as an attribute
  ## note that this is subtly different from edge-reports, 
  ## where y.degree and v.degree can be affected
  ## by reporting errors
  g <- set.vertex.attribute(g, 
  g <- set.graph.attribute(g, "groups", groups)
  g <- set.graph.attribute(g, "gps.in.F", gps.in.F)
  g <- set.graph.attribute(g, "gps.in.H", gps.in.H)
  class(g) <- append(class(g), "existing_igraph")

#' create a parameter object for an existing igraph
#' Given an existing igraph object, add attributes for the frame
#' population and for the hidden population.
#' The \code{params} vector should have at least three entries:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{groups} is a vector that has a list of attributes that
#' each node in the \code{igraph} object \code{g} has. These attributes
#' should all have values of 0/1 or TRUE/FALSE.
#' \item \code{gps.in.F} is a vector that has a list of group names; nodes in
#' those groups are taken to be in the frame population
#' \item \code{gps.in.H} is a vector that has a list of group names; nodes in
#' those groups are taken to be in the hidden population
#' }'
#' @param params the parameters
#' @return an object with the parameters
#' @examples 
#' my_params <- existing_params(list(group.names=c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'),
#'                                   gps.in.F=c('b', 'c'),
#'                                   gps.in.H=c('a', 'b')))
#' @export
existing_params <- function(params) {
  # TODO - eventually, check that the params are all there?
  class(params) <- "existing_igraph"

#' for each vertex, create ARD by computing the number of connections to each block
#' If this function is called on an undirected social network graph (with mode='all'),
#' then it counts the true number of social connections between each node and
#' the various blocks.
#' On the other hand, if this function is called on a directed reporting graph,
#' then it computes the reported number of social connections (with mode='in')
#' or visibility (with mode='out').
#' @details
#' This function is useful for computing edge counts (i.e. ARD)
#' between
#' individual vertices and the blocks. These edge counts are the building
#' blocks of many network reporting estimators.
#' Note that, counter-intuitively, mode="in" will compute out-reports and
#' mode="out" will compute in-reports. This is the \code{igraph} convention.
#' For undirected graphs (for example, when computing degrees in the social
#' network), use "all".
#' For example, if the prefix is "y." and the mode is "in", we are asking
#' \code{report.sbm.edges} to count each vertex's number of out-reports
#' about each block. If we have three blocks, A, B, and C, then in the
#' graph that \code{report.sbm.edges} returns, each vertex will have
#' four new attributes: \code{y.degree}, \code{y.A}, \code{y.B}, and \code{y.C}.
#' @param g the \code{igraph} object
#' @param prefix the prefix to use in the variable names that are attached
#'        (useful if this function will be used to compute reports more than once)
#' @param mode one of "all", "in", or "out". see Details
#' @return the \code{igraph} object with new attributes affixed to each vertex
#'         (see Details)
#' @export
report_edges.existing_igraph <- function(g, prefix='d.', mode="all") {
  # compute the degree of each vertex
  # note that for undirected graphs, mode='out' has no effect; this just
  # returns the degree
  g <- set.vertex.attribute(g, paste0(prefix, 'degree'), value=degree(g, mode=mode))
  adj.matrix <- get.adjacency(g)
  groups <- get.graph.attribute(g, 'groups')
  ## go through and get reported connections to each block
  for (gp in groups) {
    in.gp <- as.numeric(get.vertex.attribute(g, gp)) 
    res.name <- paste0(prefix, gp)
    if (mode=='out') {
      # in this case, we want visibilities
      # which are A^T x; we'll compute them via
      # we'll compute x^T A instead
      num.rep.conns <- as.numeric(t(in.gp) %*% adj.matrix)
    } else {
      num.rep.conns <- as.numeric(adj.matrix %*% in.gp)
    g <- set.vertex.attribute(g, 

#' for each vertex, create detailed reports by returning edge information 
#' Return all of the edges that would be reported by each node in the graph
#' @details
#' This function is useful for computing deatiled edge reports 
#' between individual vertices and their alters. 
#' These edge reports are the building blocks of many network reporting 
#' estimators.
#' TODO - we might be able to remove the \code{mode} argument - not sure it
#' is needed here
#' @param g the \code{igraph} object
#' @param prefix the prefix to use in the variable names that come from the alters
#' @param mode one of "all", "in", or "out". see Details
#' @return a \code{tibble} object with each reported edge
#'         (see Details)
#' @export
report_detailed_edges.existing_igraph <- function(g, prefix='d.', mode="all") {
  # compute the degree of each vertex
  # note that for undirected graphs, mode='out' has no effect; this just
  # returns the degree
  #g <- set.vertex.attribute(g, 
  #                          paste0('degree'), 
  #                          value=degree(g, mode=mode))
  res_df_ev <- igraph::as_data_frame(g, what = 'both')
  # NOTE: if there are isolates (vertices with no incident edges),
  # then they would not get recorded here...
  res_df <- res_df_ev$edges %>% 
    # TODO - may eventually want to handle cases where the ids can
    # have different values
    rename(name=from, alter_id=to) %>%
    # join ego's attributes
    left_join(res_df_ev$vertices) %>%
    left_join(res_df_ev$vertices %>% 
                rename_with(~ paste0(prefix, .x), everything()),
                by=c('alter_id'=paste0(prefix, 'name')))
dfeehan/nrsimulatr documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 3:18 a.m.