# Turn an R list into an HTML list
# @param list An R list
# @param class a class for the list
# @return an HTML list
# @examples
# list_to_li(c("a","b"))
#' @importFrom htmltools tags tagAppendAttributes tagList
list_to_li <- function(list, class = NULL){
if (is.null(class)){
tagList(lapply(list, tags$li))
} else {
res <- lapply(list, tags$li)
res <- lapply(res, function(x) tagAppendAttributes(x, class = class))
#' @importFrom htmltools tags tagAppendAttributes tagList
list_to_p <- function(list, class = NULL){
if (is.null(class)){
tagList(lapply(list, tags$p))
} else {
res <- lapply(list, tags$p)
res <- lapply(res, function(x) tagAppendAttributes(x, class = class))
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom htmltools tags tagAppendAttributes tagList
named_to_li <- function(list, class = NULL){
res <- mapply(
function(x, y){
tags$li(HTML(glue("<b>{y}:</b> {x}")))
list, names(list), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
#res <- lapply(res, HTML)
} else {
res <- mapply(
function(x, y){
tags$li(HTML(glue("<b>{y}:</b> {x}")))
list, names(list), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
res <- lapply(res, function(x) tagAppendAttributes(x, class = class))
# Remove a tag attribute
# @param tag the tag
# @param ... the attributes to remove
# @return a new tag
# @export
# @examples
# a <- shiny::tags$p(src = "plop", "pouet")
# tagRemoveAttributes(a, "src")
tagRemoveAttributes <- function(tag, ...) {
attrs <- as.character(list(...))
for (i in seq_along(attrs)) {
tag$attribs[[ attrs[i] ]] <- NULL
# Hide or display a tag
# @param tag the tag
# @return a tag
# @examples
# ## Hide
# a <- shiny::tags$p(src = "plop", "pouet")
# undisplay(a)
# b <- shiny::actionButton("go_filter", "go")
# undisplay(b)
#' @importFrom htmltools tagList
undisplay <- function(tag) {
# if not already hidden
if (!is.null(tag$attribs$style) && !grepl("display:\\s+none", tag$attribs$style)) {
tag$attribs$style <- paste("display: none;", tag$attribs$style)
} else {
tag$attribs$style <- "display: none;"
#' @importFrom htmltools tagList
display <- function(tag) {
if (!is.null(tag$attribs$style) && grepl("display:\\s+none", tag$attribs$style)) {
tag$attribs$style <- gsub("(\\s)*display:(\\s)*none(\\s)*(;)*(\\s)*", "", tag$attribs$style)
# Hide an elements by calling jquery hide on it
#' @importFrom htmltools tags
jq_hide <- function(id) {
tags$script(sprintf("$('#%s').hide()", id))
# Add a red star at the end of the text
# Adds a red star at the end of the text
# (for example for indicating mandatory fields).
# @param text the HTLM text to put before the red star
# @return an html element
# @examples
# with_red_star("Enter your name here")
#' @importFrom htmltools tags HTML
with_red_star <- function(text) {
style = "color:red", "*"
# Repeat tags$br
# @param times the number of br to return
# @return the number of br specified in times
# @export
# @examples
# rep_br(5)
#' @importFrom htmltools HTML
rep_br <- function(times = 1) {
HTML(rep("<br/>", times = times))
# Create an url
# @param url the URL
# @param text the text to display
# @return an a tag
# @export
# @examples
# enurl("https://www.thinkr.fr", "ThinkR")
enurl <- function(url, text){
tags$a(href = url, text)
# Columns 12, 6 and 4
# Most shiny columns are 12, 6 or 4 of width.
# These are convenient wrappers around
# `column(12, ...)`, `column(6, ...)` and `column(4, ...)`.
# @export
# @rdname columns
#' @importFrom shiny column
col_12 <- function(...){
column(12, ...)
#' @importFrom shiny column
col_6 <- function(...){
column(6, ...)
#' @importFrom shiny column
col_4 <- function(...){
column(4, ...)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.