
Defines functions esp_detect_cache_dir esp_hlp_cachedir esp_hlp_detect_cache_dir esp_clear_cache esp_set_cache_dir

Documented in esp_clear_cache esp_detect_cache_dir esp_set_cache_dir

#' Set your \CRANpkg{mapSpain} cache dir
#' @family cache utilities
#' @seealso [rappdirs::user_config_dir()]
#' @return
#' An (invisible) character with the path to your `cache_dir`.
#' @description
#' This function will store your `cache_dir` path on your local machine and
#' would load it for future sessions. Type `Sys.getenv("MAPSPAIN_CACHE_DIR")` to
#' find your cached path.
#' Alternatively, you can store the `cache_dir` manually with the following
#' options:
#'  - Run `Sys.setenv(MAPSPAIN_CACHE_DIR = "cache_dir")`. You would need to
#'    run this command on each session (Similar to `install = FALSE`).
#'  - Set `options(mapSpain_cache_dir = "cache_dir")`. Similar to the previous
#'    option. This is **not recommended any more**, and it is provided for
#'    backwards compatibility purposes.
#'  - Write this line on your .Renviron file:
#'    `MAPSPAIN_CACHE_DIR = "value_for_cache_dir"` (same behavior than
#'    `install = TRUE`). This would store your `cache_dir` permanently.
#' @inheritParams esp_get_nuts
#' @param cache_dir A path to a cache directory. On missing value the function
#'   would store the cached files on a temporary dir (See [base::tempdir()]).
#' @param install Logical. If `TRUE`, will install the key in your local
#'   machine for use in future sessions.  Defaults to `FALSE.` If `cache_dir`
#'   is `FALSE` this parameter is set to `FALSE` automatically.
#' @param overwrite Logical. If this is set to `TRUE`, it will overwrite an
#'   existing `MAPSPAIN_CACHE_DIR` that you already have in local machine.
#' @examples
#' # Don't run this! It would modify your current state
#' \dontrun{
#' esp_set_cache_dir(verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' Sys.getenv("MAPSPAIN_CACHE_DIR")
#' @export
esp_set_cache_dir <- function(cache_dir, overwrite = FALSE, install = FALSE,
                              verbose = TRUE) {
  # Default if not provided
  if (missing(cache_dir) || cache_dir == "") {
    if (verbose) {
        "Using a temporary cache dir. ",
        "Set 'cache_dir' to a value for store permanently"
    # Create a folder on tempdir
    cache_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "mapSpain")
    is_temp <- TRUE
    install <- FALSE
  } else {
    is_temp <- FALSE

  # Validate
  stopifnot(is.character(cache_dir), is.logical(overwrite), is.logical(install))

  # Expand
  cache_dir <- path.expand(cache_dir)

  # Create cache dir if it doesn't exists
  if (!dir.exists(cache_dir)) {
    dir.create(cache_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  if (verbose) {
    message("mapSpain cache dir is: ", cache_dir)

  # Install path on environ var.
  # nocov start

  if (install) {
    config_dir <- rappdirs::user_config_dir("mapSpain", "R")
    # Create cache dir if not presente
    if (!dir.exists(config_dir)) {
      dir.create(config_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    mapspain_file <- file.path(config_dir, "mapSpain_cache_dir")

    if (!file.exists(mapspain_file) || overwrite == TRUE) {
      # Create file if it doesn't exist
      writeLines(cache_dir, con = mapspain_file)
    } else {
        "A cache_dir path already exists.\nYou can overwrite it with the ",
        "argument overwrite = TRUE",
        call. = FALSE
    # nocov end
  } else {
    if (verbose && !is_temp) {
        "To install your cache_dir path for use in future sessions,",
        "\nrun this function with `install = TRUE`."

  Sys.setenv(MAPSPAIN_CACHE_DIR = cache_dir)

esp_clear_cache <- function(config = TRUE, cached_data = TRUE,
                            verbose = FALSE) {
  config_dir <- rappdirs::user_config_dir("mapSpain", "R")
  data_dir <- esp_hlp_detect_cache_dir()
  if (config && dir.exists(config_dir)) {
    unlink(config_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
    if (verbose) message("mapSpain cache config deleted")

  if (cached_data && dir.exists(data_dir)) {
    unlink(data_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE, expand = TRUE)
    if (verbose) message("mapSpain cached data deleted: ", data_dir)

  Sys.setenv(MAPSPAIN_CACHE_DIR = "")
  options(mapSpain_cache_dir = NULL)

#' Detect cache dir for mapSpain
#' @noRd
esp_hlp_detect_cache_dir <- function() {
  # Try from getenv
  getvar <- Sys.getenv("MAPSPAIN_CACHE_DIR")

  # 1. Get from option - This is from backwards compatibility only

  from_option <- getOption("mapSpain_cache_dir", NULL)

  # nocov start
  if (!is.null(from_option) && (is.null(getvar) || getvar == "")) {
    cache_dir <- esp_set_cache_dir(from_option, install = FALSE)
  # nocov end

  if (is.null(getvar) || is.na(getvar) || getvar == "") {
    # Not set - tries to retrieve from cache
    cache_config <- file.path(
      rappdirs::user_config_dir("mapSpain", "R"),

    # nocov start
    if (file.exists(cache_config)) {
      cached_path <- readLines(cache_config)

      # Case on empty cached path - would default
      if (any(is.null(cached_path), is.na(cached_path), cached_path == "")) {
        cache_dir <- esp_set_cache_dir(overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)

      # 3. Return from cached path
      Sys.setenv(MAPSPAIN_CACHE_DIR = cached_path)
      # nocov end
    } else {
      # 4. Default cache location

      cache_dir <- esp_set_cache_dir(overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
  } else {

#' Creates `cache_dir`
#' @inheritParams esp_get_nuts
#' @noRd
esp_hlp_cachedir <- function(cache_dir = NULL) {
  # Check cache dir from options if not set
  if (is.null(cache_dir)) {
    cache_dir <- esp_hlp_detect_cache_dir()

  # Create cache dir if needed
  if (isFALSE(dir.exists(cache_dir))) {
    dir.create(cache_dir, recursive = TRUE)

#' Detect cache dir for \CRANpkg{mapSpain}
#' @description
#' Helper function to detect the current cache folder. See
#' [esp_set_cache_dir()].
#' @param x Ignored.
#' @return A character with the path to your `cache_dir`.
#' @export
#' @rdname esp_detect_cache_dir
#' @family cache utilities
#' @examples
#' esp_detect_cache_dir()
esp_detect_cache_dir <- function(x = NULL) {
  # Cheat linters
  cd <- x
  cd <- esp_hlp_detect_cache_dir()
dieghernan/mapSpain documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 8:44 p.m.