
Defines functions esp_get_roads

Documented in esp_get_roads

#' Get [`sf`][sf::st_sf] `LINESTRING` of the roads of Spain
#' @description
#' Loads a [`sf`][sf::st_sf] `LINESTRING` object representing the main roads of
#' Spain.
#' @family infrastructure
#' @return A [`sf`][sf::st_sf] `LINESTRING` object.
#' @source IGN data via a custom CDN (see
#' <https://github.com/rOpenSpain/mapSpain/tree/sianedata>).
#' @param year Release year. See **Details** for years available.
#' @inheritParams esp_get_nuts
#' @inheritSection esp_get_nuts About caching
#' @inheritSection  esp_get_nuts  Displacing the Canary Islands
#' @export
#' @details
#' `year` could be passed as a single year ("YYYY" format, as end of year) or
#' as a specific date ("YYYY-MM-DD" format).
#' @examplesIf esp_check_access()
#' \donttest{
#' country <- esp_get_country()
#' Roads <- esp_get_roads()
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(country) +
#'   geom_sf(fill = "grey90") +
#'   geom_sf(data = Roads, aes(color = tipo), show.legend = "line") +
#'   scale_color_manual(
#'     values = c("#003399", "#003399", "#ff0000", "#ffff00")
#'   ) +
#'   guides(color = guide_legend(direction = "vertical")) +
#'   theme_minimal() +
#'   labs(color = "Road type") +
#'   theme(legend.position = "bottom")
#' }
esp_get_roads <- function(year = Sys.Date(), epsg = "4258", cache = TRUE,
                          update_cache = FALSE, cache_dir = NULL,
                          verbose = FALSE, moveCAN = TRUE) {
  init_epsg <- as.character(epsg)
  year <- as.character(year)

  if (!init_epsg %in% c("4326", "4258", "3035", "3857")) {
    stop("epsg value not valid. It should be one of 4326, 4258, 3035 or 3857")

  # Get Data from SIANE
  data_sf <- esp_hlp_get_siane(
    "roads", 3, cache, cache_dir, update_cache,
    verbose, year

  colnames_init <- colnames(sf::st_drop_geometry(data_sf))

  # Buffer around Canary Island to identify roads
  data_sf2 <- sf::st_transform(data_sf, 3857)
  canbuff <- sf::st_transform(esp_get_ccaa("Canarias", moveCAN = FALSE), 3857)
  canbuff <- sf::st_buffer(sf::st_union(canbuff), 20000)

  can_logic <- sf::st_intersects(data_sf2, canbuff, sparse = FALSE)
  data_sf$codauto <- "XX"
  data_sf[can_logic, ]$codauto <- "05"

  # Move can
  # Checks
  moving <- FALSE
  moving <- isTRUE(moveCAN) | length(moveCAN) > 1

  if (moving) {
    if (length(grep("05", data_sf$codauto)) > 0) {
      data_sf <- sf::st_transform(data_sf, 3857)
      penin <- data_sf[-grep("05", data_sf$codauto), ]
      can <- data_sf[grep("05", data_sf$codauto), ]

      # Change geometry name on penin
      penin <- sf::st_sf(
        geometry = sf::st_geometry(penin),
        crs = sf::st_crs(penin)

      # Move can
      can <- sf::st_sf(sf::st_drop_geometry(can),
        geometry = sf::st_geometry(can), crs = sf::st_crs(can)

      can <- esp_move_can(can, moveCAN = moveCAN)

      # Regenerate
      data_sf <- rbind(penin, can)

  data_sf <- sf::st_transform(data_sf, as.double(init_epsg))

  data_sf <- data_sf[, colnames_init]

dieghernan/mapSpain documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 8:44 p.m.