context("Check if functionality works on the DataSHIELD test sever")
test_that("all methods can be used and produce reasonable output", {
irisb = iris
irisb$y = ifelse(iris$Species == "setosa", 1, 0)
irisb$y[sample(seq_len(nrow(irisb)), 30)] = 1
irisb$Species = NULL
mod <<- glm(y ~ Sepal.Length + Petal.Length, data = irisb, family = binomial())
p <<- predict(mod, type = "response")
surl = ""
username = "administrator"
password = "password"
opal = opalr::opal.login(username = username, password = password, url = surl)
ref = "pkg-merge"
# Check if package can be installed:
expect_true(opalr::dsadmin.install_github_package(opal = opal, pkg = pkg, username = "difuture-lmu", ref = ref))
expect_true(opalr::dsadmin.publish_package(opal = opal, pkg = pkg))
builder = newDSLoginBuilder()
server = "ds-test-server-dummy1",
url = surl,
user = username,
password = password
server = "ds-test-server-dummy2",
url = surl,
user = username,
password = password
connections <<- datashield.login(logins = builder$build(), assign = TRUE)
datashield.assign(connections, "dat", quote(iris))
vcall = paste0("quote(c(", paste(rep(c(1, 0), times = c(35, 115)), collapse = ", "), "))")
datashield.assign(connections, "valid", eval(parse(text = vcall)))
pushObject(connections, mod)
predictModel(connections, mod, "pred", "dat", predict_fun = "predict(mod, newdata = D, type = 'response')")
ds_summary = ds.summary("pred")
nuisance = lapply(ds_summary, function(dss) {
expect_equal(unname(dss$`quantiles & mean`["Mean"]), mean(p))
expect_equal(dss$`quantiles & mean`["50%"], quantile(p, 0.5))
expect_equal(dss$`quantiles & mean`["25%"], quantile(p, 0.25))
expect_equal(dss$`quantiles & mean`["75%"], quantile(p, 0.75))
expect_equal(l2sens("iris", "p", nbreaks = 30L)$l2sens, dsL2Sens(connections, "dat", "pred", nbreaks = 30L))
roc_glm = dsROCGLM(connections, "valid", "pred", dat_name = "iris",
seed_object = "pred")
expect_equal(class(roc_glm), "ROC.GLM")
roc_glm2 = dsROCGLM(connections, "valid", "pred", dat_name = "iris",
seed_object = "pred")
expect_equal(roc_glm, roc_glm2)
expect_silent({gg = plot(roc_glm)})
expect_true(inherits(gg, "ggplot"))
datashield.assign(connections, "dat_no_na", quote(removeMissings("dat")))
nuisance = lapply(DSI::datashield.symbols(connections), function(s) {
expect_true("dat_no_na" %in% s)
ri = datashield.aggregate(connections, quote(getDataSHIELDInfo()))
expect_equal(class(ri), "list")
nuisance = lapply(ri, function(r) {
expect_equal(names(r), c("session_info", "pcks"))
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