
# TODO: Build fault tolerance into app (i.e. maximum wait time & caching for demo)

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

  # Load required data --------
  main_info <- readRDS(file = "data/main_info.rds")
  modelfit <- readRDS(file = "data/modelfit.rds")
  # Contains the breaks necessary to build conditional probiability tables for live data
  load(file = "data/cpt_complete.rda")

  # Global options --------------
  #A parameter of the model (time to last delay is constrained to a max of 24 hours)
  max_delay = 24*60

  # Reactive/Query Functions -------------
  # Current Weather in Newark Airport (Proxy for NJ weather)
  getCurrentWeather <- reactive({
    # TODO: Specify timeout & handle error
    hourly_newark <- "http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=40.7242&lon=-74.1726&FcstType=json"
    w_get <- GET(hourly_newark)
    w_text <- content(w_get, as = "text") %>% fromJSON()
    c("Temp_F" = as.numeric(w_text$currentobservation$Temp[1]),
      "Visibility" = as.double(w_text$currentobservation$Visibility[1]),
      "WindSpeed" = as.numeric(w_text$currentobservation$Winds[1]))

  # Query ttld service for list of previous delays
  getTTLD <- reactive({
    read.csv(file = "ttld_log.txt") # Hosted on digitial ocean, access the local file (important that the service is running and the file is linked to the shiny app directory

  # Build a weather dataframe for the next 12 hours
  buildHourlyWeatherDF <- reactive({
    current_weather <- getCurrentWeather()
    ttld_file <- getTTLD()

    w_get_hourly <- GET("http://api.wunderground.com/api/547710b840da62b4/hourly/q/NJ/Newark.json")
    w_text_hourly <- content(w_get_hourly, as = "text") %>% fromJSON()

    w_text_hourly$hourly_forecast %>% flatten %>%
      transmute(WindSpeed = as.numeric(wspd.english),
                Temp_F = as.numeric(temp.english),
                # Fix date_time field for use as POSIXct
                Date_Time = paste(FCTTIME.hour_padded,
                                  FCTTIME.year)) %>%
      mutate(Date_Time = as.POSIXct(strptime(Date_Time, format = "%H %M %m %d %Y")),
             # Visibility is not provided hourly, using current visibility as feature
             Visibility = current_weather["Visibility"]) %>%
      slice(1:12) #next 12 Hours

  # Build a dataframe to use for CPT and prediction functions for the current prediction
  buildCurrentPredictionDF <- reactive({

    # Refresh based on control panel
    interval <- max(as.numeric(input$interval), 5)
    if(input$interval != 0) invalidateLater(interval * 1000, session)

    current_weather <- getCurrentWeather()
    ttld_file <- getTTLD()

    # Build Date/Time features
    pred_df <- main_info %>%
      mutate(Current_Datetime = format(Sys.time(), tz = "America/New_York"), #make sure system time is correct on server
             dep_hour = hour(Current_Datetime),
             dep_mon = month(Current_Datetime, label = TRUE),
             dep_wday = wday(Current_Datetime, label = TRUE))

    # Time to last delay feature
    pred_df <- ttld_file %>%
      select(ttld_Line = Line, Scheduled_Start_Time) %>%
      right_join(pred_df) %>%
      mutate(ttl_line = as.numeric(difftime(Current_Datetime, Scheduled_Start_Time, units = "mins"))) %>%
      #Set time to last delay at max value when the value is exceeded or no previous delay has been recorded
      mutate(ttl_line = ifelse(is.na(ttl_line)|ttl_line > max_delay, max_delay, ttl_line))

    # Weather features
    pred_df$Temp_F <- current_weather["Temp_F"]
    pred_df$Visibility <- current_weather["Visibility"]
    pred_df$WindSpeed <- current_weather["WindSpeed"]

  # Build a dataframe to use for CPT and prediction functions for the 12-hour forecast
  buildHourlyPredictionDF <- reactive({

    # Refresh based on control panel
    interval <- max(as.numeric(input$interval), 5)
    if(input$interval != 0) invalidateLater(interval * 1000, session)

    # Weather Features
    hourly_weather <- buildHourlyWeatherDF()
    ttld_file <- getTTLD()

    # date/time features
    pred_df <- hourly_weather %>%
      mutate(Line = input$trainline) %>%
      inner_join(main_info, by = "Line") %>%
      mutate(dep_hour = hour(Date_Time),
             dep_mon = month(Date_Time, label = TRUE),
             dep_wday = wday(Date_Time, label = TRUE))

    # Time to last delay feature
    pred_df <- ttld_file %>%
      select(ttld_Line = Line, Scheduled_Start_Time) %>%
      right_join(pred_df, by = "ttld_Line") %>%
      mutate(ttl_line = as.numeric(difftime(Date_Time, Scheduled_Start_Time, units = "mins"))) %>%
      #Set time to last delay at max value when the value is exceeded or no previous delay has been recorded
      mutate(ttl_line = ifelse(is.na(ttl_line)|ttl_line > max_delay, max_delay, ttl_line))


  # Use model to output current probability of delay for each line
  predictCurrentProbabilities <- reactive({
    pred_df <- buildCurrentPredictionDF()
      pred_df %>%
        mutate(Line_Name = Full.Name) %>%
        group_by(Line_Name, Line, dep_hour)  %>%
        do(data.frame(p=predict(modelfit, ., type = "prob")[[1]][[1]][1])) %>%
        ungroup %>%
        mutate(pct = as.integer(round(p*100)),
               txt = ifelse(pct<50, "low",ifelse(pct<75,"medium", "high")))

  # Use model to output 12-hour forecast of delay for each line
  predictHourlyProbabilities <- reactive({
    pred_df <- buildHourlyPredictionDF()
      pred_df %>%
        mutate(Line_Name = Full.Name) %>%
        group_by(Line_Name, Line, dep_hour,  Date_Time)  %>%
        do(data.frame(p=predict(modelfit, ., type = "prob")[[1]][[1]][1])) %>%
        ungroup %>%
        mutate(pct = as.integer(round(p*100)))

  # Build the conditional probability tables to explain the prediction
  buildCurrentCPT <- reactive({
    pred_df <- buildCurrentPredictionDF()
      pred_df %>% mutate(
        ttl_line_break = cut(ttl_line, breaks_ttl_line , include.lowest = TRUE),
        Temp_F_break = cut(Temp_F, breaks_Temp_F , include.lowest = TRUE),
        WindSpeed_break = cut(WindSpeed, breaks_WindSpeed , include.lowest = TRUE),
        Visibility_break = cut(Visibility, breaks_Visibility , include.lowest = TRUE)) %>%
        select(Line, dep_hour:Visibility_break) %>%
        gather(feature, feature_val, -Line, -ttl_line:-WindSpeed) %>%

  # Appearance Functions -----------
  getStatusColor <- function(value){
    if(value < 50){
    }else if(value < 75){
    } else {"red"}

  # Header Output -------------------

  # Train notifications
  output$notifications <- renderMenu({
    current_prob <- predictCurrentProbabilities()

      current_prob <- current_prob %>% ungroup %>% arrange(-pct)

      # Add message content based on current probabilities
      messages <- current_prob %>% count(txt)  %>%
        mutate(icontype = ifelse(txt == "low",
                                 "check" ,
                                 ifelse(txt == "medium",
                                        "info-circle" ,
                                        "exclamation-triangle"))) %>%
        mutate(message_txt = paste(n,"trains have a", txt, "chance of delay"))
      max_chance <- max(current_prob$pct)
      badge_status <- if(max_chance < 50) {"success"
      }else if(max_chance <75) {"warning"
      }else {"danger"}

      # Build the messages as a list
      progress_msgs <- apply(messages, 1, function(row) {
        notificationItem(text = row[["message_txt"]],
                         icon = icon(row[["icontype"]])
    else progress_msgs = list()

    dropdownMenu(type = "notification", .list = progress_msgs, badgeStatus = badge_status)

  # Train status bars
  output$train_status <- renderMenu({
    current_prob <- predictCurrentProbabilities()
      current_prob <- current_prob %>% ungroup %>% arrange(-pct)
      max_chance <- max(current_prob$pct)
      badge_status <- if(max_chance < 50) {
      }else if(max_chance <75) {
      }else {"danger"}

      # Build list of status bars
      progress_msgs <- apply(current_prob, 1, function(row) {
        taskItem(value = row[["pct"]],
                 color = getStatusColor(row[["pct"]]),
                 text = paste(row[["Line_Name"]])
    else progress_msgs = list()

    dropdownMenu(type = "tasks", .list = progress_msgs, badgeStatus = badge_status)

  # Body Output ---------

  # Build dropdown to select lines
  output$line_list <- renderUI({
    line_list <- as.list(main_info$Line)
    names(line_list) <- main_info$Full.Name
    selectInput(inputId = "trainline", label = "Train Line:", line_list, selected = 2)

  # Provide time since last refresh/update
  output$last_update <- renderUI({
    interval <- max(as.numeric(input$interval), 5)
    if(input$interval != 0) invalidateLater(interval * 1000, session)
    p(class = "muted",
      tags$b("Predictions as of:"),
      format(Sys.time(), "%A %B %e, %I:%M%p", tz = "America/New_York")

  # Populate current chance of delay as a value box
  output$current_delaychance <- renderValueBox({
    current_prob <- predictCurrentProbabilities()
    if(!is.null(current_prob) & !is.null(input$trainline)){
      train <- current_prob[current_prob$Line == input$trainline, ]
      color = getStatusColor(train$pct)
      txt = toupper(train$txt)
      valueBox(value = txt, subtitle = "chance of delay", color = color, width = 12)
    }else {valueBox(value = "Loading", subtitle = "", width = 12)}

  # Populate current conditions
  output$currentcond <- renderUI({
    current_prob <- predictCurrentProbabilities()
    current_cpt <- buildCurrentCPT()
    #Need to functionalize this call
    if(!is.null(current_prob) & !is.null(current_cpt) & !is.null(input$trainline)){
      cpt_line <- current_cpt[current_cpt$Line == input$trainline, ]
      vals <- cpt_line %>% select(-p_fold) %>% spread(feature, feature_val)
      ttl_line <- as.numeric(vals$ttl_line)
      last_delay <- if(ttl_line<120){
      }else if(ttl_line < 1440){
        paste(round(ttl_line/60,digits = 2), "hours")
      }else {">24 hours"}

      tags$table(style = "width = 100%",
                 tags$tr(tags$td(tags$b("Last Delay:"), last_delay)),
                 tags$tr(tags$td(tags$b("Temp:"), vals$Temp_F,"°F")),
                 tags$tr(tags$td(tags$b("WindSpeed:"), paste0(vals$WindSpeed,"mph"))),
                 tags$tr(tags$td(tags$b("Visibility:"), paste0(vals$Visibility,"miles")))
    else {NULL}

  # Plot explaining feature contribution to prediction
  output$featureplot <- renderPlot({
    current_cpt <- buildCurrentCPT()
    if(!is.null(current_cpt) & !is.null(input$trainline)){
      cpt_line <- current_cpt[current_cpt$Line == input$trainline, ]

      # Cleanup naming and enforce max/min values
      cpt_line <- cpt_line %>%
        mutate(feature = factor(feature,
                                levels = rev(c("ttl_line_break",
                                labels = rev(c("Time To\nLast Delay",
                                               "Current\nWind Speed",
                                               "Time of Day",
                                               "Day of\nthe Week",
                                               "Current\nMonth")))) %>%
        mutate(p_fold = ifelse(p_fold>2,2, ifelse(p_fold < -2, -2, p_fold)))

        # Plot
        cpt_line %>%
          ggplot(aes(feature,p_fold, fill = p_fold)) +
          geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
          scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", mid = "black", high = "red", midpoint = 0, limits=c(-2, 2), guide = FALSE) +
          scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-2,2),
                             breaks = c(-2,0,2),
                             labels = c("Decreases\nDelay\nChance","Neutral", "Increases\nDelay\nChance")) +
          xlab("") + ylab("") +
          coord_flip() +
          theme_minimal() +

  # 12 Hour forecast plot
  output$hourlyforecastplot <- renderPlot({
    hourly_prob <- predictHourlyProbabilities()
    if(!is.null(hourly_prob) & !is.null(input$trainline)){
      hourly_prob  %>%
        ggplot(aes(Date_Time, pct, fill = pct)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,100),
                           breaks = c(25, 67, 87),
                           labels = c("Low", "Medium", "High")) +
        scale_fill_gradient2(low = "chartreuse4", mid = "yellow", high = "red3", midpoint = 50, limits=c(0, 100), guide = FALSE) +
        xlab("") + ylab("") +
        theme_minimal() +
    else {NULL}
dimagor/railActive documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:44 a.m.