basename.diff <- function(indir, outdir){
# This function finds files that exist in indir and without a corresponding file basename in outdir.
# indir: pathway to folder containing input files
# outdir: pathway to folder containing output files
# Creates vector of files in indir
infiles <- list.files(indir, full.names = TRUE)
infiles <- infiles[file_test("-f", infiles)]
# Creates vector of files in outdir
outfiles <- list.files(outdir, full.names = TRUE)
outfiles <- outfiles[file_test("-f", outfiles)]
# remove path and file extension to compare file base names
inbase <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(infiles))
outbase <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(outfiles))
# returns file base names that are not in outfiles
infiles[which(!(inbase %in% outbase))]
pdfplot <- function(file, pdfdir, downsample, window.len) {
# Plots data from a single file or all unprocessed files in a folder as a pdf file.
# start timer
t0 <- Sys.time()
# if file is a folder, replace with a list of files that have not
# already been processed.
if (file_test("-d", file)) {
file <- basename.diff(file, pdfdir)
# initialize loop counter
i <- 0
# loop through all files to plot as pdf
for (f in file) {
# increment loop counter and display message
i <- i + 1
cat("== Processing file ", i, " of ", length(file), " ==========\n", sep = "")
# plot current file as a pdf
pdfplot_ga(f, pdfdir, downsample, window.len)
# End timer
t1 <- Sys.time()
# display processing time message
processing.time <- difftime(time1=t1, time2=t0, units="auto")
cat(sprintf("Total processing time was %s seconds.", round(as.numeric(processing.time, units="secs")), 1), "\n")
pdfplot_ga <- function(file, pdfdir, downsample, window.len){
# Plots data from a single GENEActiv .bin file as a pdf.
# Windows the data into window.len number of hours
# Creates a .png file with 4 plots for x, y, z accelerometer axes and temperature
# Creates a .pdf containing all the .png files
# Deletes .png files after .pdf is created
# file: GENEActiv .bin file
# pdfdir: output directory for pdf file
# downsample: type of downsampling (see GENEAread:read.bin)
# window.len: integer, number of hours a window should be
# start timer
t0 <- Sys.time()
# display message
cat(sprintf("Reading %s.", file), "\n")
# Read in raw GENEActiv binary file <- owcurate::read_ga_bin(binfile=file, verbose=TRUE, do.temp=TRUE, downsample=downsample)
# Format timestamps from unix time
datetime <- as.POSIXct($data.out[ , 1], origin="1970-01-01")
# save file name without extension
file.base <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file))
# ----------------------------------------------- PNG FILE PREP ----------------------------------------------
cat(sprintf("Creating PNGs with window size of %s hours", window.len), "\n")
# Converts window.size from hours to number of data points
window.length.index <- window.len * 60 * 60 *$freq
# Creates a sequence to index plots by window.length
window.sequence <- seq(from=1, to=length($data.out[,2]), by=window.length.index)
# Window number counter. Displayed as plot title
window.num <- 0
# Creates empty object for png files
png.files <- c()
# Creates a graph for each window in window.sequence
for (start.index in window.sequence){
# Tallies what window number is being viewed
window.num <- window.num + 1
# Sets end.index based on window.length
end.index <- start.index + window.length.index
# Changes the end.index of the last window to the last data point
if (end.index >= length($data.out[ , 2])){
end.index <- length($data.out[ , 2])
# Creates empty folder within save.location in which .png files are temporally created
dir.create(sprintf("%s/Temp_Folder", pdfdir))
# Opens new PNG file for each graph
png.file <- sprintf("%s/Temp_Folder/%s_%s.png", pdfdir, file.base, window.num)
# Appends new png file to png.files object
png.files[window.num] <- png.file
# Starts creation of new png for current graph
png(filename=png.file, width=800, height=800)
# -------------------------------------------- PLOTTING ----------------------------------------------------
# Sets up 2-row by 2-column graph
# oma and mar adjust outer and inner margin sizes, respectively
par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma = c(2, 0, 2, 0), mar=c(2,6,1,2))
# Plots all 3 accelerometer axes and temperature data on separate graphs (2x2 configuration)
# Accel ylim is set to accel range ± 1G (range is plotted with dashed lines)
# Temp ylim set to range ± 1 found in current file
# X-axis data
plot(datetime[start.index:end.index],$data.out[start.index:end.index, 2],
type="l", col="purple",
ylim=c(-9, 9), ylab="X-axis (G)",
cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5)
abline(h=c(-8, 8, 0), col="black", lty=2)
# Y-axis data
plot(datetime[start.index:end.index],$data.out[start.index:end.index, 3],
type="l", col="dodgerblue",
ylim=c(-9, 9), ylab="Y-axis (G)",
cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5)
abline(h=c(-8, 8, 0), col="black", lty=2)
# Z-axis data
plot(datetime[start.index:end.index],$data.out[start.index:end.index, 4],
type="l", col="chartreuse4",
ylim=c(-9, 9), ylab="Z-axis (G)",
cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5)
abline(h=c(-8, 8, 0), col="black", lty=2)
# Temperature data
plot(datetime[start.index:end.index],$data.out[start.index:end.index, 7],
type="l", col="red",
ylim=c(min($data.out[ , 7])-1, max($data.out[ , 7])+1), ylab="Temperature (ºC)",
cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5)
# Creates centered title and includes formatted start and end timestamps
mtext(sprintf("Window #%s: %s to %s", window.num,
strftime(datetime[start.index], "%a., %b %e at%l:%M %p"),
strftime(datetime[end.index], "%a., %b %e at %l:%M %p")),
outer = TRUE, cex = 1.5)
# Closes current PNG file
# Prints how many PNGs were created once finished
cat(sprintf("Created %s PNG files.", window.num), "\n")
# ------------------------------------------- PDF CREATION ----------------------------------------------------
# Creates a .PDF
pdf(sprintf("%s/%s.pdf", pdfdir, file.base))
# Adds header information as first 2 pages in .PDF
# Sets length for loop based on number of created .PNG files
n <- length(png.files)
# Loads PNG files sequentially
for (i in 1:n){
# Loads PNG files
png.file <- png.files[i]
pngRaster <- png::readPNG(png.file)
# Image formatting
grid::grid.raster(pngRaster, width=grid::unit(0.8, "npc"), height=grid::unit(0.75, "npc"))
# Calls new plot while loop continues
if (i < n)
# Closes PDF
cat(sprintf("Created PDF file as %s.pdf.", file.base), "\n")
# Deletes the PNG files
# Deletes temporary folder that was created to store .PNG files
unlink(x=sprintf("%s/Temp_Folder", pdfdir), recursive=TRUE)
# Ends timer
t1 <- Sys.time()
processing.time <- difftime(time1=t1, time2=t0, units="auto")
cat(sprintf("File processing time was %s seconds.", round(as.numeric(processing.time, units="secs")), 1), "\n")
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.