# GENEActiv .bin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
read_ga_bin <- function(binfile = file.choose(), ...) {
#read specified GENEActiv .bin file
ga_bin <- GENEAread::read.bin(binfile = binfile, ...)
#replace header with more complete custom header
ga_bin$header <- owcurate::read_ga_header(binfile)
read_ga_header <- function(binfile = file.choose()) {
#input: path to GENEActiv .bin file
#reads header as lines of text and parses into list of keys and values
#output: list of keys and corresponding values from header
#open connection to GENEActiv bin file
con <- file(binfile, "r")
#read header lines from file
header_packet <- readLines(con, n = 59)
#close file connection
#parse header_packet, read in as lines of text, into a list of keys and values
#find colon separating each key and value
colon <- regexpr(":",header_packet)
#get keys and values
keys <- gsub(" ", "_", substring(header_packet,1,colon-1))
values <- trimws(substring(header_packet,colon+1,nchar(header_packet)), which = "right")
#create list of keys and values (after removing blanks) and return result
header <- setNames(as.list(values[nchar(keys) > 0]), keys[nchar(keys) > 0])
# EDF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# these functions are designed to read and write data files used in the collection of wearable device
# data in the ONDRI@Home program. They are designed for use within the constraints of this program and
# may not fully comply with all data format specifications.
parse_edf_data <- function(data_packet, sig_labels, sig_record_samples, sig_phys_max, sig_phys_min,
sig_dig_max, sig_dig_min) {
# create record sample index table for each signal
sig_record_indices <- cbind(cumsum(c(1, head(sig_record_samples, -1))), cumsum(sig_record_samples))
# resphape data packet into a list of signals
data <- apply(sig_record_indices, 1, function(x) c(t(data_packet[,x[1]:x[2]])))
# calculate gains and offsets based on physical and digital mins and maxes
gains <- (sig_phys_max - sig_phys_min) / (sig_dig_max - sig_dig_min)
offsets <- sig_phys_max - (gains * sig_dig_max)
gains <- as.list(gains)
offsets <- as.list(offsets)
# convert from digital to physical
data <- mapply('*', data, gains)
data <- mapply('+', data, offsets)
names(data) <- sig_labels
parse_edf_header <- function(header_packet) {
# initialize header data structure as a list
header <- list()
# parse and add values to the header structure keys
header$version <- substr(header_packet, start = 1, stop = 8)
header$patient_id <- substr(header_packet, start = 9, stop = 88)
header$recording_id <- substr(header_packet, start = 89, stop = 168)
header$start_date <- substr(header_packet, start = 169, stop = 176)
header$start_time <- substr(header_packet, start = 177, stop = 184)
header$num_bytes <- substr(header_packet, start = 185, stop = 192)
header$reserved <- substr(header_packet, start = 193, stop = 236)
header$num_records <- substr(header_packet, start = 237, stop = 244)
header$dur_record <- substr(header_packet, start = 245, stop = 252)
header$num_signals <- substr(header_packet, start = 253, stop = 256)
# parse number of signals from header
ns <- as.numeric(header$num_signals)
# parse and add signal header values as vector containing a value for each signal
header$sig_labels <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257, 256 + (ns * 16), 16),
last = seq(272, 257 + (ns * 16), 16))
header$sig_type <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257 + (ns * 16), 256 + (ns * 96), 80),
last = seq(336 + (ns * 16), 257 + (ns * 96), 80))
header$sig_phys_dim <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257 + (ns * 96), 256 + (ns * 104), 8),
last = seq(264 + (ns * 96), 257 + (ns * 104), 8))
header$sig_phys_min <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257 + (ns * 104), 256 + (ns * 112), 8),
last = seq(264 + (ns * 104), 257 + (ns * 112), 8))
header$sig_phys_max <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257 + (ns * 112), 256 + (ns * 120), 8),
last = seq(264 + (ns * 112), 257 + (ns * 120), 8))
header$sig_dig_min <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257 + (ns * 120), 256 + (ns * 128), 8),
last = seq(264 + (ns * 120), 257 + (ns * 128), 8))
header$sig_dig_max <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257 + (ns * 128), 256 + (ns * 136), 8),
last = seq(264 + (ns * 128), 257 + (ns * 136), 8))
header$sig_prefilt <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257 + (ns * 136), 256 + (ns * 216), 80),
last = seq(336 + (ns * 136), 257 + (ns * 216), 80))
header$sig_record_samples <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257 + (ns * 216), 256 + (ns * 224), 8),
last = seq(264 + (ns * 216), 257 + (ns * 224), 8))
header$sig_reserved <- substring(header_packet,
first = seq(257 + (ns * 224), 256 + (ns * 256), 32),
last = seq(288 + (ns * 224), 257 + (ns * 256), 32))
#return header
read_edf <- function(infile = file.choose()) {
# much code copied from edfReader::readEdfHeader
# if file exists then open a connection, otherwise return a message
if (file.exists(infile)) { # infile exists
cat("Reading ", infile, "...\n", sep = "")
cat("Reading header...\n", sep = "")
# read header
header_packet <- owcurate::read_edf_header(infile)
cat("Parsing header...\n", sep = "")
# parse header packet into keys and values
header <- c(list(filename = infile), owcurate::parse_edf_header(header_packet))
cat("Reading data...\n", sep = "")
# read data
data_packet <- owcurate::read_edf_data(infile,
num_records = as.numeric(header$num_records),
num_signals = as.numeric(header$num_signals),
sig_record_samples = as.numeric(header$sig_record_samples))
cat("Parsing data...\n", sep = "")
# parse data packet into signal data
data <- owcurate::parse_edf_data(data_packet,
sig_labels = trimws(header$sig_labels),
sig_record_samples = as.numeric(header$sig_record_samples),
sig_phys_max = as.numeric(header$sig_phys_max),
sig_phys_min = as.numeric(header$sig_phys_min),
sig_dig_max = as.numeric(header$sig_dig_max),
sig_dig_min = as.numeric(header$sig_dig_min))
list(header = header, data = data)
} else { # infile doesn't exist
cat("File '", infile, "' doesn't exists.", sep = "")
read_edf_data <- function(infile, num_records, num_signals, sig_record_samples) {
# calculate number of total samples per record
record_samples <- sum(sig_record_samples)
# initialize data packet matrix
data_packet <- matrix(NA, record_samples, num_records)
# open connection to file
con <- file(infile, "rb")
# move pointer to start of data
seek(con, 256 + (num_signals * 256), "start")
# read data records into a data packet matrix
data_packet <- t(apply(data_packet, 2, function(x) {
x <- readBin(con, integer(), n = record_samples,
size = 2, signed = TRUE, endian = "little")
# close file connection
# return data packet
read_edf_header <- function(infile) {
# open connection to file
con <- file(infile, "rb")
# read header as character vector
header_packet <- readChar(con, 256, TRUE)
# parse number of signals from header
ns <- as.numeric(substr(header_packet, start = 253, stop = 256))
# read signal headers as character vector
header_packet <- paste0(header_packet, readChar(con, 256 * ns, TRUE))
# close connection to file
# return header_packet
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.