
Defines functions choose_batch

Documented in choose_batch

#' Adaptively select locations to sample based on uncertainty and covariance. 
#' The algorithm selects locations with high uncertainy and low correlation
#' @param XY candidate locations where the batch is choosen from
#' @param entropy entropy computed at the locations XY 
#' @param rho Matern covariance parameters of the model
#' @param nu Matern covariance parameters of the model
#' @param batch_size: number of observations in the batch
#' @return Returns the row indeces of the selected coordinates. 
#' @export
#' @import RANN spaMM
#' @examples 

choose_batch <- function(XY, entropy, candidate, rho, nu, batch_size) {
  if(batch_size >= sum(candidate)){
    stop("'batch_size' must < number of candidates")
  candidate_idx <- which(candidate==TRUE)
  XY <- XY[candidate==TRUE,]
  entropy <- entropy[candidate==TRUE]
  XY_ix <- seq(entropy) # Index of potential locations
  ix_max <- which.max(entropy)  # Location with highest entropy
  XY_ix_lo <- XY_ix[-c(ix_max)] # Locations after removing max entropy
  ix_batch <- c(ix_max) # Batch of locations to survey next
  step <- 2
  while (length(ix_batch) < batch_size) {
    tradeoff <- c()
    for (ix_ in XY_ix_lo) {
      new_batch <- c(ix_batch, ix_)
      new_XY <- XY[new_batch, ]
      Kxx <- spaMM::MaternCorr(d = as.matrix(proxy::dist(new_XY)), rho = rho, nu = nu)
      hlogD <- .5 * determinant(Kxx, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus
      tradeoff <- c(tradeoff, entropy[ix_] + sqrt(log(step)) * hlogD)
    relative_max <- which.max(tradeoff)  # Location with highest entropy
    ix_batch <- c(ix_batch, XY_ix_lo[relative_max])
    XY_ix_lo <- XY_ix_lo[-c(relative_max)]
    step <- step + 1
  # If we want as output the indices of locations in XY return this
disarm-platform/DiSARM documentation built on March 4, 2020, 3:49 p.m.