
Defines functions renv_delete renv_new renv_set_cache renv_restore renv_snapshot renv_load

Documented in renv_delete renv_load renv_new renv_restore renv_snapshot

#' Load the renv library
#' @param name The folder in which the article is located
#' @param collection The collection the article belongs to (default = "posts")
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to renv::load()
#' @return ???
#' @export
renv_load <- function(name, collection = "posts", ...) {
  post <- specify_post(name, collection)
  renv::load(project = full_renv_path(post), ...)

#' Create a snapshot of the R environment for the post
#' @param name The folder in which the article is located
#' @param collection The collection the article belongs to (default = "posts")
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to renv::snapshot()
#' @param type Type of snapshot to take (defaults to "implicit")
#' @param prompt Prompt user?
#' @return ???
#' @export
renv_snapshot <- function(name, collection = "posts", type = "implicit", prompt = FALSE, ...) {

  post <- specify_post(name, collection)
  old_working_directory <- setwd(full_post_path(post))

    project = full_post_path(post),
    lockfile = full_lockfile_path(post),
    type = type,
    prompt = prompt,

#' Restore the renv project
#' @param name The folder in which the article is located
#' @param collection The collection the article belongs to (default = "posts")
#' @param clean Remove packages not recorded in the lockfile? (default = FALSE)
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to renv::restore()
#' @param prompt Prompt user?
#' @return ???
#' @export
renv_restore <- function(name, collection = "posts", clean = FALSE, prompt = FALSE, ...) {
  post <- specify_post(name, collection)
    library = full_library_path(post),
    lockfile = full_lockfile_path(post),
    prompt = prompt,
    clean = clean,

# a hack, while I work out why an unexpanded path is being passed to cp
renv_set_cache <- function(path = "~/.local/share/renv/cache/") {
  Sys.setenv(RENV_PATHS_CACHE = normalizePath(path))

#' Create a minimal R environment for a post
#' @param name The folder in which the article is located
#' @param collection The collection the article belongs to (default = "posts")
#' @return ??
#' @export
#' @details Creates the renv library and installs renv, distill and refinery
renv_new <- function(name, collection = "posts") {

  post <- specify_post(name, collection)

  renv_dir <- full_renv_path(post)
  renv_lib <- full_library_path(post)

  current_working_directory <- getwd()

  # create directories (yes, this is redundant)
  if(!fs::dir_exists(renv_dir)) fs::dir_create(renv_dir)
  if(!fs::dir_exists(renv_lib)) fs::dir_create(renv_lib)

  # initialise a bare project
    project = renv_dir,
    bare = TRUE,
    restart = FALSE

  # remove unneeded proj file and restores working directory
  proj_file <- fs::path(renv_dir, paste0(name, ".Rproj"))
  if(fs::file_exists(proj_file)) fs::file_delete(proj_file)

  # ensure the minimal set of packages exists in the library
    packages = c("renv", "distill", "djnavarro/refinery"),
    library = renv_lib

#' Delete the renv set up associated with a post
#' @param name The folder in which the article is located
#' @param collection The collection the article belongs to (default = "posts")
#' @return ??
#' @export
renv_delete <- function(name, collection = "posts") {

  post <- specify_post(name, collection)

  renv_dir <- full_renv_path(post)
  lockfile <- full_lockfile_path(post)

  if(fs::file_exists(lockfile)) fs::file_delete(lockfile)
djnavarro/refinery documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 12:05 a.m.