
Defines functions knit_briefing

Documented in knit_briefing

#' @title Create a Word document containing briefing tables
#' @description This function knits a briefing document that uses tables generated in this
#' package to create a Word document. It knits the RMarkdown file
#' `jobs_briefing.Rmd` that lives in the `inst` folder of `djprlabourdash`.
#' @param path Path to directory where
#' the knitted Word document should be created.
#' @param quietly Passed to `rmarkdown::render()`'s `quiet` argument. `FALSE` by
#' default.
#' @param show Show knitted document when done?
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' knit_briefing(quietly = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
knit_briefing <- function(path = here::here("inst"),
                          quietly = FALSE,
                          show = TRUE) {

  # stopifnot(grepl('djprlabourdash', rstudioapi::getActiveProject())) #crashes tests

  if (!requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "knit_briefing() requires the rmarkdown package.\n",
      " Install it with: install.packages('rmarkdown')"

  if (!requireNamespace("officedown", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "knit_briefing() requires the officedown package.\n",
      " Install it with: install.packages('officedown')"

  reports <- c("jobs_briefing.Rmd",

  for (rmd in reports){
    filename <- paste0("DJSIR_",
                       "_", Sys.Date(), ".docx")

    out_path <- file.path(path, filename)
    rmd_path <- system.file(rmd, package = "djprlabourdash")

      input = rmd_path,
      output_file = out_path,
      quiet = quietly

    if (show) { # TODO: shell.exec does not work on rstudio server
      normalizePath(out_path) %>%


djpr-data/djprlabourdash documentation built on April 28, 2023, 6:16 p.m.