
Defines functions ivzsums.f ivzsums getivz permiv indvalps indvalp indvals indval

Documented in getivz indval indvalp indvalps indvals ivzsums ivzsums.f permiv

#' IndVal scores based on relative abundance across, and occurrence frequency
#' within, groups
#' Calculates indicator value scores using the original method of Dufrene and
#' Legendre (1997) for all taxa in a site-by-taxon matrix split into two groups
#' along an environmental gradient. A modified version (indvals) calculates
#' indicator value scores using a modification of Dufrene and Legendre (1997),
#' whereby relative abundance is computed as total relative abundance across
#' groups rather than as mean relative abundance.
#' The modified version of the original IndVal method was developed to address
#' potential for bias in change point identification for highly skewed samples.
#' This and the function 'indvalps' are run when the argument 'ivTot' in the
#' original TITAN function call is set to TRUE.  The function 'indval' is
#' expected to be used more frequently, and 'indvals' is provided largely for
#' comparative purposes.
#' @param grp A binary vector (0,1) indicating group membership for partitioning
#'   of rows in 'spp' according to a ranks of an environmental variable.
#' @param spp A site-by-taxon matrix of taxa counts at each sampling location.
#' @param allscores A logical indicating whether the list of scores returned by
#'   the function should be truncated.  The default is to return just the
#'   largest IndVal (of two, one for each side of the partition) and on which
#'   side of the partition the score occurs. If allscores is TRUE, IndVals on
#'   both sides of the partition, as well as their relative abundances are also
#'   returned.
#' @return A 2-column matrix with the same nrow as the matrix 'spp'. The first
#'   column consists of a 1 (left) or 2 (right) for each taxon indicating on
#'   which group produced the largest IndVal score, and the second column
#'   contains the actual IndVal score.
#' @references Dufrene, M. and P. Legendre. 1997. Species assemblages and
#'   indicator species: the need for a flexible asymmetrical approach.
#'   Ecological Monographs 67:345-366.
#' @seealso [indvalp()], [indvalps()], [getivz()]
#' @author M. Baker and R. King
#' @keywords Indicator~Species IndVal TITAN
#' @name indval

#' @rdname indval
indval <- function(grp, spp, allscores = FALSE) {
  numTxa <- ncol(spp)

  i1 <- which(grp == 1)
  i2 <- which(grp == 2)

  if (length(i1) > 1) {
    mnabnd1 <- colMeans(spp[i1, ])
    frq1 <- colMeans(spp[i1, ] > 0)
  } else {
    mnabnd1 <- spp[i1, ]
    frq1 <- (spp[i1, ] > 0) * 1

  if (length(i2) > 1) {
    mnabnd2 <- colMeans(spp[i2, ])
    frq2 <- colMeans(spp[i2, ] > 0)
  } else {
    mnabnd2 <- spp[i2, ]
    frq2 <- (spp[i2, ] > 0) * 1

  m1 <- which(mnabnd1 == 0)
  m2 <- which(mnabnd2 == 0)

  relabnd1 <- mnabnd1/(mnabnd1 + mnabnd2)
  relabnd2 <- mnabnd2/(mnabnd1 + mnabnd2)

  relabnd1[m1] <- 0
  relabnd2[m2] <- 0

  iv1 <- (relabnd1 * frq1) * 100
  iv2 <- (relabnd2 * frq2) * 100

  ivmax <- pmax(iv1, iv2)
  maxcls <- rep(0, numTxa)
  max1 <- iv1 > iv2
  max2 <- iv2 > iv1
  maxcls <- maxcls + (max1 * 1)
  maxcls <- maxcls + (max2 * 2)

  ivout <- cbind(maxcls, ivmax)
  if (identical(allscores, TRUE)) {
    ivout <- cbind(maxcls, ivmax, iv1, iv2, relabnd1, relabnd2)

#' @rdname indval
indvals <- function(grp, spp, allscores = FALSE) {
  numTxa <- ncol(spp)

  i1 <- which(grp == 1)
  i2 <- which(grp == 2)

  if (length(i1) > 1) {
    smabnd1 <- colSums(spp[i1, ])
    frq1 <- colMeans(spp[i1, ] > 0)
  } else {
    smabnd1 <- spp[i1, ]
    frq1 <- (spp[i1, ] > 0) * 1

  if (length(i2) > 1) {
    smabnd2 <- colSums(spp[i2, ])
    frq2 <- colMeans(spp[i2, ] > 0)
  } else {
    smabnd2 <- spp[i2, ]
    frq1 <- (spp[i2, ] > 0) * 1

  m1 <- which(smabnd1 == 0)
  m2 <- which(smabnd2 == 0)

  relabnd1 <- smabnd1/(smabnd1 + smabnd2)
  relabnd2 <- smabnd2/(smabnd1 + smabnd2)

  relabnd1[m1] <- 0
  relabnd2[m2] <- 0

  iv1 <- (relabnd1 * frq1) * 100
  iv2 <- (relabnd2 * frq2) * 100

  ivmax <- pmax(iv1, iv2)
  maxcls <- rep(0, numTxa)
  max1 <- iv1 > iv2
  max2 <- iv2 > iv1
  maxcls <- maxcls + (max1 * 1)
  maxcls <- maxcls + (max2 * 2)

  ivout <- cbind(maxcls, ivmax)
  if (allscores) ivsout <- cbind(maxcls, ivmax, iv1, iv2, relabnd1, relabnd2)

#' Calculate permuted IndVal scores using a group matrix
#' This function performs the same calculations as 'indval' or 'indvals', but
#' does so using matrix operations on a set of binary group assignments in
#' matrix form. Function 'indvalps' calculates indicator value scores using a
#' modification of Dufrene and Legendre (1997), whereby relative abundance is
#' computed as total relative abundance across groups rather than as mean
#' relative abundance.
#' Although the 'indval' function is reasonably efficient for a single
#' calculation, when repeated during permutations (default = 250) and again
#' during for each bootstrap replicate (default = 500), small differences in
#' processing time can quickly become unwieldy. Even with the matrix operation,
#' the permutation accounts for > 3/4 of processing time for most data sets (due
#' to the fact that it is repeated for each bootstrap replicate).
#' The output matrix does not include information about the group membership of
#' indval maxima because this information is not used in the permutation
#' procedure (i.e., only the distribution of IndVal magnitudes is relevant).
#' Modification of the original IndVal method was developed to address potential
#' for bias in change point identification for highly skewed samples. This and
#' the function 'indvals' are run when the argument 'ivTot' in the original
#' TITAN function call is TRUE.  It is expected that 'indval' and 'indvalp' will
#' be used more commonly.
#' @param grpMatrix A site-by-permutation matrix of binary (0,1) assignments
#'   indicating group membership for successive randomizations of rows of 'spp'
#'   according to a ranks of an environmental variable.
#' @param spp A site-by-taxon matrix of taxa counts at each sampling location.
#' @return A matrix (ivmax) of IndVal maxima across each partition with nrow
#'   equal to the number of permutations and ncol equal to the number of taxa in
#'   'spp'.
#' @references Dufrene, M. and P. Legendre. 1997. Species assemblages and
#'   indicator species: the need for a flexible asymmetrical approach. Ecol.
#'   Mon. 67:345-366.
#' @references Baker, ME and RS King.  2010. A new method for detecting and
#'   interpreting biodiversity and ecological community thresholds. Methods in
#'   Ecology and Evolution 1(1): 25:37.
#' @seealso [indval()], [indvals()], [getivz()]
#' @author M. Baker and R. King
#' @keywords Indicator~Species IndVal TITAN
#' @name indvalp

#' @rdname indvalp
indvalp <- function(grpMatrix, spp) {
  grp1Matrix <- (grpMatrix == 1) * 1
  grp2Matrix <- (grpMatrix == 2) * 1

  grp1MeansOp <- (1/colSums(grp1Matrix)) * t(grp1Matrix)
  grp2MeansOp <- (1/colSums(grp2Matrix)) * t(grp2Matrix)

  mnabnd1 <- grp1MeansOp %*% spp
  mnabnd2 <- grp2MeansOp %*% spp

  sppCnts <- (spp > 0)
  frq1 <- grp1MeansOp %*% sppCnts
  frq2 <- grp2MeansOp %*% sppCnts

  zeroIdx1 <- which(mnabnd1 == 0)
  zeroIdx2 <- which(mnabnd2 == 0)

  mnabndSumInv <- 1/(mnabnd1 + mnabnd2)
  relabnd1 <- mnabnd1 * mnabndSumInv
  relabnd2 <- mnabnd2 * mnabndSumInv

  relabnd1[zeroIdx1] <- 0
  relabnd2[zeroIdx2] <- 0

  iv1 <- (relabnd1 * frq1) * 100
  iv2 <- (relabnd2 * frq2) * 100

  ivmax <- pmax(iv1, iv2)

#' @rdname indvalp
indvalps <- function(grpMatrix, spp) {

  grp1Matrix <- (grpMatrix == 1) * 1
  grp2Matrix <- (grpMatrix == 2) * 1

  grp1MeansOp <- (1/colSums(grp1Matrix)) * t(grp1Matrix)
  grp2MeansOp <- (1/colSums(grp2Matrix)) * t(grp2Matrix)

  smabnd1 <- t(grp1Matrix) %*% spp
  smabnd2 <- t(grp2Matrix) %*% spp

  sppCnts <- (spp > 0)
  frq1 <- grp1MeansOp %*% sppCnts
  frq2 <- grp2MeansOp %*% sppCnts

  zeroIdx1 <- which(smabnd1 == 0)
  zeroIdx2 <- which(smabnd2 == 0)

  abndInv <- 1/(smabnd1 + smabnd2)
  relabnd1 <- smabnd1 * abndInv
  relabnd2 <- smabnd2 * abndInv

  relabnd1[zeroIdx1] <- 0
  relabnd2[zeroIdx2] <- 0

  iv1 <- (relabnd1 * frq1) * 100
  iv2 <- (relabnd2 * frq2) * 100

  ivmax <- pmax(iv1, iv2)

#' Permutation of group membership for a single candidate partition
#' Randomizes group assignments for all permutations based on ranked values of
#' the environmental gradient, then calls the appropriate matrix-based IndVal
#' function.
#' This function handles the randomization portion of the permutation procedure,
#' and then serves as a wrapper for 'indvalp' and 'indvalps' (depending on the
#' value of 'ivTot'), which estimate change-point distributions across all
#' permutations.  The output is the same as 'indvalp' and 'indvalps' because the
#' function simply passes their products on.
#' @param grp A vector of binary (0,1) assignments indicating group membership
#'   for a single partition of nrows in 'spp' according to a ranks of an
#'   environmental variable.
#' @param spp A site-by-taxon matrix of taxa counts at each sampling location.
#' @param ivTot A logical indicating whether IndVal scores should be calculated
#'   using total relative abundance or the mean relative abundace originally
#'   proposed by Dufrene and Legendre (1997).
#' @param nPerm The number of permutations to be performed.
#' @return A matrix (ivmax) of IndVal maxima with nrow equal to the number of
#'   permutations and ncol equal to the number of taxa in 'spp'.
#' @references Dufrene, M. and P. Legendre. 1997. Species assemblages and
#'   indicator species: the need for a flexible asymmetrical approach. Ecol.
#'   Mon. 67:345-366.
#' @references Baker, ME and RS King.  2010. A new method for detecting and
#'   interpreting biodiversity and ecological community thresholds. Methods in
#'   Ecology and Evolution 1(1): 25:37.
#' @seealso [indvalp()], [indvalps()], [getivz()]
#' @author M. Baker and R. King
#' @keywords permutation TITAN
permiv <- function(grp, spp, ivTot = ivTot, nPerm = 250) {

  # create a matrix whose columns are permutations of grp
  # there should be nPerm columns
  # grpRepMatrix <- matrix(grp, nrow = length(grp), ncol = nPerm)
  # grpRandMatrix <- apply(grpRepMatrix, 2, sample)
  grpRandMatrix <- replicate(nPerm, sample(grp))

  if (ivTot) {
    indvalps(grpRandMatrix, spp)
  } else {
    indvalp(grpRandMatrix, spp)

#' Performs calculation of IndVal z scores from observed and permuted values
#' A wrapper function that calls 'indval' or 'indvals' to obtain observed IndVal
#' scores and 'permiv' to generate permuted values, then calculates z scores and
#' associated p-values.
#' This function calls two subfunctions to first calculate IndVals and their
#' associated direction (i.e., a decreasing taxon, group 1, is associated with
#' the left side of any partition, whereas an increasing taxon, group 2, is
#' associated with the right) and second to develop permuted values for each
#' candidate partition. Output includes the indicator direction (1 or 2), z
#' scores, IndVal scores, and associated p value (obtained by the fraction of
#' times an observed IndVal is greater than those obtained from numPerm
#' randomizations of equivalent group sizes).  For more detail regarding the
#' relative benefits and potential drawbacks of using imax=T or imax=F, see
#' Baker and King (2013).
#' @param clss A matrix of binary (0,1) group membership based on partitions of
#'   sampling sites ranked along an environmental gradient.
#' @param spp A site-by-taxon matrix of taxa counts at each sampling location.
#' @param ivTot A logical indicating whether IndVal scores should be calculated
#'   using total relative abundance or the mean relative abundace originally
#'   proposed by Dufrene and Legendre (1997).
#' @param nPerm The number of permutations to be used by 'permiv'.
#' @param numClass The number of classes used to partition samples along the
#'   enviorinmental gradient. The default is the total number of observations
#'   less two times the minimum split size ('minSplt').
#' @param imax A logical indicating whether taxon-specific change points should
#'   be determined using IndVal maxima or z-score maxima (as in TITAN v1.0).
#' @param messaging message user?
#' @return A matrix containing four submatrices (the first from
#'   \code{[1:numTxa,]}, the second from \code{[(numTxa+1):(2*numTxa),]}, etc.),
#'   the first two of which include indicator direction and z scores.
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{Group Membership }{A vector for every taxon showing decreasing
#'   (\code{1}) or increasing (\code{2}) group membership at each value of
#'   'envcls'}
#'   \item{z scores }{A vector for every taxon showing IndVal z scores at each
#'   value of 'envcls'}
#'   \item{IndVals }{A vector for every taxon showing IndVal scores at each
#'   value of 'envcls'}
#'   \item{p values }{A vector for every taxon showing IndVal p values at each
#'   value of 'envcls'}
#'   }
#' @references Baker, ME and RS King.  2010. A new method for detecting and
#'   interpreting biodiversity and ecological community thresholds. Methods in
#'   Ecology and Evolution 1(1): 25:37.
#' @references Baker ME and RS King. 2013. Of TITAN and straw men: an appeal for
#'   greater understanding of community data. Freshwater Science 32(2):489-506.
#' @seealso [indval()], [indvals()], [indvalp()], [indvalps()], [permiv()],
#'   [ivzsums()]
#' @author M. Baker and R. King
#' @keywords TITAN Threshold~Indicator~Taxa~Analysis Indicator~Value
#' @export
getivz <- function(clss, spp, ivTot = ivTot, nPerm = nPerm, numClass = numClass, imax = imax, messaging = FALSE) {

  numTxa <- ncol(spp)
  numUnit <- nrow(spp)
  if (messaging) cli_alert_info("Calculating observed IndVal maxima and class values...")

  # observed IndVal maxima and class values
  if (ivTot) {
    if (messaging) cli_alert_info("Calculating IndVals using total relative abundance...")
    obs <- apply(clss, 2, indvals, spp = spp)
  } else {
    if (messaging) cli_alert_info("Calculating IndVals using mean relative abundance...")
    obs <- apply(clss, 2, indval, spp = spp)

  if (messaging) cli_alert_info("Permuting IndVal scores...")

  # permuted IndVal scores
  # spp <- as.matrix(spp)
  piv <- array(
    apply(clss, 2, permiv, spp = spp, ivTot = ivTot, nPerm = nPerm),
    c(nPerm, numTxa, numClass)

  # calculate IndVal z-scores
  mniv <- colMeans(piv, dims = 1, na.rm = TRUE)
  sdiv <- apply(piv, c(2, 3), sd)
  sdiv[which(sdiv < 0.1)] <- 1
  obsiv <- obs[(numTxa + 1):(2*numTxa), ]
  obsmx <- obs[1:numTxa, ]
  ivz <- (obsiv - mniv) / sdiv

  # calculate p-value
  iv.p <- matrix(NA, nrow(obsiv), ncol(obsiv))
  for (j in 1:ncol(obsiv)) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(obsiv)) {
      iv.p[i, j] <- (sum(piv[, i, j] >= obsiv[i, j], na.rm = TRUE) + 1)/nPerm

  rbind(obsmx, ivz, obsiv, iv.p)

#' Sum IndVal z scores across taxa
#' This function uses the output of 'getivz' (and, optionally, similar output
#' from the bootstrap procedure) to sum z scores across taxa associated with
#' each indicator direction (- or +) at each level of the environmental
#' gradient.
#' The function selects taxa identified as either increasing or decreasing at
#' each level of the environmental gradient and combines their IndVal z scores
#' to generate an assemblage-wide sum.  The sum(z) scores are interpreted as the
#' magnitude of community change at each level of the environmental gradient.
#' The alias 'ivzsums.f' uses the output of 'getivz' to sum z scores across taxa
#' filtered by purity and reliability associated with each indicator direction
#' (- or +) at each level of the environmental gradient.  Filters are provided
#' by the final column ("filter") in the 'sppmax' table that is part of each
#' TITAN object and an argument for 'ivzsums.f'.  All taxa with a value of
#' either 1 or 2 are pure and reliable decreasers or increasers, respectively,
#' and are selected for summation.  Filtered sums are used by the 'plot.sumz'
#' function to create estimates of robust community change more precise than the
#' original unfiltered sum(z) in TITAN v1.0.
#' @param allivz The output matrix from the function 'getivz' that contains four
#'   submatrices, the first two of which include indicator direction and z
#'   scores.
#' @param sppmax A completed summary output table for all taxa, used to
#'   ascertain which taxa should be filtered and which retained.
#' @return A matrix of two (z- and z+) parallel vectors with length (nrow) equal
#'   to the number of candidate partitions of an environmental gradient.
#' @references Baker, ME and RS King.  2010. A new method for detecting and
#'   interpreting biodiversity and ecological community thresholds. Methods in
#'   Ecology and Evolution 1(1): 25:37.
#' @seealso [getivz()], [plot_sumz()]
#' @author M. Baker and R. King
#' @keywords TITAN sum(z)
#' @name ivzsums

#' @rdname ivzsums
ivzsums <- function(allivz) {
  numTxa <- nrow(allivz)/4
  tmp1 <- allivz[1:numTxa, ] == 1
  tmp2 <- allivz[1:numTxa, ] == 2

  ivz <- allivz[(numTxa + 1):(numTxa * 2), ]

  s1 <- colSums(ivz * tmp1, na.rm = TRUE)
  s2 <- colSums(ivz * tmp2, na.rm = TRUE)

  cbind(s1, s2) # = sumivz

#' @rdname ivzsums
ivzsums.f <- function(allivz, sppmax) {

  numTxa <- nrow(allivz)/4
  ivz <- allivz[(numTxa + 1):(numTxa * 2), ]
  tmp1 <- which(sppmax[, 16] == 1)
  tmp2 <- which(sppmax[, 16] == 2)
  s1 <- s2 <- NA

  if (length(tmp1) > 1) {
    s1 <- colSums(ivz[tmp1, ], na.rm = TRUE)
  } else if (length(tmp1) > 0) {
    s1 <- ivz[tmp1, ]

  if (length(tmp2) > 1) {
    s2 <- colSums(ivz[tmp2, ], na.rm = TRUE)
  } else if (length(tmp2) > 0) {
    s2 <- ivz[tmp2, ]

  cbind(s1, s2) # = sumivz
dkahle/TITAN2 documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 2:49 p.m.