
#' Relative Rankings of Importance of Four Political Goals
#' 2262 Germans were asked to rank the following in order of importance : (1)
#' maintain order in the nation, "order"; (2) give people more say in decisions
#' in the government, "say"; (3) fight rising prices, "prices"; and (4) protect
#' freedom of speech, "freedom".
#' @name political_goals
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @usage data(political_goals)
#' @format An atomic named vector of length 4! = 24
#' @author The first reference
#' @references Barnes, S. H. and Kaase, M. (1979). \emph{Political Action: Mass
#'   Participation in Five Western Countries}. Sage, Beverly Hills, CA.
#' @references Croon, M. A. (1998). Latent class models for the analysis of
#'   rankings. \emph{New Developments in Psychological Choice Modeling},
#'   99--121. Feger, Klauer, and de Soete, eds. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
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