The + and * operators in dMod are very characteristic and representative for the approach dMod takes. Usually, + handles conditions whereas * concatenates functions to create a new function.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 3.5)

To illustrate the concepts let's look at an example.

Using the * operator

We are going to simulate data with a conversion model:

reactions <- eqnlist() %>% 
  addReaction("A_inactive", "A_active", "k_convert * A_inactive") %>% 
  addReaction("A_active", "0", "k_degrade*A_active")

x <- reactions %>% 
  odemodel(modelname = "conversion") %>% 

We simulate a data set with the model. Here, we use the ability of prediction functions without predifined condition (the argument condition = NULL was implicitly used in Xs()) to be called with any conditions argument, here conditions = "control".

times <- seq(0, 20, .1)
pars <- c(k_convert = .1, k_degrade = .2, A_inactive = 1, A_active = 0)
pred <- x(times, pars, conditions = "control")

data1 <- pred %>% %>% 
  # Subsetting on observed state and time
  filter(name == "A_active",
         time %in% c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20)) %>% 
  # Adding noise
  mutate(sigma = 0.1*value,
         value = rnorm(length(value), mean = value, sd = sigma)) %>% 
  # Convert to dMod datalist format

To estimate the model parameters from this data set, we would like to use prior information on the initial values and we would like to enforce that parameters are always estimated by positive numbers. In general, this can be accomplished by the right parameterization.

Our parameterization for the example could be:

p1 <- eqnvec(
  A_inactive = "A_inactive",
  A_active = "0",
  k_convert = "exp(q_convert)",
  k_degrade = "exp(q_degrade)"
) %>% 
  P(condition = "control")

The model parameters are expressed in terms of parameters A_inactive, q_convert (the conversion rate on log scale) and q_degrade (the degradation rate on log scale). We would like to call the prediction function x with these new parameters. The new prediction function accomplishing this is x*p1:

prd <- x*p1
pars <- c(A_inactive = 1, q_convert = -1, q_degrade = -2)
prd(times, pars) %>% plot()

We estimate the parameters and see if they are already identifiable from the data:

obj <- normL2(data1, x*p1)
fit <- trust(obj, pars, rinit = .1, rmax = 10)
profiles <- profile(obj, fit$argument, names(pars))

The fit finds the solution which was used for simulation. However, also another solution is found with (almost) the same objective value. The inspection of the paths through parameter space associated with the profiles shows that all three parameters are connected.


Using the + operator

To find out which of the solutions is the right one, an additional hypothetical experiment is performed. In this experiment, the degradation rate is blocked (k_degrade = 0). The experimental condition is referred to as "block_degradation".

times <- seq(0, 20, .1)
pars <- c(k_convert = .1, k_degrade = 0, A_inactive = 1, A_active = 0)
pred <- x(times, pars, conditions = "block_degradation")

data2 <- pred %>% %>% 
  # Subsetting on observed state and time
  filter(name == "A_active",
         time %in% c(1, 5, 10, 20)) %>% 
  # Adding noise
  mutate(sigma = 0.1*value,
         value = rnorm(length(value), mean = value, sd = sigma)) %>% 
  # Convert to dMod datalist format

When parameterizing this experiment, we might not be sure if the blocking is really 100\%. Therefore, a factor exp(eff)/(1 + exp(eff)) is introduced that ranges between 0 and 1.

p2 <- eqnvec(
  A_inactive = "A_inactive",
  A_active = "0",
  k_convert = "exp(q_convert)",
  k_degrade = "exp(q_degrade) * exp(eff)/(1 + exp(eff))"
) %>% 
  P(condition = "block_degradation")

In the final step, we construct an objective function from both experiments data1 + data2 and predictions for both parameterizations x * (p1 + p2). To avoid, that the fit tends to $\pm\infty$ for any of the parameters, we apply another usecase of the + operator: the sum of objective functions:

pars <- c(A_inactive = 1, q_convert = -1, q_degrade = -2, eff = 1)

obj <- normL2(data1 + data2, x * (p1 + p2)) + constraintL2(mu = pars, sigma = 10)
fit <- trust(obj, pars, rinit = .1, rmax = 10)
profiles <- profile(obj, fit$argument, names(pars), limits = c(-5, 5))
plotProfile(profiles, mode == "data")

The profiles show that with the new experimental condition the parameters are identifiable. The parameter eff is compatible with $-\infty$ in accordance with the values used for simulation.

Less common example

A less common application of the * operator is the concatenation of objective functions and parameter transformations. Let us assume the following objective function:

obj <- constraintL2(mu = c(p1 = -1, p2 = 1), sigma = 1, = "data")

We assume to know the parameters p1 and p2 with uncertainty 1. Because we would combine this prior information with other data-derived objective functions, we set = "data".

When parameters are estimated on a log-scale, we still would like to use the prior information as it was defined. Therefore, we can combine the parmeter transformation with the objective function:

p <- eqnvec(
  p1 = "exp(logp1)",
  p2 = "exp(logp2)"
) %>% P(condition = "base")

obj_inner <- obj*p

To illustrate what happens, we fit and compute profiles for the objective function and, to avoid that fits diverge, add a constraint for regularization:

pars <- c(logp1 = 0, logp2 = 0)
reg <- constraintL2(mu = pars, sigma = 10)

myfit <- trust(obj*p + reg, parinit = pars, rinit = .1, rmax = 10)
myprof <- profile(obj*p + reg, myfit$argument, names(myfit$argument))

plotProfile(myprof, mode == "data")

We see that the logp1 tends to $-\infty$. This is because the optimum is at p1 = -1 which cannot be reached via logp1 on log-scale. On the other hand, p2 = 1 corresponds to logp2 = 0, giving us the optimum for logp2. However, the significance threshold for the 68\% CL is only reached for logp2$\rightarrow -\infty$ , and is never exceeded. This is exactly consistent with the definition of the prior information for p2.

Happy concatenating!!

dkaschek/dMod documentation built on July 27, 2023, 11:45 p.m.