knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 3.5)

dMod provides several list objects, i.e., objects which are organized as lists but carry their own class. This vignette is about the typical dMod list objects

and what they do or do not have in common.



Data lists are used to represent the data in dMod. Data lists are most conveniently produced using the as.datalist() function on data frames:

myframe <- data.frame(
  # required columns
  name = "A",
  time = 1:5,
  value = c(exp(-0.1 * 1:5), exp(-0.3 * 1:5)),
  sigma = 0.05,
  # additional columns to specify the data records
  treatment = "TRTno",
  inhibitor = rep(c("INHno", "INHx"), each = 5)

mydata <- as.datalist(myframe)


All non-standard columns are used to create a condition identifier. A separate data frame is returned for each condition, structured as a list. Because the non-standard columns describing the data records could potentially be used as covariates for model parameters, the mapping between conditions and covariates can be accessed via


Data lists can be

Whenever parameters are estimated from data with dMod, a valid data list needs to be created.


Prediction lists are the counterpart of data lists. They are returned by prediction functions. The prediction function returns a separate matrix with the simulation result for each condition, structured as a list.

Prediction lists can be

Additional lists in dMod

There are some other list structures in dMod which fit a bit less into the schematics presented above. These are eqnlist (model representation), objlist (list with value, gradient and Hessian returned by an objective function) and parlist (a list of parameter fits as returned by mstrust()). In the following, we will look a bit close into eqnlist and parlist.


Equation lists (eqnlist) are used to store differential equation models in a list containing the stoichiometric matrix, the states, the rate expressions, volume expressions and a description field:

reactions <- eqnlist() %>% 
  addReaction("A", "B", "k_on*A", "Forward reaction") %>% 
  addReaction("B", "A", "k_off*B", "Backward reaction")



Parlists are defined by the mstrust() output: a list of all the fits. The most important method to run on parlist objects is

Happy listing!!

dkaschek/dMod documentation built on July 27, 2023, 11:45 p.m.