Man pages for dkidney/gibbonsecr
SECR Analysis for Acoustic Gibbon Surveys

add_covariatesAdd spatial covariates to mask or traps
classesgibbonsecr object classes
gfitFit an SECR model to survey data
gibbonsecr-covariatesModel covariates
gibbonsecr-packageSECR for acoustic gibbon surveys
guiLaunch the graphical user interface
import_dataImport survey data
import_shpImport ESRI shapefiles
make_maskMake a habitat mask
N.annamensisExample survey data
plot_capthistPlot a gibbonsecr capthist
plot_fitPlot a gibbonsecr fitted model
plot_maskPlot a gibbonsecr mask
plot_shpPlot an imported shapfile
dkidney/gibbonsecr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:11 a.m.