testthat::context("testing swmm io")
testthat::test_that("swmm_io", {
# only local tests
# get the inp files
inp_files <- system.file("extdata", paste0("Example", 1:6, ".inp"),
package = "swmmr", mustWork = TRUE)
# initially run the models and save results to temp file
temp_file <- purrr::rerun(length(inp_files), tempfile())
purrr::walk2(.x = inp_files,
.y = temp_file,
~ swmmr::run_swmm(.x,
rpt = paste0(.y, ".rpt"),
out = paste0(.y, ".out")))
# get the size of original rpt and out files
orig_size_of_rpt <- file.size(paste0(temp_file, ".rpt"))
orig_size_of_out <- file.size(paste0(temp_file, ".out"))
# now read the models into R
inp_obj <- purrr::map(inp_files, swmmr::read_inp)
# create temp file names
tmp_inp <- purrr::rerun(length(inp_obj), tempfile())
# write the models back to file
purrr::walk2(inp_obj, tmp_inp, ~ swmmr::write_inp(.x, .y))
# run the new models
purrr::walk(tmp_inp, swmmr::run_swmm)
# get the size of new rpt and out files
new_size_of_rpt <- file.size(paste0(tmp_inp, ".rpt"))
new_size_of_out <- file.size(paste0(tmp_inp, ".out"))
# remove files
purrr::walk(c(tmp_inp, temp_file), ~ file.remove(list.files(tempdir(),
full.names = TRUE,
pattern = basename(.))))
# perform tests (with tolerance for rpt files due to tiny title change)
testthat::expect_equal(orig_size_of_rpt, new_size_of_rpt, tolerance = 1e-3, info = "rpt check")
testthat::expect_equal(orig_size_of_out, new_size_of_out, info = "out check")
testthat::test_that("rpt_reader", {
# only local tests
# get the inp files
inp_files <- system.file("extdata", paste0("Example", 1:6, ".inp"),
package = "swmmr", mustWork = TRUE)
# initially run the models and save results to temp file
temp_file <- purrr::rerun(length(inp_files), tempfile())
purrr::walk2(.x = inp_files,
.y = temp_file,
~ swmmr::run_swmm(.x,
rpt = paste0(.y, ".rpt"),
out = paste0(.y, ".out")))
# read rpt files
list_of_rpt <- paste0(temp_file, ".rpt") %>%
purrr::walk(list_of_rpt, testthat::expect_s3_class, class = "rpt")
testthat::test_that("swmm error", {
# only local tests
# get the inp files
inp_file <- system.file("extdata", paste0("Example", 1, ".inp"),
package = "swmmr", mustWork = TRUE)
# read model
inp <- swmmr::read_inp(inp_file)
# set new parameters and update inp object
# Error 1
inp$timeseries <- transform(inp$timeseries, Name = "IDoNotExist")
# Error 2
inp$subcatchments <- transform(inp$subcatchments,
Name = sample(1:1e3, nrow(inp$subcatchments)))
# write new inp file to disk
tmp_inp <- tempfile()
write_inp(inp, tmp_inp)
# run swmm and expect error
swmmr::run_swmm(inp = tmp_inp,
rpt = paste0(tmp_inp, ".rpt"),
out = paste0(tmp_inp, ".out"))
rpt <- swmmr::read_rpt(paste0(tmp_inp, ".rpt"))
testthat::expect_s3_class(rpt, class = "rpt_error")
testthat::test_that("summary", {
# only local tests
# get the inp files
inp_files <- system.file("extdata", paste0("Example", 1:6, ".inp"),
package = "swmmr", mustWork = TRUE)
# now read the models into R
inp_obj <- purrr::map(inp_files, swmmr::read_inp)
purrr::walk(inp_obj, ~ testthat::expect_output(summary(.),
"summary of swmm model structure"))
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