
Defines functions mypublish_eqnvec2wordtable

Documented in mypublish_eqnvec2wordtable

#' Print the odes of an eqnvec in a tex and a docx table
#' printout of c(x = -k\*x) will look like d/dt\[x] = - k*[x]
#' @param x eqnvec
#' @param path filename without ending
#' @export
mypublish_eqnvec2wordtable <- function(x, path = "odes") {
  mynames <- x %>% names
  x %>%
    replaceSymbols(what = mynames, by = paste0("[",mynames, "]"), x = .) %>%
    {`names<-`(paste0("$ ", ., " $"), paste0("$d/dt[ ", names(.), "]$"))} %>%
    tibble(names(.),.) %>%
    xtable() %>% print(include.rownames = F, include.colnames = F) %>%
\\begin{document}", ., "\\end{document}")  %>%
    str_replace_all( "\\\\\\$" , "$")  %>%
    write_lines(paste0(path, ".tex"))
  system2("pandoc", c(paste0("-o ", path, ".docx"), paste0(path, ".tex")))

#' Print the odes of an eqnvec in a tex and a docx table
#' printout of c(x = -k*x) will look like d/dt\[x\] = - k\*\[x\]
#' @param x vector with names
#' @param path filename without ending
#' @param names_in_mathenv put the names in an in-line math environment (latex: $$)
#' @export
mypublish_namedvec2wordtable <- function(x, path = "pars", names_in_mathenv = F) {
  mynames <- x %>% names
  if (names_in_mathenv)
    mynames <- paste0("$", mynames, "$")
  x %>%
    tibble(mynames,.) %>%
    xtable() %>% print(include.rownames = F, include.colnames = F) %>%
\\begin{document}", ., "\\end{document}")  %>%
    str_replace_all( "\\\\\\$" , "$")  %>%
    write_lines(paste0(path, ".tex"))
  system2("pandoc", c(paste0("-o ", path, ".docx"), paste0(path, ".tex")))

#' Print single matrices as matrices in word math environemt
#' The align argument of xtable outside of mypublish mat needs to be ncol(mat) \+ 1
#' @param x a single matrix as xtable \%>\% print(tabluar.environment = "pmatrix)
#' @param filename filename without ending
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' list(r_0 = matrix(1:9, ncol = 3),
#'      r_1 = matrix(0,ncol = 3, nrow = 3),
#'      r_opt_1 = matrix(2:10, nrow = 3)) %>%
#'   imap(~.x %>% round(2) %>% mypublish_mat(.y))
#' }
mypublish_matrix2wordmath <- function(x,filename) {

  cols <- ncol(x)

  x <- x %>% xtable(align = rep("",cols+1)) %>%
          include.colnames = F,
          include.rownames = F,
          floating = F,
          hline.after = NULL)

  x %>%
          filename, " = ", .,
          "\\end{document}") %>%

  system2("pandoc", c(paste0("-o", filename,".docx"), paste0(filename,".tex")))}

#' Print a list of matrices as matrices in word math environemt
#' @param x a list of matrices
#' @param filename filename without ending
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- list(r_0 = matrix(1:9, ncol = 3), r_1 = matrix(0,ncol = 3, nrow = 3), r_opt_1 = matrix(2:10, nrow = 3))
#' mypublish_matlist2wordmath(x, "matrices")
#' }
mypublish_matlist2wordmath <- function(x,filename) {

  x <- imap(x, function(.x,.y) {
    cols <- ncol(.x)
    .x %>% xtable::xtable(align = rep("",cols+1)) %>%
            include.colnames = F,
            include.rownames = F,
            floating = F,
            hline.after = NULL) %>%
             .y, " = ", .,
             "\\end{equation*} \n\n\n")
  }) %>% reduce(paste0, collapse = "\n\n\n")

        x ,
"\\end{document}") %>%

  system2("pandoc", c(paste0("-o", filename,".docx"), paste0(filename,".tex")))}

#' Print a list of matrices to a single word file with a table of these matrices
#' @param x list of matrices
#' @param path filename without ending
#' @param digits digits for rounding
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' list(r_0 = matrix(1:9, ncol = 3),
#'      r_1 = matrix(0,ncol = 3, nrow = 3),
#'      r_opt_1 = matrix(2:10, nrow = 3)) %>%
#'   imap( ~.x %>% round(2) %>%
#'           xtable(align = rep("",4)) %>%
#'           print(tabular.environment="pmatrix",
#'                 include.colnames = F,
#'                 include.rownames = F,
#'                 floating = F,
#'                 hline.after = NULL)) %>%
#'           mypublish_mat("matrices")
#' }
mypublish_matlist2wordtable <- function(x, path, digits = 2) {
  tables <- map(x, . %>% xtable::xtable(digits = digits) %>% {xtable:::print.xtable(invisible(.), include.rownames = F)}) %>%
    paste0(collapse = "\n\n")

  tables %>%
\\begin{document}", ., "\\end{document}") %>%
  system2("pandoc", c(paste0("-o ",path,".docx"), paste0(path,".tex")))
dlill/conveniencefunctions documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 4:40 a.m.