
Defines functions clique_test_contrast clique_test biclique.decompose

Documented in biclique.decompose clique_test clique_test_contrast

#' Generate a biclique decomposition given null hypothesis.
#' @param Z A vector that gives the realization of treatment assignment. Its length should match \code{Y}
#' and is the number of units in the experiment.
#' @param hypothesis A list that contains three functions specifyting the experiment design and null hypothesis.
#' See details for further illustration.
#' @param controls A list that contains settings for biclique decomposition and covariates adjustment.
#' By default it is \code{list(method="greedy", mina=10, num_randomizations=2000)}.
#' That is, by default it uses greedy decomposition algorithm with \code{mina=10}, and the number of
#' randomizations to perform is 2000. See details for further illustration.
#' @param stop_Zobs Whether to stop when the biclique decomposition finds a biclique that contains the observed
#' treatment allocation, \code{Z}. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @details \code{hypothesis} contains three functions:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{design_fn}} {A function that returns a realization of treatment for the whole sample. For example,
#' if each unit has equal probability \eqn{0.2} to receive the treatment independently, we can write
#' \code{design_fn = function() { rbinom(num_units, 1, prob=0.2) }}.}
#'  \item{\code{exposure_i}} {A function that returns exposure \eqn{f_i(z)} of unit \eqn{i} under treatment \eqn{z} where
#' \eqn{z} is the treatment for the whole sample. The inputs of the function are an index \code{i} and
#' a vector \code{z}. For example, if the exposure of \eqn{i} under \eqn{z} is the treatment it receives, then
#' we can write \code{exposure_i = function(z, i) { z[i] }}. See more examples in the README file.}
#'  \item{\code{null_equiv}} {A function that takes two inputs from \code{exposure_i} and determines
#' whether \eqn{f_i(z_1)} is equivalent to \eqn{f_i(z_2)} under the null hypothesis. For example, if the
#' null is "extent of interference" type of null, we can write
#' \code{null_equiv = function(e1, e2) {identical(e1, e2)}}.}
#' }
#' \code{controls} contains several components:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{method}} {Specifies the decomposition method. Should be either \code{"bimax"} or \code{"greedy"}.}
#'  \item{\code{minr},\code{minc} or \code{mina}} {If \code{"bimax"} is used, \code{minr} and \code{minc}
#'  should be supplied that specify the minimum number of units and assignments
#'  in the bicliques found by the algorithm. If \code{"greedy"} is used, \code{mina} should be supplied.}
#'  \item{\code{num_randomizations}} {Number of randomizations to perform. If it is not specified, will be set
#'  to be 2000 by default.}
#'  \item{(optional) \code{Xadj}} {The covariates that might affect Y. If it is specified in \code{controls},
#'   will replace \code{Y} by the residuals from the linear regression of \code{Y} on \code{Xadj}
#'   (number of rows in \code{Y} and in \code{Xadj} should be the same).
#'   Note that users would need to add an intercept to \code{Xadj} manually if they want.}
#' }
#' @return a list \code{MNE} of clique decomposition and specified \code{controls}.
#' Each element of \code{MNE} records one biclique decomposed from a multi-null exposure
#' graph and contains its focal units and focal assignments.
#' @export
biclique.decompose = function(Z, hypothesis,
                              controls=list(method="greedy", mina=10, num_randomizations=2000), stop_Zobs=F){

  # catch functions and controls from hypothesis and controls
  design_fn = hypothesis$design_fn
  exposure_i = hypothesis$exposure_i
  null_equiv = hypothesis$null_equiv
  num_randomizations = controls$num_randomizations
  if (is.null(num_randomizations)) {num_randomizations = 2000} # set to be 2000 if not supplied

  # check components in hypothesis
  stopifnot("hypothesis should contain all of design_fn, exposure_i and null_equiv"
            = (!(is.null(design_fn) | is.null(exposure_i) | is.null(null_equiv))) )

  # check decomposition in controls
  decom = controls$method
  if (is.null(decom)) {
    stop("controls should contain the decomposition method", call. = F)
  } else if (decom=="bimax") {
    minr = controls$minr
    minc = controls$minc
    if (!(is.numeric(minr)&is.numeric(minc))) {
      stop("if 'bimax' is used in controls, should supply both 'minr' and 'minc' as integer", call. = F)
  } else if (decom=="greedy"){
    mina = controls$mina
    if (!is.numeric(mina)) {
      stop("if 'greedy' is used in controls, should supply 'mina' as integer", call. = F)
  } else {
    stop("the decomposition method in controls should be either 'bimax' or 'greedy'", call. = F)

  # generate randomizations using design_fn & num_randomizations --> Z_m
  num_units = length(Z)
  Z_m = matrix(0, nrow=num_units, ncol=(num_randomizations+1))
  Z_m[, 1] = Z
  for (id_rand in 1:num_randomizations){
    Z_m[, id_rand+1] = design_fn()
  Zobs_id = 1

  # generate exposure for each unit under different treatment assignment
  dim_exposure = length(exposure_i(Z, 1)) # get how long the exposure is
  if (dim_exposure > 1){
    expos = array(0, c(num_units, num_randomizations+1, dim_exposure))
  } else if (dim_exposure == 1){
    expos = array(0, c(num_units, num_randomizations+1, 2)) # to make sure expos is always 3-D
  } else {
    stop("exposure_i should output a vector of length no less than 1")
  for (id_rand in 1:(num_randomizations+1)){
    for (id_unit in 1:num_units){
      expos[id_unit, id_rand, ] = exposure_i(Z_m[,id_rand], id_unit)

  # decompose the null-exposure graph
  cat("decompose the null-exposure graph ... \n")
  Z0 = 1:dim(Z_m)[2]
  MNE = list()

  # while length(Z0)>0, do:
  # 1. select one random from 1:length(Z0) as Zsub
  # 2. generate multiNEgraph = out_NEgraph_multi(Zsub, Z0, expos)
  # 3. decompose multiNEgraph to multi_clique, get one biclique is enough
  # 4. conditional_clique =union of multi_clique, delete multi_clique's col from Z0
  if (decom == 'bimax'){
    method = "Clique test with Bimax decomposition."
    while (length(Z0)>0){
      cat("\r","Z0 now has length", length(Z0), '...')

      Zsub = sample(1:length(Z0), size = 1) # Zsub here is an index of vector Z0
      # multiNEgraph = out_NEgraph_multi(Zsub, Z0, Z_m, num_units, exposure_fn)
      multiNEgraph = out_NEgraph_multi_separate(Zsub, Z0, expos, null_equiv, dim_exposure)

      iremove = which(rowSums(multiNEgraph!=0)==0)  # removes isolated units.
      if(length(iremove)!=0){ multiNEgraph = multiNEgraph[-iremove,] }

      numleft = ncol(multiNEgraph)
      minr.new = min(minr, numleft)
      minc.new = min(minc, numleft)
      bitest = biclust(multiNEgraph, method=BCBimax(), minr.new, minc.new, number=1)
      bicliqMat = bicluster(multiNEgraph, bitest)
      themat = bicliqMat$Bicluster1

      # if current minr & minc gives no biclique decom, try a smaller one
      while((length(themat)==0) & (numleft > 1)){
        numleft = numleft - 1
        minr.new = min(minr, numleft)
        minc.new = min(minc, numleft)
        bitest = biclust(multiNEgraph, method=BCBimax(), minr.new, minc.new, number=1)
        bicliqMat = bicluster(multiNEgraph, bitest)
        themat = bicliqMat$Bicluster1

      if (!is.matrix(themat)) {
        # the biclique we get is only one single column where Zsub lies (b/c this col is all 1)
        # next # perhaps just skip this loop and redraw a new Zsub
        # to get full decom, read col numbers from bicluster and assign it to this N' x 1 matrix
        themat = as.matrix(themat)
        colnames(themat) = biclusternumber(bitest)$Bicluster1$Cols
      focal_unit = as.integer(rownames(themat))
      focal_ass = as.integer(colnames(themat)); focal_ass_match = Z0[focal_ass]

      Z_m_assignments = Z_m[,focal_ass_match, drop=F]
      if (length(focal_ass_match) == 1) {Z_m_assignments = as.matrix(Z_m_assignments)} # N' x 1 clique
      rownames(Z_m_assignments) = 1:num_units
      colnames(Z_m_assignments) = focal_ass_match
      MNE = append(MNE, list(list(units = focal_unit, assignments = Z_m_assignments)))
      Z0 = Z0[-focal_ass]

      # stop when one of the biclique we found contains Zobs
      if (stop_Zobs) {
        if (sum(focal_ass_match==Zobs_id)>0){

  if (decom == 'greedy'){
    method = "Clique test with greedy decomposition."
    while (length(Z0)>0){
      cat("\r","Z0 now has length", length(Z0), '...')

      Zsub = sample(1:length(Z0), size = 1) # Zsub here is an index of vector Z0
      multiNEgraph = out_NEgraph_multi_separate(Zsub, Z0, expos, null_equiv, dim_exposure)
      num_ass = mina
      break_signal = FALSE

      if (dim(multiNEgraph)[2]<=num_ass){ # when remaining cols below threshold mina
        units_leftover = which(rowSums(multiNEgraph)==dim(multiNEgraph)[2])
        themat = multiNEgraph[units_leftover,, drop=F]
        break_signal = TRUE
      } else {
        ### should not remove isolated units here, otherwise rownames of multiNEgraph is distorted,
        ### then get_clique function will go wrong when matching rownames.
        ### --- has been fixed
        iremove = which(rowSums(multiNEgraph!=0)==0)  # removes isolated units.
        if(length(iremove)!=0){ multiNEgraph = multiNEgraph[-iremove,] }

        test = out_greedy_decom(multiNEgraph, num_ass)
        themat = test$clique

      if (is.matrix(themat)) {
        focal_unit = as.integer(rownames(themat))
        focal_ass = as.integer(colnames(themat)); focal_ass_match = Z0[focal_ass]
      } else { # no biclique is found, draw a new Z

      Z_m_assignments = Z_m[,focal_ass_match, drop=F]
      rownames(Z_m_assignments) = 1:num_units
      colnames(Z_m_assignments) = focal_ass_match
      MNE = append(MNE, list(list(units = focal_unit, assignments = Z_m_assignments)))
      Z0 = Z0[-focal_ass]

      # stop when one of the biclique we found contains Zobs
      if (stop_Zobs) {
        if (sum(focal_ass_match==Zobs_id)>0){
      if (break_signal) {break}

  return(list(MNE=MNE, controls=controls, method=method))

#' The generalized main randomization test function.
#' @param Y The observed outcome vector.
#' @param Z A vector that gives the realization of treatment assignment. Its length should match \code{Y}
#' and is the number of units in the experiment.
#' @param teststat The test statistic used. See details for further illustration.
#' @param biclique_decom Output from \code{biclique.decompose} function that contains a biclique decomposition and controls.
#' @param alpha The significance level. By default it's \code{0.05}.
#' @param one_sided Logical, whether to use a one-sided p-value or a two-sided p-value.
#' Default is \code{TRUE} which uses a one-sided p-value. See details for further illustration.
#' @details
#' \code{teststat} specifies the test statistic used in the conditional clique.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item By default, \code{one_sided} is set to be \code{TRUE}, which calculates the p-value by the function
#' \code{one_sided_test}. It hence requires that a large value of the test statistic provides evidence against
#' the null hypothesis. However, the user can choose other statistics and use the two-sided p-value by
#' setting \code{one_sided=F}, which calculates the p-value by \code{two_sided_test}.
#'  \item It should contain at least (with order) \code{y, z, focal_unit_indicator} as inputs,
#' where \code{y} is the outcome vector, \code{z} is the treatment vector
#' and \code{focal_unit_indicator} is a 0-1 vector indicating whether a unit is focal (=1) or not (=0). All three inputs
#' should have length equal to number of units and have the same ordering.
#'  \item Users may use other global variables
#' in the function, such as adjacency matrix of the network, but they do not need to be written as parameters
#' of the function.
#'  \item We provide several default test statistics for no-interference null that can be generated using
#'  function \code{gen_tstat}.}
#'  Sometimes the test statistic or its randomization distribution contains NA.
#'  It may be due to poor selection of focals. In this case the returned \code{p.value} is set to be 3
#'  and the user may consider rerun the biclique decomposition.
#'  It might also happen that the randomization distribution is degenerate, which means that the resampled
#'  test statistics are all identical, and the p-value will not be available. In this case
#'  the returned \code{p.value} is set to be 2 and the user may consider changing the test statistic used.
#' @seealso gen_tstat, one_sided_test
#' @return A list of items summarizing the randomization test. It contains the p-value \code{p.value},
#' test statistic \code{statistic}, the randomization distribution of the test statistic \code{statistic.dist},
#' and a list \code{MNE} of clique decomposition. Each element of \code{MNE} records one biclique decomposed
#' from a multi-null exposure graph and contains its focal units and focal assignments.
#' @export
clique_test = function(Y, Z, teststat, biclique_decom, alpha=0.05, one_sided=T){

  # catch test statistic
  stopifnot("teststat should be specified as a function" = is.function(teststat))
  method = biclique_decom$method

  # find the clique that contains zobs
  MNE = biclique_decom$MNE
  Zobs_id = 1
  Zobs_where = lapply(MNE, function(b) { sum(colnames(b$assignments)==Zobs_id)>0 })
  Zobs_where = which(Zobs_where == TRUE)

  focal_clique = MNE[[Zobs_where]]
  focal_unit = focal_clique$units
  focal_Zm = focal_clique$assignments
  num_units = dim(focal_Zm)[1]
  focal_unit_indicator = 1:num_units %in% focal_unit # indicator of whether a unit is focal
  test_stats = rep(0, dim(focal_Zm)[2])
  for (zid in 1:length(test_stats)){
    Z_focal = focal_Zm[, zid]
    test_stats[zid] = teststat(Y, Z_focal, focal_unit_indicator)
  tobs = test_stats[which(colnames(focal_Zm)==Zobs_id)]
  tvals = test_stats[which(colnames(focal_Zm)!=Zobs_id)]

  if (anyNA(test_stats)) {
    warning("The test statistic or its randomization distribution contains NA. It may be due to poor
            selection of focals. Consider rerun the biclique decomposition.")
    pval = 3
    retlist = list(p.value = pval, statistic = tobs, statistic.dist = tvals,
                   method = method, conditional.clique = focal_clique)
  if (sum(abs(tvals-tobs))/length(test_stats) < 1e-14){
    warning("Randomization distribution is degenerate. p.value is not available. Consider changing the test statistic.
            See ... for further discussions.")
    pval = 2
    retlist = list(p.value = pval, statistic = tobs, statistic.dist = tvals,
                   method = method, conditional.clique = focal_clique)

  # calculate p-value
  stopifnot("one_sided should be either TRUE or FALSE" = is.logical(one_sided))
  if (one_sided) {
    pval = one_sided_test(tobs, tvals)
  } else {
    pval = two_sided_test(tobs, tvals)

  # return
  retlist = list(p.value=pval, statistic=tobs, statistic.dist=tvals, method=method, conditional.clique=focal_clique)


#' The main randomization test function for contrast hypothesis.
#' @param Y The observed outcome vector.
#' @param Z A binary matrix of dimension (number of units x number of randomizations, i.e. assignments.) storing the assignment vectors. Please see example.
#' @param Z_a A binary matrix with dimension (number of units x number of randomizations, i.e. assignments.)  Row i, column j of the matrix corresponds to whether a unit i is exposed to \code{a} under assignment j. Please see example.
#' @param Z_b A binary matrix with (number of units x number of randomizations, i.e. assignments.)  Row i, column j of the matrix corresponds to whether a unit i is exposed to \code{b} under assignment j. Please see example.
#' @param Zobs_id The index location of the observed assignment vector in \code{Z}, \code{Z_a}, and \code{Z_b}.
#' @param Xadj The covariates that might affect Y. If not \code{NULL}, will replace \code{Y} by the residuals from the linear regression of \code{Y} on \code{Xadj}. Note that users would need to add an intercept to \code{Xadj} manually if they want.
#' To adjust \code{Xadj}, pass in \code{adj_Y=TRUE} and a non-empty \code{NULL} that has the same row numbers as \code{Y}.
#' @param alpha The significance level. By default it's \eqn{0.05}.
#' @param tau The \eqn{\tau} in the null \eqn{Y_i(b) = Y_i(a) + \tau} for all \eqn{i}. By default is \eqn{0}.
#' @param decom The algorithm used to calculate the biclique decomposition. Currently supported algorithms
#' are "bimax" and "greedy".
#' @param ret_ci Whether calculates the \eqn{1-\alpha} confidence interval or not. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Other stuff ...
#' @return A list of items summarizing the randomization test. If for some focal assignments
#' in the biclique that contains \code{Zobs}, exposures for each unit are the same, it will
#' contain an error message, and the test decision will be \code{NA}.
#' @export
clique_test_contrast = function(Y, Z, Z_a, Z_b, Zobs_id, Xadj=NULL, alpha=0.05, tau=0,
                                decom='bimax', ret_ci=FALSE, ci_dec=2, ci_method='grid', ...){
  # clique_test = function(Y, Z, Z_a, Z_b, Zobs_id, Xadj=NULL, alpha=0.05, tau=0,
  #                        decom='bimax', ret_ci=FALSE, ci_dec=2, ci_method='grid', ...){
  addparam = list(...) # catch variable parameters

  # setting default values if they do not exist
  if(is.null(addparam$exclude_treated)){ exclude_treated=TRUE } else { exclude_treated=addparam$exclude_treated }
  if(is.null(addparam$stop_at_Zobs)){ stop_at_Zobs=FALSE } else { stop_at_Zobs= addparam$stop_at_Zobs}
  if(is.null(addparam$ret_pval)){ ret_pval=TRUE } else { ret_pval=addparam$ret_pval }
  if(is.null(addparam$adj_Y)){ adj_Y=FALSE } else { adj_Y=(addparam$adj_Y)&(!is.null(Xadj)) } # is TRUE iff we specify it and Xadj is not null

  # make the null-exposure graph
  cat("construct the null-exposure graph ... \n")
  NEgraph = out_NEgraph_contrast(Z_a,Z_b,Z,exclude_treated)

  # decompose the null-exposure graph
  cat("decompose the null-exposure graph ... \n")
  if (decom == 'bimax'){
    decomp = out_clique_decomposition_bimax(NEgraph, Zobs_id,
                                            minr=addparam$minr, minc=addparam$minc, stop_at_Zobs)
      conditional_clique = decomp
    } else {conditional_clique = out_clique(Zobs_id,decomp)}

  if (decom == 'greedy'){
    decomp = out_clique_decomposition_greedy(NEgraph, Zobs_id, num_ass=addparam$mina, stop_at_Zobs)
      conditional_clique = decomp
    } else {conditional_clique = out_clique(Zobs_id,decomp)}

  focal_units = as.numeric(rownames(conditional_clique)) # a list of row names
  focal_assignments = as.numeric(colnames(conditional_clique)) # a list of column names

  # adjust for covariates, if any
  # currently can only be adjusted by linear regression
  if (adj_Y){
    Y = c(Y - Xadj %*% solve(t(Xadj) %*% Xadj) %*% t(Xadj) %*% Y)

  # check whether the conditional_clique has non-unique exposure for each focal assignment, which is essential for the test.
  check_clique_unique <- apply(conditional_clique, 2, function(x) length(unique(x))==1)
  if (sum(check_clique_unique)!=0){
    cat("The biclique containing Zobs contains only one exposure for some focal assignment, and therefore the result is a powerless test \n")
    check_clique_unique <- "Powerless test, because the biclique containing Zobs contains only one exposure for some focal assignment"
  } else {
    check_clique_unique <- c()

  if (!ret_ci){
    # test the null hypothesis

    # adjust Y for null hypothesis
    Y = out_Yobs(Z_a, Z_b, Y, Y+tau)

    # restrict Y to clique
    Y.clique = Y[focal_units]

    # run the test
    cat("run the clique-based randomization test ... \n")
    Zobs_cliqid = which(Zobs_id==focal_assignments)
    tobs = ate(conditional_clique[, Zobs_cliqid], Y.clique)
    tvals = apply(as.matrix(conditional_clique[, -Zobs_cliqid]), 2, function(z) ate(z, Y.clique))
    rtest_out = list(tobs=tobs, tvals=tvals)
    decision = out_pval(rtest_out, ret_pval, alpha)

    if (sum(abs(tvals-tobs))/length(focal_assignments) < 1e-14){
      cat("The test statistics are identical under each focal assignment. p-value is not available")
      check_equal_statistics <- "The test statistics are identical under each focal assignment. p-value is not available"
      decision = NA
    } else {
      check_equal_statistics <- c()

    # organize into return list
    retlist = list(decision=decision, ret_pval=ret_pval, tobs=tobs,
                   tvals=tvals, focal_units=focal_units, focal_assignments=focal_assignments,
                   NEgraph=NEgraph, warnings=c(check_clique_unique, check_equal_statistics))
  } else {
    # return a confidence interval by inverting the test

    Zobs_cliqid = which(Zobs_id==focal_assignments)
    if (is.null(addparam$ci_ub)) {ci_ub = as.numeric(quantile(Y[Z_b[,Zobs_id]], 0.95)-quantile(Y[Z_a[,Zobs_id]], 0.05))} else {ci_ub = addparam$ci_ub}
    if (is.null(addparam$ci_lb)) {ci_lb = as.numeric(quantile(Y[Z_b[,Zobs_id]], 0.05)-quantile(Y[Z_a[,Zobs_id]], 0.95))} else {ci_lb = addparam$ci_lb}
    ci_ub = round(ci_ub, ci_dec) + 10^(-ci_dec+1) # ci_dec is an integer specifying decimals for CI. By default is 2.
    ci_lb = round(ci_lb, ci_dec) - 10^(-ci_dec+1)

    if (ci_method == "grid"){
      ci_out = CI_grid(ci_lb, ci_ub, ci_dec)
    } else if (ci_method == "bisection"){
      ci_out = CI_bisection(ci_lb, ci_ub, ci_dec)

    ci_lb_out = ci_out[1]
    ci_ub_out = ci_out[2]
    cat(sprintf("The %s%% confidence interval is [%s,%s] \n", round((1-alpha)*100, 4), ci_lb_out, ci_ub_out))

    retlist = list(ci=list(lb=ci_lb_out, ub=ci_ub_out),
                   focal_units=focal_units, focal_assignments=focal_assignments,
                   NEgraph=NEgraph, warnings=check_clique_unique)

dpuelz/CliqueRT documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 11:20 p.m.